
Terms for subject Economy containing 裁剪 | all forms
一方缺席的仲裁award rendered by default
上诉裁决the arbitration award on appeal
不公平的裁决unrighteous award
不准否认或提出抗辩的制裁under penalty of estoppel
不当裁决unfair verdict
不说明理由的仲裁裁决the arbitral award for which no reasons are given
"中华人民共和国经济合同仲裁条例"Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Arbitration of Economic Contracts
中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会The Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会The Maritime Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
临时仲裁the ad hoc arbitration
临时仲裁庭由三人组成The temporary arbitration court consists of three persons
主席裁决casting vote
书面裁决written decision
书面裁决a written decision
争执已由仲裁解决The dispute has been settled by arbitration
争议与仲裁dispute and arbitration
争议方同意仲裁的书面文件arbitration bond
争议裁决dispute settlement
交易裁定价arbitrated par
他们当然会对经济制裁作出反应They will, of course, respond to the economic sanctions
他是我公司总裁的代理人He acts as proxy for the managing director in our company
他连续当过销售员、部门经理和公司总裁He served successively as salesman, department manager and managing director of the company
代理仲裁员a substitute arbitrator
以仲裁方式解决争端settle a dispute by means of arbitration
仲裁上诉裁决the arbitration award on appeal
仲裁书an arbitral agreement
仲裁人团the panel of arbitration
仲裁人应该是双方间争执的公正裁决者An arbitrator should be an impartial judge of the disputes between the two parties
仲裁人通常做出最终公断Arbitrators usually render a final award
仲裁会an award meeting
仲裁决定decision of arbitration
仲裁协定compromis d’arbitrage
仲裁协议arbitration agreements
仲裁协议an arbitral agreement
仲裁员审査事项范围说明terms of reference arbitrator
仲裁委员会the board of mediators
仲裁委员会an appeal committee
仲裁委员会裁决赔偿该公司的损失The company was awarded its damage by the Arbitration Commission
仲裁庭an arbitral tribunal
仲裁庭的最后判决具有约束力,而且是结论性的The final verdict of the arbitration court shall be binding and conclusive
仲裁庭的裁决就各方面而言都是公正的,无串通舞弊或欺诈The verdict of the arbitration court is in all respects impartial and without collision or fraud
仲裁机构the arbitral authority
仲裁机构arbitration organization
仲裁机构arbitration agency
仲裁条例act of arbitration
仲裁条款a reference clause
仲裁条款的范围limit of the arbitral clause
仲裁条约arbitration treaty
仲裁法arbitration act
仲裁法庭an arbitral tribunal
商务仲裁法庭court of arbitration
仲裁法庭arbitration court (tribunal)
仲裁程序arbitration proceeding
仲裁程序arbitral proceeding (procedure)
仲裁程序中提出的陈述statement of claim in arbitration proceedings
仲裁程序中的答辩an answering statement to a demand for arbitration
仲裁程序中被告提出的答辩defense of a respondent in arbitration proceedings
仲裁程序中被告提出的答辩defence of a respondent in arbitration proceedings
仲裁立法arbitration legislation
仲裁者应就双方的争议解决一切申诉,且这种决定不应成为仲裁的先决条件The arbitrator should decide all claims concerning the disputes between the two parties and the decision should not be a condition precedent to arbitration
仲裁裁决的一部分a part of an award
仲裁裁决的不可改变性finality of the award
仲裁裁决的执行enforceability of the award
仲裁裁决的执行the enforceability of the award
仲裁裁决的登记the registration of an award
仲裁诉讼程序标准格式standard form of arbitration procedure
石油产品的仲裁试验referee test
仲裁费应由败诉的一方负担The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party
仲裁费用fees for arbitration
仲裁费用the arbitration expense
仲裁费用保证金security for the costs of the arbitration proceedings
仲裁费用保证金securities for the costs of the arbitration proceeding
仲裁长从仲裁员中选出,并担任仲裁委员会的主席The umpire is elected from the arbitrators, and acts as the president of the arbitration board
仲裁陪审团panel of arbitrators
任何时候,受害方有权要求对其权益作出公正的裁决At any time, the aggrieved party is entitled to a judgment in equity
任何有关雇佣的纠纷可在法庭内仲裁Any disputes about employment may be arbitrated in the tribunal
伊朗一利比亚制裁法案Iran-Libya Sanctions Act
作出最后裁决give a final ruling
作出裁决find a verdict
作成仲裁裁决render an award
依法仲裁员an arbitrator de jure
依法仲裁的仲裁员an arbiter jurist
依法仲裁的仲裁员arbiter juris
依法提请仲裁裁决legally filing the award
依法裁决the adjudication of justice
依法裁定adjudicate according to law
停止作出裁决stay one's ruling on
