
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
一次性使用包disposable packing
一次性使用包disposable packaging
一次性用包one-way packing
三层包triple package
三聚氰胺饰层压板melamine decorative laminate
三聚氰胺饰板melamine decorative board
三聚氰胺表面饰板melamine surfaced decorative laminate
三辊拉伸three-roll stretching assembly
上行止动up-travel stop
模板bottom mounting plate
不饱和聚酯饰板decorative unsaturated polyester laminate
两侧裁边side trim unit
两辊滚磨two-roll mill system
串联tandem line
人工补的假手足artificial limb
染色camouflage colouring
染色camouflage coloring
低压敏感模具保护low pressure sensing mould protection device
低压敏感模具保护low pressure sensing mold protection device
低温cold charge
供料delivery system
促销包promotional package
储料吹塑storage systems
储料gathering device
标签overall wrapper
全液压合straight hydraulic mould clamping system
全液压合straight hydraulic mold clamping system
全液压合模full hydraulic clamp unit
共挤塑波形包材料coextruded corrugated packaging material
具有锁紧置的调节器instrument with locking device
加热built-in heating
旋转混合器built-in impeller
热均衡装置built-in thermal balance plant
附件built-in accessories
内包interior packing
内包interior container
冷却chilling unit
分批间歇浸渍batch impregnating plant
分批包batch packing
分支dispersal plant
分散dispersing device
分散包dispensing package
分类包distribution package
切割cutting device
切带薄膜生产tape slitting unit
切断cut-off device
初级包primary package
刨削固定planing machine
刨削固定planing fixture
制动stopping device
功能性包functional package
加压包pressure pack
加压包pressure package
加压包pressurized packing
加压包aerosol package
加压外定径管材pressure outer sizing unit
加工fabrication device
加料和牵引feeding and take-off device
成品put up
单元packaging unit
压机packing press
填充物packaging insert
packing room
尺寸packing dimension
packing tape
packaging table
技术package engineering
技术员package engineer
生产线packing line
生产线packaging line
E 包系统由环氧树脂粉末固化剂制备的片状胶黏剂E-Pack system
薄膜wrapping film
薄膜packing film
薄膜packaging film
设备packaging equipment
黏合剂packaging adhesive
半工业化semi-scale plant
单份包single-service package
单元包unit package
单独包fractionated packaging
单独包fractional package
卡紧chucking device
put up
纤维forming package
大小package size
密度package density
成形package build
卷取wind-up device
卷取winding-up unit
卷取take-up equipment
卷曲crimping device
卷筒式涂敷coil coating line
卷绕挤塑物pull roll stand
压塑模料板filler plate
压平管膜lay-flat device
压平收卷吹塑管膜laying equipment
压延calendering equipment
压延机跟踪calendar follow-up unit
原纤化fibrillating equipment
合模clamping device
合模锁模clamping unit
合模锁模closing unit
合模mould clamping device
合模mould clamping unit
合模mould closing unit
合模gripping device
合模clamp device
post decoration
后拉pull back system
后续subsequent unit
吸尘dust extraction plant
吸尘dust exhausting plant
吸收包absorbent pack
吹塑成型blow moulding equipment
吹塑成型blow molding equipment
吹胀比控制rate-of-blow controller
喂料draw-in gear
喷射spraying plant
喷射切割jet-cutting system
喷射发泡dispensing unit
均缠level winding device
型罩包blister packaging
loading in bulk
堆料gathering device
塑化注塑机plasticizing unit
塑化plasticizing device
塑化注塑机plasticizer unit
塑料包plastic packaging
塑料包plastic package
filling point
极限包装filling limit
filling point
称量机filling and weighing machine
墙壁通人孔配件wall inlet fitting
增压式油缸合模pressure intensifying cylinder system
增压活塞booster ram system
轴承outboard bearing
外包overwrapping machine
外包薄膜overwrap film
多头注塑用于聚氨酯泡沫塑料的反应注塑multi-head plant
多种方式包multi-way package
大包master pack
大包family package
太阳能置用塑料solar plastics
夹持注塑机closing unit
夹持toe dog
夹持注塑机mould clamping unit
夹持注塑机clamping unit
夹紧薄膜吹塑squeeze rollers
夹紧薄膜吹塑nipping of unit
夹具locating device
工序installation procedure
完全full charge
定外径outer sizing unit
定张力卷取constant tension windup
定时time adjusting device
