
Terms containing 装卸 费 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.不负担装卸费free in and out
econ.不负担装卸货车卡车费用free in and out of trucks
busin.不负担装卸货车费用free in and out of trucks
logist.不负担装卸车费用free in and out of trucks
busin.保管及装卸费keeping and handling expenses
busin.装卸费rehandling charge
commer.到达站装卸费terminal charges
interntl.trade.包括装卸费在内的运费船主不负担装卸费用free in and free out
econ.包括装卸费在内的运费free in and out (船方不负担装卸费用)
earth.sc.包括装卸费在内的运费free in and out
hydroel.st.安装拆卸费assembly and disassembly cost
shipb.装卸费total cost of cargo handling
textile成本加保险费、运费不管装卸价格cost, insurance, freight, free in and out
gen.我应该给装卸工人多少小费?How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?
econ.按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C. I. F. liner terms)
el.按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费及运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C.I.F. liner terms)
tech.汽车装卸费car-loading charges
textile码头搬运装卸费shifting charge
tech.码头搬运装卸费shifting charges
interntl.trade.船主不负担装卸船和理舱费用free in and free out and stowed
tech.船方不承担装卸费liner terms
tech.船方不承担装卸费free in and out
tech.船方不承担装卸费gross terms
tech.船方不承担装卸费berth term
econ.船方不负担装卸费free in and out
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸费之运费free in and out
commer.船方不负担装卸费及理舱与平舱费free in and out, and stowed and trimmed
busin.船方不负担装卸费和积载费free in and out and stowed
busin.船方不负担装卸费和税款free in and out and free taxes
commer.船方不负担装卸费free in and out (亦缩为 F.I.O.)
transp.船方不负担装卸费缩写为f.i.o.free in and out
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸费free in and out
gen.船方不负担装卸费国际贸易的一种合同Free in and out
logist.船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and free taxes
econ.船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and taxes
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸费的运费率free in and out freight rates
econ.船方不负担装卸费的运费率free in and out freight rate
busin.船方不负担装卸费,积载和平舱费free in and out, stowed and trimming
econ.船方不负担装卸、 理舵及平舵费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸及平仓费用free in, out and stowed
textile船方不负担装卸及平舱、理舱费用,装卸、理舱、平舱费用在外条件free in and out and stowed
textile船方不负担装卸及平舱费用free in and out trimmed
commer.船方不负担装卸及平舱费用free in and out and trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸及理舱费用free in and out and stowed
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸和理舱费用free in and out and stowed
econ.船方不负担装卸、平仓及理仓费用free in, out stowed and trimmed
textile船方不负担装卸、平舱及理舱费用,装卸、理舱、平舱费在外条件free in and out stowed and trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸、平舱费free-in-and-out trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸、平舵费用free-in-and-out trimmed
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸理仓及平舱费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸理仓费用free in and out and stowed
commer.船方不负担装卸、理舱及平舱费用free in and out, stowed, trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费free in and out stowed and trimmed
logist.船方不负担装卸理舱和平舱费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
econ.船方不负担装卸、理舱费free in and out and stowed
logist.船方不负担装卸理舱费用free in and out and stowed
busin.船方不负担装卸的运费率free in and out freight rates
law船方不负担装卸货费用free in and out (FIO)
busin.船方不负担装卸货费用free in and out
interntl.trade.船方不负担装卸车辆费用free in and out of trucks
interntl.trade.船方不负担装船、理舱、平舱及卸货费用loaded, stowed, trimmed and discharged free of expense to the vessel
logist.租船合同船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out
