
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 装式 | all forms | in specified order only
三体装配式台车three-piece pallet
装式引锭杆top inserted dummy bar
装式引锭杆top-fed starter bar
【压】 上推式液压压下装置uppush hydraulic screw down
上推式液压压下装置up-push hydraulic screwdown
上轧辊弹簧式平衡装置top roll spring balance arrangement
上轧辊液压式平衡装置top roll hydraulic balance arrangement
上轧辊重锤式平衡装置top roll counter weight balance arrangement
装式引锭杆bottom inserted-type starter bar
装式引锭杆bottom fed dummy bar
二辊式装置two-high setup
五辊式张紧装置five-roll bridle
人口辊式张紧装置entry tension bridle
传送带装料式炉belt filled furnace
装式side-charged furnace
装式side-loading kiln
侧移式换辊装置side shifter
侧装料式炉side-charged furnace
修换炉衬用塔式装置vessel reline bricking tower
修换转炉炉衬用塔式装置vessel reline bricking tower
储存式装料台magazine-type charger (轧件顺序逐件进炉用)
全装配式建筑total-prefabricated construction
装式承受顶尖build in receiving centre
冲出式落砂装置kicker-type knock-out
分批装、出料式加热炉in-and-out reheating furnace
分批装、出料式加热炉in-and-out reheating furnace
分批装、出料式加热炉in-and-out type furnace
分批装、出料式加热炉in-and-out heating furnace
分批装出料的室式热处理炉periodical furnace
分批装料式熔池batch-charging bath
刮板式水泥装卸机cement hog
单流式连续铸钢装置one-strand continuous casting machine
卧式净化装置horizontal cleaner
卷式活套装置rotary free-loop strip accumulator
叉式万能装卸机fork lift truck
叉式万能装卸车fork tractor
叉式万能装卸车fork lifter
叉式万能装卸车附件fork truck attachment
叉式电动装卸机electric fork truck
叉式自动装卸机附件fork truck attachment
双列直插式封装dual-in-line package
【铁】双钟双阀式装料设备double-bell and valve charging equipment
【铁】 双钟式装料设备double-bell type charging equipment
可移式板卷运送装置mobile coil carrier
可调式振动装置adjustable oscillation device
台车式万能装卸机platform truck
叶轮式曝气装置impeller aerator
后挖前卸式挖装机back hoe front end loader
四辊式装置four high set up
【连】 固定式结晶器安装 【装配】fixed mould mounting
固定式结晶器装配stationary mold mounting
圆筒式充气装置roll aeration device
【钢】 地行式不回转的装料机nonrotating ground-type charging machine
地行式不回转装料机nonrotating ground-type charging machine
塔式活套装置tower-type looper
外置式电磁搅拌装置outboard electromagnetic stirrer
夹辊式翻钢装置grip-type tilter
室式装箱热处理炉box batch type furnace
尼兰德料罐装料式炉顶Neeland top (高炉的)
履带式牵引装置caterpillar haul-off unit (拔丝机的)
装式built-in type
带材活套的辊式张紧装置strip bridle
带钳式抓取装置的吊车crab crane
干式装料dry feed
【铁】 弗林式炉顶装料装置Freyn charging system (一种超高压炉顶装置)
弗林式炉顶装料装置Freyn charging system
张拉式线材进给装置pull-type wire feeder
弹簧式上辊平衡装置top roll spring balance arrangement
强制通风式曝气装置forced-draught aerator
往复式装船机shuttling shiploader
抓斗式万能装卸机grab truck
抓斗式装卸机grab truck
挑杆式万能装卸机pole truck
挑杆式装卸机ram truck
推出式工作辊快速更换装置push-out type rapid work roll changing device
推杆式顶出装置pusher-type knockout
推进式喂线装置push-type wire feeder
摆动式给料装置pendulum feeder
摆动式装料设备tilting magazine
撞击式洗涤装置impingement scrubber
撞击式空气【煤气】洗涤装置impingement scrubber
敞顶式给料装置open-top feeder
整流器式焊接装置rectifier welding set
斗式装运【料】机bucket loader
料钟式装料设备bell-type charging equipment
旋转式带钢自由活套贮存装置rotary free-loop strip accumulator
【铁】 旋转式搅炼装置rotating puddling machine
旋转式搅炼装置rotating puddling machine
旋转式装料机rotary charger
有减震装置的震实式造型机shockless jolting machine
杆式装料机ram charger
杠杆式挡料装置lever type stop
架空式板坯回转-装料机overhead revolving slab charging machine
架空式装料机overhead charging machine
柯林式脱硫装置Collin desulphurizing plant
柱塞式分批【周期】酸洗装置plunger mast-type batch pickier
柱塞式周期分批酸洗装置plunger mast-type batch pickier
柱塞式酸洗装置plunger-type pickier
梭式装料器shuttle feeder
槽式冷却装置channel cooling arrangement (炉壳用)