定量加料weight feeding device
定量加料滑阀feed slide dosing device
定量灌dosing and dispensing machine
定量给料dosing plant
实验涂布coating applicator
室内饰用革leather for upholstery
家具配件furniture fittings
家用包household package
potted article
歧管encapsulated manifold
小型包pocket package
层压饰板decorative composite panel
带圆盘弹簧垫的夹紧用于胶黏clamp with dish-shaped spring-washers
带式导向belt guide
带式牵引belt haul-off
带式管材牵引belt pipe puller
带有牵引置的挤塑机extruder with take-off
带有牵引置的挤塑机extruder with takeaway
带材生产tape-producing plant
带涂布strip-coating line
带热水浴的牵引挤塑机hot water take-away
带的导向band guide
平折lay-flat device
平膜生产flat-film producing plant
平行成形卷parallel build package
底部包装bottom filling
底面璜法second-surface decoration
引导guiding device
彩箔foil decorating
径向安radial installation
配功率total installed power
成型moulding plant
成型molding plant
成套包family package
手工manual loading
手工焊接hand-held welding device
手工焊接hand-fed welding setup
承插口制作belling equipment
承载试验机架load unit
护栅连锁guard interlock
按扣包snap package
按照合同包preproduction package
按续的follow-on unit
挤出焊接extrusion welding equipment
挤压squeeze rollers
挤压nipping of unit
薄膜挤吹blow extrusion plant
挤塑extrusion equipment
挤塑extrusion plant
挤塑extrusion apparatus
挤塑压延extrusion-calendering plant
挤塑敷层film laminator
挤塑机驱动extruder drive
挤管pipe extrusion line
振动用于挤塑机vibrational device
捆扎绳baler twine plant
排气式塑化vented plasticizing unit
控制control plant
控制control divice
推顶ejecting device
掺混机料器blender loader
撕开包tear-off package
收卷winding device
收卷winding equipment
收卷wind-up device
收缩包shrink wrapper
收缩包shrink wrapper
收缩包材料shrink wrapping
存储bulk storage
货物loose goods
模具self-contained mould
模具self-contained mold
bulk shipment
料斗料机hopper loader
料斗料机hopper filler
料斗车hopper car handling
新鲜食品包fresh food packaging
木地板涂漆用合成树脂漆parquetry finishing
木纹wood graining
木纹wood grain finishing
机器安machine mounting
机头夹紧head clamp assembly
机架包rack packaging
机械防护machine guards
材料试验material testing equipment
条状切粒dicer Cumberland
杯式包cup package
板悬吊和导轨多层平板压机platen hanger and guide
板条镶面板涂strip coating
板条镶面板涂生产线strip-coating line
栅格保护grille guard
树脂分配resin dispensing unit
树脂注塑resin injection unit
树脂连续铸塑continuous resin casting plant
检查control plant
植绒flocking equipment
植绒fibre dusting plant
楔型模具锁模置系统wedge-type mould clamping system
楔型模具锁模置系统wedge-type mold clamping system
模具料容积mould fill volume
模具保护mould protection device
模具安用吊车mould mounting crane
模具安面积压机size of platen
模具安高度mould installation height
模内顶出器built-in ejector
模内in-mould decorating
模内in-mold decorating
模内敷箔moulded-in-foil decoration
模内敷箔molded-in-foil decoration
模出料压光片材die glazing unit
模压后组post-moulding assembly
模压后组post-molding assembly
模塑moulding plant
模塑molding plant
模塑件脱模注塑机part extractor
模头die assembly
模板和模板注塑模具back-up and mould mounting plate
模板和模板注塑模具back-up and mold mounting plate
止回流return flow blocking device
止回流back flow cut-off
气溶胶包pressurized packing
水下切割造粒underwater cut-off device
水压传动water-driven hydropneumatic plant
流水配线belt assembly line
浮液包floating package
浮袋包floating bag package
海运集箱包装shipping container package
涂敷涂层coating device
涂胶中空吹塑模具spreading device
消费consumer package
液体pulp slurry
液压注塑机power pack
液压-机械或锁模hydromechanical clamp
液压锁模hydraulic locking system
渐变齿轮传动gradually variable gear
温度调节temperature-regulating device
游辊引出free-roller take-off
激光切割laser cutting unit
激光焊接laser welding system
激光焊接laser welding unit
激光焊接laser welding equipment
火焰喷涂flame spraying plant
火焰抛光热塑性塑料去毛边和抛光flame-polishing device
焊接转换weld manipulator
焊接转换weld positioner
照明light fittings
物料material handling
牵伸引出draw take-up unit
牵引take-off conveyor
牵引take-off device
牵引take-off equipment
牵引take-up equipment
