
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 表明M | all forms
与表面有关的分布指数distribution index relative to the surface
世界核数据测量需求一览表World Request List for Nuclear Data Measurement
主数据库多重表达multiple representation of master database
互补关系潮湿地表蒸发模式complementary relationship wet-surface evaporation model
人为表层anthropic epipedon
代表性单元体积representative elementary volume
代表性单元区representative elementary area
代表性和试验性流域representative and experimental basin
代表性气象年typical meteorological year
代表性的部分representative fraction
以 C 表示的洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness C
以 B 表示的洛氏硬度rockwell hardness B
以英尺表示压头feet head
仪器实况图表资料instrument fact sheet
仪表下降深度height of instrument
仪表使用注意事项instrumentation notice
仪表信号转换器gage signal converter
仪表制造与控制instrumentation and control
仪表指示〔数〕instrument reading
仪表接口装置meter interface unit
仪表、控制和自动化instrumentation, control and automation
仪表校准程序instrument calibration procedure
便携式野外仪表系统mobile field instrumentation system
修正的麦加利烈度表modified mercalli scale
光雷达大气探测仪和高度表lidar atmospheric sounder and altimeter
全仪表海洋观测区fully-instrumented oceanographic observing site
全国证券交易商协会自动行情表National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
全球极性倒转年表global polarity time scale
内表面面积internal surface area
分层设色表graduation of tints
分量相对加权表components relative weight tables
利万坦表面水层希腊爱奥尼亚海Levantine Surface Water Layer
加有表面活性剂的柴油水泥地热井用diesel oil cement
动力表面张力dynamic surface tension
勘误表index correction
勘误表amendment list
化学物品一览表chemicals listing
北半球地表温度northern hemisphere surface temperature
千〔百〕分表dial indicator
南极地表水Antarctic Surface Water
压力表式倒置回声测深仪inverted echo sounder with pressure gage
原子数据和核数据表atomic data and nuclear data tables
可变下渗率的地表灌溉surface irrigation with variable infiltration rate
可控表面孔隙率controlled surface porosity
史密松天体物理观测台星表Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalogue
合并资产负债表consolidated statement
合成孔径雷达数据表列系统SAR data catalog system
含量表tables on contents
固定资产使用年限表assets guideline period
国家海洋仪器仪表中心National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center
国际代表性流域地球化学与监测工作组International Workshop on Geochemistry and Monitoring in Representative Basins
国际卫星监测大陆表面气候计划international satellite land surface climatology project
国际图表设计协会理事会International Council of Graphic Design Associations
国际海洋表层流数据中心International Surface Current Data Centre
国际理化数值表审订汇编International Critical Tables
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会胶体化学与表面化学委员会IUPAC Commission on Colloid and Surface Chemistry
图表信息系统map and chart information system
图表接收机graphic recorder
图表数据库存储器和模量系统system of graph archives and modules
图解式生命表diagrammatic life table
土地利用平衡表【土】balance table of land allocation
土壤表观黏度soil apparent viscosity
土壤表面化学soil surface chemistry
土壤表面酸度soil surface acidity
地图测绘、制表和大地测量mapping, charting and geodesy
地球外表传感器Earth Aspect Sensor
地球物理和天体物理仪表专用设备instrumentation for geophysics and astrophysics
地磁极时序表geomagnetic polarity time scale
地磁极时间表geomagnetic polarity time scale
地表建筑物 〔设施〕improvements on land
地表张裂隙位移surface crack opening displacement
地表模型land surface model
地表水量平衡法surface-based water-budget method
地表沟道surface trench
地表温度land surface temperature
地表热交换器surface heat exchanger
地表蓄水surface impoundment