槽式脱气装置tank degasser (Steel can be treated in a tank degasser without arc reheating. 钢水可以由不带电弧加热的槽式脱气装置处理。)
槽式脱气装置设计design of tank degasser
横梁式装料机loader boom
橡胶轮胎地面移动式装料机rubber-tyred floor-type mobile charging machine
气刀式镀锌装置nozzle-type galvanizing unit
水套式气体发生装置water-jacketed gasifier
汽车式装料机mobile-charging machine
汽车式装料机mobile charger
沉浸式酸洗装置acid-dip pickier
涡轮式装置turbine-type unit
液压式上辊平衡装置top roll hydraulic balance arrangement
湿式平整轧制装置wet skin-pass rolling equipment
湿式烟气净化装置wet Cottrell plant
湿式装料wet feed
滚筒式包装机drum packager (钢丝的)
滚筒式酸洗装置drum-type pickling machine
滚筒式酸洗装置drum-type pickier
瀑布式曝气装置waterfall aerator
炉底装料立式蒸馏炉bottom charged vertical distillation furnace
特施三钟式炉顶装料系统Tesch type top charging system
球阀式炉顶装料装置spherical charging system
【铁】 球阀式炉顶装料装置spherical charging system
电磁式电子光学装置electromagnetic electron optics
电阻加热式连续退火装置continuous resistance annealer
皮带装料式炉belt filled furnace
秤式给料装置weighing-type feeder
移动式提升装置mobile hoist unit
移动式装料漏斗travelling loading hopper
移动式装料漏斗traveling loading hopper
移动式装料箱mobile box charger
立卧式轧辊组合装置vertical-horizontal roll
立式清净装置vertical cleaner
立式清洁装置vertical cleaner
立式电子枪装置vertical gun arrangement
立式装置vertical arrangement
缝式给料装置lip feeder
翻斗式给料装置geary feeder
脉动式酸洗装置surging-type pickling apparatus
【铁】 莫尔三钟式装料装置Mohr three bell charging system
莫尔三钟式装料装置Mohr three bell charging system
落地式装料机low type charger
落地式装料机rigid-type charging machine
落地式装料机ground-type charging machine
落地式装料机floor charging machine
落棒式密封装置drop-bar type seal
蓄热式烧成装置regenerative firing system
行式打印装置line printer
行星式压下装置planetary screw-down
行星式压下装置planetary screwdown
装人式淬火built-in quench
装入式淬火built-in quench
装料桥式起重机loading bridge
装有U型垂直辐射管的罩式炉bell type furnace with U-type vertical radiant tubes
装有水平辐射管的罩式炉bell type furnace with horizontal radiant tubes
装配〔可拆,铰链〕式砂箱snap flask
装配式原子反应堆package atomic reactor
装配式房屋fabricated building
装配式板状结晶器plate mounted mould
装配式构造articulated construction
装配式砂箱bolted moulding box
装配式结晶器composite mold (【技】由四块结晶器壁板组成。每块壁板由一块铜板和一块钢板用螺栓联接而成。在其宽边的外侧,用双线螺柱夹紧组装在一个刚性框架上形成的连铸结晶器。)
装配式结晶器setup-type mold
装配式结晶器split mold
装配式结晶器built-up mold
装配式结构prefabricated construction
【焦】 转盘式装煤车rotary table coal-charging car
转盘式装煤车rotary table charging car
转鼓式酸洗装置drum-type pickling machine
轮胎式装料机rubber-tyred floor-type mobile charging machine
辊式入口导卫装置roller-type entry guide fittings
辊式入口导卫装置roller-type entry guide fitting
辊式导卫装置roller guide apron
辊式导卫装置anticrimp roll
辊式导卫装置anticrimp rolls
辊式张紧装置roller bridle
辊式张紧装置roller-type tension device
辊轮式小车焊缝跟踪装置carriage roller follower
逆流式装置countercurrent arrangement
透平式装置turbine-type unit
重力压差式给料装置gravity head feeder
重力压差式给料装置gravity-head feeder
重力式屋顶通风装置gravity roof-ventilator
重力式张紧装置gravity take-up unit
重锤式上辊平衡装置top roll counterweight balance arrangement
【铁】钟斗式装料装置cup and cone arrangement
钟斗式装料装置cup-and-cone arrangement
钟斗式装料装置bell and hopper arrangement
装式热电偶shielded thermocouple
装式热电偶sheathed thermocouple
铰接式防护装置hinged guard
铲式装载机shovel loader
销式顶推装置pin knockout
阶梯式翻钢装置stepped turnover device
顶装料式炉top-charging furnace
预制装配式结构prefabricated construction
高能力连续狭缝式烧嘴装置high-capacity continuous slot unit (火焰清理机的)
高能力连续狭缝式烧嘴装置high capacity continuous slot unit
麦基式炉顶装料系统Mckee type top charging system
齿条式废钢铁装料机rack machine
齿条式废钢铁装料机rack scrap-charging machine
齿条式装料机rack machine
龙门式万能装卸机straddle truck