牵引take-off unit
牵引haul-off equipment
牵引haul-off unit
牵引haul-off device
牵引draw-off unit
牵引辊固定薄膜取向装置annealing godet
牵引退绕withdrawing device
现场包distribution packaging
生产production unit
生产production facility
用波纹材料包corrugated packaging
电火花检验arc tester
电线包覆wire coater
电缆护套挤出cable sheathing plant
真空外定径vacuum outer sizing unit
真空成型预加工vacuum-moulded pre-fabricated unit
真空成型预加工vacuum-molded pre-fabricated unit
真空料斗料器vacuum hopper loader
真空箱式定径vacuum tank sizing unit
真空镀金vacuum metallizer
码垛设备载量palletized unit load
硝化nitrating plant
礼品包gift package
空转牵引free-running haul-off
窗包window package
管安pipe fitter
管材包tube package
管线安pipe installation
管道安pipe line work
粉末涂powder coating
粘接bonded assembly
精美包fancy package
索引辊引出draw-roll take-off
紧密closed assembly
纱线卷yarn package
线浸油yarn oiling unit
building board
胶合assembly gluing
草图package drawing
速率speed of assembly
组合式包multi-pack package
缓冲包cushion package
编织包材料woven packaging material
缠绕winding equipment
缠绕winding device
罐头包can packing
罐头包can package
耐氙光照试验xenon test apparatus
耐油脂包grease-proof package
耐煮boilproof package
耐煮boil in-the-bag film
耐煮袋包boil-in-the-bag package
联合包composite package
聚氯乙烯组PVC integral door
肘节合模toggle clamp
肘节式合模toggle type mould clamping system
肘节式合模toggle type mold clamping system
肘节杆式锁模toggle-lever locking unit
脱模sampler device
脱模stripping device
脱模stripping unit
脱模demoulding device
脱模注塑机mould release equipment
脱模take-out unit
脱模demolding device
脱模保险drop-away checking device
花色包fancy package
茧状包spray packaging
茧状包spray-applied wrapping
薄膜拉伸film tape stretching device
薄膜包film wapper
薄膜吹塑film blowing plant
薄膜拉伸film stretching unit
薄膜流延film casting plant
薄膜牵引film take-off unit
薄膜牵引film haul-off unit
蚕茧状喷涂包cocoon packing
螺杆式塑化注塑机screw type plasticizing unit
螺杆式塑化注塑机screw type plasticizing equipment
螺杆式塑化注塑机screw plasticizing unit
螺杆柱塞式注塑screw ram injection unit
螺杆脱模screw push-out device
螺杆顶出screw push-out device
螺纹棱面铠的螺杆screw with armoured flight lands
表皮包skin package
袋式包pocket package
袋式液体包pouch packaging of liquids
有导柱的冲模punch and die with guide pillars
有销钉群的定子pinned stator
有销钉群的转筒pinned rotor
mould charge
mould loading
模板die carrying plane
模板clamping plate
模板clamp plate
模空挡mould height
模面积die space area
计重weight loading
计重加料weight feeding device
调温temperature-regulating device
贴体包skin package
贴合doubling device
贴标签labelling equipment
转动式联锁挤塑机模swinging gate
转印饰法transfer decorating
转鼓式冷却drum cooling device
flexible package
软质包薄膜flexible packing film
载模mould station
载模mould carrier unit
辊式拉伸roll pull back
辊间料隙roll mouth
退卷winding-off device
退卷let-off unit
退绕take-off device
透明包transparent package
透气包breathing package
透视包vision packing
通风airing plant
配料黏合剂或树脂组分dispensing instrument
配料黏合剂或树脂组分dispensing device
配料和输送proportioning and handling device
配给包distribution package
铁路railroad shipment
铁路rail shipment
销售包sale package
锁模mould clamping unit
锁模注塑机mould locking unit
锁模注塑机mould closing unit
锁模locking unit
锁模mould clamping device
锁模locking device
锁紧locking hardware
防冻包antifreeze pack
防护注塑机safety guard
防护性包protective package
防潮配电缆damp-proof installation cable
防腐包preserving package
防螺杆反转screw antirotation lock
防震包cushioning and shockproofing package
防震包shock proofing package
防震包cushion package
除尘dust extraction plant
除尘dust exhausting plant
随动back-up unit
静态混合motionless mixing unit
静电流化床electrostatic fluidized bed unit
静电粉末喷涂electrostatic powder spraying unit
配用黏合剂non-assembly adhesive
预塑化preplasticizing unit
预负荷preload equipment
颗粒供给draw-in gear
驱动power pack
鼓胀包crown pack
鼓胀包squeeze packing
鼓胀包bulge package
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