地表蓄水量评估surface impoundment assessment
地表薄土地层surface microlayers
地表薄土层surface microlayer
地表面积surface area
基本审定表base authorization list
基本星视位置表apparent places of fundamental stars
外延表观电位精细谱法extended appearance potential fine spectroscopy
外表面面积external surface area
多光束测高表multibeam altimeter
多试验仪表舱multiexperiment payload
多重表达multiple representation
大陆架区浮标仪表舱continental shelf buoy payload
天文极性年代表astronomical polarity time scale
寿命表方法life table method
工程与科学名词主题词表thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms
帕克斯射电源表parkes catalogue of radio sources
〔达西定律地下水的〕承压表达式pressure representation
报表数据库reports data base
换算表reduction table
接合图表diagram of connection
接图表index diagram
插入式压力表push-in pressuremeter
摄影仪表测量设备photogrammetric instrumentation
数字式用表digital multimeter
数字式自动联机仪表测量系统automatic digital on-line instrumentation system
数字/模拟函数表digital/analog function table
数字线性图表digital line graph
数据报表导向图data reporting guideline
文件与报表信息处理生成程序file and report information processing generator
〔海底探测用〕无人仪表平台unmanned instrument platform
无表决权股票no voting stock
日本气象厅地震烈度表Japan Meteorological Agency Intensity
晶体场表面轨道crystal field surface orbital
最佳定位星历表数据磁带best-fit ephemeris data tape
最大表层流maximum interflow
月球图册图表lunar atlas chart
月球表面勘探车lunar surface exploration vehicle
月球表面基准lunar surface base
月球表面大气成分实验lunar surface atmospheric composition experiment
月球表面实验lunar surface experiment
月球表面实验装置lunar surface experiment package
月球表面探测lunar surface probe
月球表面测量仪lunar surface instrument
月球表面磁力计lunar surface magnetometer
月球表面调查lunar surface inspection
月球表面采样装置lunar surface sampling device
月球表面重力仪lunar surface gravimeter
月球表面飞行器lunar surface vehicle
有机表层histic epipedon
有源微波仪表装置active microwave instrumentations
有源微波仪表装置active microwave instrumentation
有限元地表水模拟系统finite element surface water modeling system
机载数字仪表系统airborne digital instrumentation system
机载测试仪表系统airborne test instrumentation system
构造应力场过渡岩系表面tectonic stress field transition surface
查表table look up
查阅表look-up table
核数据表nuclear data tables
格洛斯特联合地表水研究Gloucester Joint Surface Water Study
梯度表gradient scale
概率表法probability table method
次地表层水subsurface water
欧洲强震烈度表European Macroseismic Scale
欧洲试验与代表性研究流域站网European Network of Experimental and Representative Research Basins
正常泄水调度表水库normal release schedules
气象仪器终端和代表性观测meteorological equipment terminal and representative observation
水下仪表测量设备underwater instrumentation
水文-海洋数据表格hydrographic-oceanographic data sheets
水耕表层anthrostagnic epipedon
水银电动式仪表mercury-motor meter
水面表层surface layer
法测得的吸附催化剂表面积BET area
泥炭表层histic epipedon
注册登记表registration statement
浮动仪表平台floating instrument platform
海上无线电信号一览表admiralty lists of radio signals
海水表层marine surface layer
海洋图表和标准联合小组委员会joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards
海洋声学系统与仪表服务公司Ocean Acoustic Systems and Instrumentation Services
海洋测试范围和仪表测量设备会议ocean testing range and instrumentation conference
液体表面活性剂薄膜liquid surfactant membrane
灌淤表层siltigic epipedon
热动力学程序表thermodynamics library
煤层表面coal bed surface
环境规划与绘制图表目录environmental planning and inventory cartography
甚高频功率表very high frequency wattmeter
生殖表fertility schedule
用图表示的全国湖岸岩Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
电子仪表公司Electronic Instrument Co., Inc.
