
Terms for subject Economy containing 表 明 | all forms | in specified order only
一切迹象表明货物不能准时运到There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time
产品净利润明细表the statement analysing net income from product sales
代理会计责任明细表agent's accountability ledger
仪表说明instrument note
你方应提交一份报表说明保险总额的限度You shall submit a statement as to the coverage limit
债务清偿明细表debt liquidation schedule
分析报告表明尿素中缩二脲含量是1.1%,而不是1.0%,比需要的要求高一些The analyst report shows that the biuret content of the ures is 1.1% instead of 1.0%, higher than necessary
包装明细表packing Hst
卖方独家拥有明细表甲所列租借物及各种货物The seller owns solely the lease and goods listed in Schedule A
原产地证明书表格 ACertificate of Origin Form A
国库状况明细表balance statement of conditions of the treasury
如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule
岁出明细表an appropriation analysis
工资支付明细表payroll (pay-roll)
市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices
应付账款明细表schedule of accounts payable (receivable)
应用净额变动明细表schedule of net working capital changes
我们接受贵方条件表明我们与你方发展贸易关系的诚意Our acception of your conditions signifies our sincerity to develop business relationship with you
我们提出并公开发表一份终止我们之间的合伙关系的声明We filed and issued a statement of terminating our partnership
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我公司的贸易图表明今年的出口销量比内销的要大Our company's trading pattern indicates that export sales are higher than home sales this year
损失明细表loss bordereau
推销明细表schedule of amortization
支出明细表an appropriation analysis
收益及支出明细表statement of income and expenditure
政府预算明细比较表green sheet
明细表detailed schedule
明细表supplementary statements
明细表式保险单schedule policy
最低成本与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
每一位候选人应提出一份说明自己财务状况的报表Each candidate should put forward a statement setting forth his financial position
没有迹象表明短期内金价会下跌There are no signs that the price of gold will fall within short
现金流量明细表schedule of cash flow
生产费常用明细表manufacturing supporting schedule
甲方除了在其资产负债表上说明的以外,别无其他债务Party A has no liabilities beyond those stated in its balance sheet
管理费用明细表administration expenses supporting schedule
营运收入明细表statement of operating revenue
表明open out
要知详情,请査阅附件明细表For further details, please refer to the attached schedule
负债明细表schedule of liabilities
货物明细表specification of commodity
贸易成交额尚不能表明目前我们有必要安排代理事宜The amount of business does not justify an agency arrangement at present
资产变动明细表schedule of changes in assets
资产负债明细表supporting schedules of balance sheet
资产负债表证明书certificate of balance sheet
资金运用明细表schedule of fund applications
附有说明的财务报表descriptive financial statement
附有说明的项目表an annotated list of items