
Terms for subject Polymers containing | all forms
两亲可逆加成断链转移试剂amphipathic RAFT agent
中等热炭黑medium thermal black
临界纹扩展区critical crack extension region
低温龟cold cracking
光氧化链断photo-oxidation chain-cleavage
光链断photolytic chain scission
准延性断膜式quasi-ductile mode of rupture
分子断molecular scission
分子断molecular rupture
纤维split yarn
加成断链转移反应addition-fragmentation chain transfer
化学键力学断mechanical severing of chemical bond
化学键机械断mechanical severing of chemical bond
双悬臂梁开试验double cantilever beam cleavage test
可逆加成断链转移reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer
可逆加成断链转移聚合reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer RAFT polymerization
可逆加成断链转移聚合RAFT polymerization
可逆加成断链转移试剂RAFT agent
热断链反应homolytic thermal scission reaction
塑性断转变fracture transition of plasticity
多硫键断polysulfide bond cleavage
多节撕knotty tearing
天候老化龟weather checking
尾咬断backbiting break
屈挠龟flex cracking
屈挠龟flex crack
应力腐蚀龟stress-corrosion cracking
性破ductile fracture
延性纹增长断裂ductile crack growth fracture
弱键断weak-Iink scission
弹性纹增长断裂elastic crack growth fracture
弹性断转变fracture transition of elasticity
径向龟radial cracking
快速纹扩展rapid crack propagation
纹进展slow crack growth
慢速纹增长slow crack growth
纹增长力crack resistance force
试验cleavage test
抗撕antitearing property
抗断fracture resistance
抗日光龟sun-checking agent
抗龟anti-cracking agent
抗龟引发crack initiation resistance
拉伸断伸长率tensile elongation at break
拉伸断应力tensile fracture stress
拉伸断强度tensile break strength
拉伸断韧性tensile fracture toughness
拉链zippering pyrolysis
拉链式解链长zip length
挠曲开flex crack
tear fracture
支链branched crack
β 断beta-scission
伸长break length
伸长breaking extension
伸长elongation at rupture
伸长breaking elongation
伸长率rupture elongation
伸长率extension at break
判据rupture criterion
实验纤维fragmentation test
强度breaking strength (tensile strength)
拉伸比draw ratio to break
时的激活应力active stress at fracture
机理rupture mechanism
模式fracture mode
源区fracture origin region
点形变deformation at break
系数rupture factor
统计学statistics of rupture
rupture energy
energy to break
荷重breaking load
表面fracture surface
表面能surface energy of fracture
rupture cross-section
无氧断oxygen-independent scission
无规断random scission
日光龟sunlight checking
时控爆系统time-controlled explosion system
最后断final fracture region
极限断强度ultimate bearing strength
格里菲思Griffith crack
格里菲思纹理论Griffith crack theory
格里菲思断判据Griffith's fracture criterion
crosswise crack
毛细hair cracking
氢化解气相色谱法hydrogenation-pyrolysis gas chromatography
氢化热解气相色谱法pyrolysis hydrogenation gas chromatography
氧化应力龟oxidative stress-cracking
溶剂致solvent cracking
溶胀断swelling fracture
滞后delayed crack
激光解器laser pyrolyzer
烃类hydrocarbon pyrolysis
thermally splitting
thermal fragmentation
解气液色谱法pyrolysis gas liquid chromatography
热丝解器filament pyrolyzer
热氧化thermooxidative pyrolysis
热致解碎片thermal-induced fragment
热龟heat crack
焦油tar cracking
熔体破melt fracture
片晶lamellae break down
环境应力龟stress environmental cracking
界面断interface fracture
疲劳破fatigue breakdown
疲劳龟增生fatigue crack propagation
直角撕试验angle tear
石脑油naphtha cracking
石脑油化装置naphtha cracking unit
碳一碳键断carbon-carbon bond cleavage
纤维断强度fiber breaking strength
细颈断necking rupture
绝热龟过程adiabatic cracking process
耐低温龟cold crack resistance
耐环境应力开resistance to environmental stress cracking
强度试验计bursting strength tester
脆性开brittle creaking
腐蚀龟corrosion cracking
纤维film fiber
自发热spontaneous pyrolysis
自旋自旋分spin-orbit splitting
自热autothermic cracking
自然开natural crack
自然龟exposure cracking
臭氧龟ozone cracking
臭氧龟试验ozone cracking test
落重撕试验drop-weight tear test
落锤撕试验drop-weight tear test
纹增长能crack propagation energy
纹引发crack initiation
纹涂装crack coating
纹顶端crack tip
缝前缘crack front
缝增长crack propagation
缝增长速率crack propagation rate
缝扩展速率crack propagation rate
膜丝绳film yarn rope
膜纱splitting yarn
解催化剂cracking catalyst
解分子量色谱pyrolysis molecular weight spectroscopy
解分子量色谱法pyrolysis molecular weight chromatography
解气相色谱一场离子化质谱联用pyrolysis gas chromatography-field ionization mass spectroscopy
解气相色谱一场解吸质谱联用pyrolysis gas chromatography-field desorption mass spectroscopy
解气相色谱一质谱联用pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy
解色谱法ozonolysis gas chromatography
裤形撕试片trouser' stear piece
连续撕强度successive tear strength
链断chain cleavage
链断chain breaking
链断chain breaking agent
链断过程chain breaking process
键断bond breakage
静态大气老化龟static atmospheric cracking
静态大气老化龟抑制剂inhibitor of static atmospheric cracking
高分辨解气相色谱一质谱联用仪high resolution pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometer
出现crack initiation
引发试验test for crack initiation
扩展crack growth