exhib.船方不负责装卸费free in and out
logist.租船合同船方不负责装卸费和平舱等费用Free In, Out and Trimmed
logist.租船合同船方不负责装卸费和理舱等费用Free In, Out and Stowed
interntl.trade.船方不负责装卸及理舱费FIO and stowed
exhib.船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费free in and out, stowed and trimmed
logist.〔租船合同〕船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Free In and Out, Stowed and Trimmed
busin.船方不负责装卸货费用FIO (free in and out)
logist.〔租船合同〕船方不负责装货费但负责卸货费Free In Liner out
interntl.trade.船方装卸船,舱内堆装平舱免费free in, out, stowing and trimming
railw.船方负担装卸费liner terms
econ.船方负担装卸费berth terms
econ.船方负担装卸费gross charter
railw.船方负担装卸费gross terms
commer.船方负担装卸货费用gross terms
interntl.trade.船方负担装货费与卸货费gross terms
econ.船方运费包括装卸gross terms
econ.船货装卸费a hat money
logist.〔租船术语〕装卸两港的速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按节省的全部时间计算despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends
met.装卸劳力费用cost of handling labor
interntl.trade.装卸区堆场操作费transfer charge
tech.装卸区堆场操作费transfer charges
interntl.trade.装卸区操作管理费terminal handling charge
tech.装卸区操作管理费terminal handling charges
auto.装卸基本费率basic rate of handling
shipb.装卸工加班费overtime surcharge of stevedores
shipb.装卸工待时费charge for waiting time of stevedore
shipb.装卸工待时费charge for waiting time of stevedores
el.装卸操作费用handling crane
auto.装卸机械延滞费demurrage of handling equipment
auto.装卸机械走行费travel expense of handling equipment
tech.装卸污染货物所增加的装卸费dirty money
tech.装卸港口费率terminal rate
interntl.trade.装卸理仓费在外条件F.L.O. St free in and out and stowed
interntl.trade.装卸理舱费在外条件free in and out and stowed
interntl.trade.装卸货费在外条件free in and out
tech.装卸费handling rate (率)
tech.装卸费loading and unloading expenses (用)
tech.装卸费loading charges (用)
tech.装卸费stevedore charges (用)
tech.装卸费terminal charges (用)
econ.铁道的装卸费terminal charge
interntl.trade.装卸费coolie hire
textile装卸费charge of loading and unloading
textile装卸费handling charges
textile装卸费handling costs
textile装卸费loading and unloading charges
interntl.trade.装卸费terminal charges
dril.装卸费terminal charge
logist.装卸费loading and discharging charges
tech.装卸费terminal handling charges (用)
met.装卸费handling cost
archit.装卸费amount of handling
tech.装卸费fee of handling
busin.装卸费cost of loading and unloading
busin.装卸费handling charge
tech.装卸费stevedorage (用)
tech.装卸费handling charges (用)
tech.装卸费cargo expenses (用)
tech.装卸费amount of handling (用)
interntl.trade.装卸费免计时间free time of cargo
interntl.trade.装卸费在外条件free in and out
auto.装卸费rate of handling
logist.装卸费tariff rates for loading/discharging
tech.装卸费terminal rate
textile装卸费loading and unloading costs
textile装卸费shipping and delivery costs
commer.装卸费loading and unloading charges
proj.manag.装卸费discharge cost
econ.装卸费handling expenses
exhib.装卸费stevedoring charges
oil装卸费handling charges
commer.装卸费loading and unloading cost
busin.装卸费loading and unloading expenses
busin.装卸费handling expense
textile装卸费用在外条件free in and out
busin.装卸费除外exclusive of loading and unloading
tech.装卸车站费率terminal rate
textile装卸除外,装卸费除外exclusive of loading and unloading
telecom.装船费和卸货费在外free-in and free-out
tech.货物装卸费goods handling charges
tech.超重货物装卸费heavy lift charges
tech.路内装卸费home loading and unloading charges
tech.路外装卸费outside of railway loading and unloading charges
tech.路外、路内装卸费charges for loading and unloading
interntl.trade.车船装卸免收延期费时间free time
auto.辅助装卸费charge of supplementary handling work
interntl.trade.装卸费despatch money
el.驳运费与船上装卸费lighterage & stevedorage