电子压力表electronic pressure gauge
电子压力表electronic pressure gage
电子图表显示信息系统electronic chart display and information system
矿物表面覆盖物mineral-surface roof
磅/平方英寸表压pound per square inch gauge
磅/平方英寸表压pound per square inch gage
社会经济调査表socio-economic questionnaire
空间仪表测试设备space instrumentation test equipment
第四纪地表沉积quaternary surficial deposits
精密光谱平面总日射表precision spectral pyranometer
绝对噪音测定表objective noise-meter
综合磁生物年代表integrated magnetobiochronologic scale
美国关税税率表Tariff Schedule of the United States
美国内政部数字绘制图表协调委员会U.S. Department of the Interior Digital Cartography Coordinating Committee
美国石油学会重度表American Petroleum Institute Gravity Scale
联邦报表数据系统federal reporting data system
肥熟表层fimic epipedon
自动仪表监测系统automated instrumentation monitoring system
自动仪表读数automatic meter reading
自动仪表读数系统automatic meter reading system
自动操作仪表板automatic operations panel
自动数字联机仪表系统automatic digital on-line instruments system
自动数据分析与表达技术automated data analysis and presentation techniques
蒙大拿州矿山和矿产地数据表Montana mine and mineral occurence database system
薄表土层surface microlayer
薄表土层surface microlayers
行内地表〔灌溉〕surface in-row
行列-览表columnar summary
表册坝址调查listing site inspection
表列时间选择法selection at list time technique
表列资料tabular data
表土层中由地气搬运的活动态金属mobile forms of metals in overburden carried by geogas
表层大理岩enveloping marble
表层套管水泥供应supply of cement for surface casing
表层套管注水泥surface casing cementation
表层流数据系统surface current data system
表层海水含盐度sea surface salinity
表层混合层surface mixed layer
表层起点surface ground zero
表层钻井用牙轮钻头供应supply of rock bits for surface drilling
表性分区performance zoning
表格处理机list processor
表格处理程序list processor
表示衰减曲线下从 0.45 至 1.75 秒的区域激发极化法所用的表示方法L
表观〔剪〕切力apparent shear force
表观体积密度apparent bulk density
表观摩尔量apparent molar quantity
表观氧消耗〔利用率〕apparent oxygen utilization
表观电位appearance potential
表观计算密度apparent bulk density
表面〔地面〕径流overland flow
表面〔表皮〕摩擦skin friction
表面利率face interest rate
表面增强式拉曼光谱测定法Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
表面声波〔器件〕surface acoustic wave
表面声波褶积器surface-acoustic-wave convolver
表面外延 X 射线吸收精细结构光谱学surface extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
表面外延能量损耗精细结构surface extended energy loss fine structure
表面多次波衰减法surface-related multiple elimination
表面多次衰减surface multiple attenuation
表面度量surface measure
表面成像和探测软件包surface imaging and sounding package
表面散热系数film coefficient of heat transfer
表面波Rayleigh wave
表面活性物质surface-active substances
表面活性磨阻降低剂surface-active friction reducers
表面海流雷达ocean surface current radar
表面液体流速superficial liquid velocity
表面电性能surface electrical properties
〔颗粒〕表面积surface area
表面积指数surface area index
表面组成测绘辐射仪surface composition mapping radiometer
表面能平衡surface energy budget
表面超热离子探测器surface suprathermal ion detector
表面通道电荷耦合器件surface channel charge coupled devices
规划平衡表planning balance sheet
—览表general list
计数表counting rate meter
记录式电流表graphic ammeter
设计控制图表project control drawing
设计控制图表系统project control drawing system
评估表assessment roll
资产负债表内的经营活动on-balance sheet operational activities
软 X 射线表观电位光谱仪soft X-ray appearance potential spectrometer
辐射测量查表radiometric look-up table
辐射测量查阅表制备radiometric look-up table generation
连续表层沉积物取样与分析系统continuous surficial sediment sampling and analysis system
选矿平衡表{选}metallurgical balance sheet
API 重度表American Petroleum Institute Gravity Scale
钻井泥浆〔用〕表面活性剂drilling mud surfactant
阴离子合成剂表面活性污染物anion synthetic surface-active pollutants
阿波罗月球表层实验箱Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
阿波罗月球表面钻机Apollo Lunar Surface Drill
阿雷西博月掩源表Arecibo Occultation Catalogue
非离子表面活性剂non-ionic surfactants
颗粒表征反应器particle-characterization reactor
麦加利地震烈度表Mercalli scale
麻省理工学院测试仪表实验室Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instrumentation Laboratory