全面的强制性制裁comprehensive mandatory sanction
公正仲裁人impartial arbitrator
1923年日内瓦《关于仲裁条款的协定书》Protocol on Arbitration (Geneva 1923)
关于停止执行判决的裁决a decision to oppose an enforcement formula
关于质量问题的仲裁the arbitration on quality
具有结案依据的仲裁裁决award having the authority of res judicata
出缺不计的裁减reduction by attrition
初次裁决the original arbitration award
初步裁定preliminary determination
判决和裁定judgement and decrees
利益仲裁interest arbitration
制裁impose sanctions
制裁后活动the activities after sanction
制裁后活动activities after sanction
制裁对象object of sanction
制裁对象object of sanctions
副总裁assistant director general
助理总裁【监】assistant director general
劳资仲裁industrial arbitration
劳资纠纷方面的仲裁the arbitration in disputes between labour and capital
原执行仲裁裁决的通知notice of compliance with the award
双方中之任何一方都可以主动将问题提请仲裁Either of the parties can submit the question to arbitration upon their own initiative
双方之间的任何分歧都可以通过协商或仲裁解决Any disagreement between both parties may be settled by negotiation or arbitration
双方同意将此案交付公平仲裁Both parties agree to submit the ease to impartial arbitration
可依法强制执行的裁决an award enforceable at law
可依法强制执行的裁决the award enforceable at law
合同上的仲裁条款arbitral clause
合同中发生的纠纷应提交给被诉人住地的仲裁机构仲裁The disputes arising from the contract should be submitted for arbitration in the place where the defendant domiciles
同意仲裁裁决通知notice of compliance with the award
否认仲裁庭管辖权的抗辩a plea as to the arbitral jurisdiction
国家仲裁人government arbitrator
国家仲裁员协会National Academy of Arbitrators
国际仲裁International arbitration
国际仲裁协议International Arbitration Convention
国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commence
国际商会仲裁法庭章程Rules for the ICC Court of Arbitration
国际商会仲裁院court of arbitration international chamber of commerce
国际投资争执仲裁法arbitration-international investment disputes-act
在两方面进行仲裁arbitrate between two parties
在哪里进行仲裁?Where is the arbitration to be held?
在实施这一条款时出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作为一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
在被告缺席的情况下作出的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
在裁决书上注明理由give reasons for an award
在诉讼一仲裁程序中申诉present one's case
大量裁减axe (预算、人事费用等)
大量裁减ax (预算、人事费用等)
奖赏和制裁reward and sanction
如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争执,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision
如果这个争论无法通过谈判解决,则应提交仲裁委员会裁决In case this dispute is not negotiable adj., it may be submitted to a committee for arbitration
如解释本协议发生分歧,双方中之任何一方均可请求仲裁Either of the parties may invoke the arbitration due to difference in interpreting this agreement
如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该案将提交仲裁If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration
对 …处以缺席裁判default
贸易商进行制裁take sanction against (a trader)
贸易商进行制裁apply sanction against (a trader)
对仲裁裁决提出异议contest an award
对裁决提出异议challenge to the ruling
对裁决提出异议challenge the ruling
案件的是非曲直作出裁决decide on upon (the merits of the case)
就实体法问题作出有约束力的裁决decision binding on the merits (of the claim)
就案件中的实体作出的裁决adjudicate on the merits
尽管仲裁程序尚未解决,但工程不得拖延Despite the pendency of arbitration proceedings, the work shall not be delayed
工业仲裁员an industrial arbitrator
常设仲裁法院Permanent Court of Arbitration
1927年日内瓦关于执行外国仲裁裁决的Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Geneva, 1927)
年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York, 10 June 1958 1958
1969年美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission 1969
强制仲裁an obligatory arbitration
律师已将被告人的申诉提交仲裁委员会The lawyer has submitted the statement of the defendant to the arbitration commission
总制裁general sanction
总经理总裁managing director
我们要求助于仲裁来解决本合同执行中发生的一切争论We shall have recourse to arbitration to settle any dispute that may arise during the execution of this contract
所得税裁定的实施方案operation method in income tax adjudication
所有报表都得由财务总裁会签All statements have to be countersigned by the finance director
执行仲裁administer arbitration
执行仲裁裁决的权力power to enforce awards
执行国外仲裁裁决enforcement of foreign arbitral award
技术性仲裁technical arbitrations
