
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 裂 面 | all forms | in specified order only
凹形断裂面lystric surface
凹形断裂面listric surface
裂面cleat face
可能断裂面potential rupture surface
地面龟裂polygonal marking
垂直于裂缝面射孔perpendicular perforation
垂直于裂缝面射孔intersecting perforation
层面裂开性bedding fissility
层面裂理bedding cleavage
层面裂理bedding-plane parting
层面裂理bedding surface parting
裂面torsional fracture plane
支撑裂缝面积propped fracture area
裂面rupture surface
有效破裂面active fracture plane
有效裂缝面积propped fracture area
正交断裂面orthogonal fracture plane
活动破裂面active fracture plane
裂面pulled surface
粗糙破裂面hackle (矿物)
细纹裂面fine-grained fracture
背斜破裂面冲断层break thrust
背斜破裂面断层break slide
表面起网状裂纹surface checking
裂开面parting plane
裂纹面位移crack surface displacement
裂纹面张开位移crack surface opening displacement
裂缝剖面fracture section
裂缝导流面积fracture flow area
裂缝面fracture plane
裂缝面fracture face
裂缝面倾斜度fracture plane inclination
裂缝面平均凹凸高度mean asperity height of fracture face
裂缝面平均粗糙度mean asperity height of fracture face
裂缝面粗糙度fracture surface roughness
裂面垫层rift cushion
轴面断裂axial plane fracture
铲状断裂面listric surface
裂面incipient fracture