指定仲裁员的人an appointing authority (或机构)
按公平合理的准则进行的仲裁arbitration aequo et bono
按法律进行仲裁arbitration in law
损害索赔将通过协议或仲裁来协调解决A claim for damages shall be adjusted by agreement or arbitration
提交仲裁解决deposit of the award
提出有关仲裁人管辖权的抗辩raise a plea as to the arbitrators, jurisdiction
提名仲裁人the nomination of arbitrators
救助裁决a salvage award
替代仲裁员a substitute arbitrator
最终裁决a final verdict
最终裁决the final verdict
有执行力的仲裁裁决an enforceable award
有执行力的裁决executory judgement
有执行力的裁决enforcement award
未执行的仲裁the non-administered arbitration
本拟提交仲裁,唯望通过双方友好协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
标准仲裁条款a standard arbitration clause
根据书面证据所作的裁决render an on documentary evidence
根据法庭的裁决,此协议非法According to the ruling of the court, the agreement was illegal
正式制裁official sanction
每一方得指定一名无偏见的仲裁人A disinterested arbitrator shall be appointed by each party
汇兑率仲裁定价arbitrated rate of exchange
汇兑率的复重裁定compound arbitration of exchange
汇兑的裁定arbitration of exchange
汇兑裁定exchange arbitration
法律制裁legal sanction
法律制裁legal remedy
法院作出"案情不明拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
法院可以裁决提交仲裁的争执The court may decide a dispute which is referable to arbitration
注明理由的仲裁裁决the award containing reasons
海牙仲裁公约Hague Arbitration Convention
海牙仲裁法庭常设委员会Permanent Court of Arbitration (the Hague)
特别仲裁the ad hoc arbitration
独裁的寡头政治the authoritarian oligarchy
用于特定纳税人的税务裁决private ruling
由于生意很不景气,该公司裁减人员25%The company reduced staff by 25% because of the serious depression of trade
申请仲裁filing of award
申请仲裁员回避proposal to disqualify
违章案件的裁决处理decision on (a case of infringement of regulations)
破产裁判所bankruptcy court
秘书沿虚线将收据裁下来The secretary cut off the receipt along the line shown by the row of dots
税收裁决the adjudication of taxes
税收裁定the adjudication of taxes
"空白"仲裁条款"blank "arbitration clause
第三仲裁员a third arbitrator
简易仲裁the arbitration by summary procedure
管理的仲裁the administered arbitration
国际企业营运上纠纷裁判条款jurisdiction clause
终局裁决final award
经济制裁the economic sanction
经济司法裁判economic administration of justice
缔约双方的任何分歧可提交仲裁,并由其裁定Any differences between the two parties may be submitted to, and determined by arbitration
美国仲裁法院条例Rules of the American Arbitration
美国商业仲裁协会American Arbitration Association
联邦仲裁法庭the federal court of arbitration
肯定的裁定affirmative determination
自愿制裁voluntary sanction
自行仲裁voluntary arbitration
船主不对短重负有责任,因此应尽快从仲裁程序中解脱出来The owner of the ship is not responsible for short-weight and therefore he should be released from the arbitration proceeding at once
裁军节资disarmament savings
裁决争端的法庭Disputes Tribunal
裁决支付债务通知书judgement note
裁决理由reason for an award
裁减军事预算reduction of military budget
裁减军备the reduction of armament
裁减军备arms reduction
裁减军备reduction of armament
裁减军备费用支出curtailment of expenditures on armaments
裁判administration of justice
裁员reduce staff
裁定外汇the arbitrated exchange
裁定汇率arbitrage rate of exchange
裁定汇率arbitrated exchange rates
裁定短额的立法deficiency judgement legislation
裁断consider and decide
裁缝店a tailor's shop
裁职论者abolition of post
要求仲裁员回避的理由grounds of challenge of an arbitrator
要求做出裁决ask for a ruling
诉诸仲裁resort to arbitration
该合资公司里有一名总裁和两名副总裁There are one president and two vice-presidents in the Joint Venture Company
请求承认或执行仲裁裁决see recognition or enforcement of an award
请求法院裁report to the court
财务制裁financial sanction
超过仲裁条款的范围exceed the limit of the arbitral clause
转包商有机会出席仲裁,这样他就能提出证据The subcontractor is given an opportunity to be present in arbitration so that he can submit evidence
这三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭审理该案件The three arbitrators will form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case
进行制裁impose sanctions
适用于特定纳税人的税务裁决the private ruling
遗嘱裁判庭probate court
陪审团裁定被告无罪The jury found the defendant innocent
非管理的仲裁the non-administered arbitration
首先,建筑师应解释合同条件,并就执行情况进行裁决In the first instance n., the architect shall interpret the conditions of the contract and judge its performance
首席仲裁员presiding arbitrator