
Terms for subject Technology containing 表层 | all forms | in specified order only
三层式表面处治triple course surface treatment
三层表面处治triple course surface treatment
三层表面处理triple surface treatment
三层表面处理triple course surface treatment
三聚氰胺表面处理装饰层压板melamine-surfaced decorative laminate
表层upper epidermis
表层套管井眼conductor hole
世界表层环流图General Surface Current Circulation of the World
世界表层环流图Chart of the World General Surface Current Circulation
乳液表面处治乳剂层emulsion coating
乳液表面涂层emulsion coating
表层subsurface stratum
表层空气subsurface air
使表土层肥沃enrich the top-soil layer
表层internal skin
表层inner skin
内层表面络合物inner sphere surface complex
冲积风化表层alluvial mantle rock
分层设色表hypsometrical tints
分层设色表layer colors
分层设色表layer steps
分层设色表subdued colours
分层设色表subdued colors
分层设色表layer tints
分层设色表layer colours
分层设色表hypsometric tints
分层设色表示法layered style
分层设色高度表altitude tint legend
加厚表面处理层heavy duty surface treatment
包层表面直径偏差cladding surface diameter deviation
单分子层定向表面吸附oriented adsorption
单层表面位surface potential of simple layer
单色分层设色表single-colour monochrome layer tinting
单色分层设色表single-color monochrome layer tinting
双层体系表面垂直位移vertical displacement of double layered system surface
双层式表面处治double course surface treatment
双层式表面处理double course surface treatment
双层沥青表面处治double bituminous surface treatment
双层表面位surface potential of double layers
双层表面处治armour coat
双层表面处治double surface treatment (路面)
双层表面处理two-pass surface treatment
双层表面处理double surface treatment
表层泥流solifluction mantle
土和水泥表面层soil-cement surface course
土壤表层upper soil layer
土壤硬表层soil crust
地层产状数据列表data table of geodip
地层倾角测井解释成果数据列表data table of interpretation result for dip log
地层对比表correlation table
地层年stratigraphical time scale
地层年stratigraphic timetable
地层年stratigraphical timetable
地层年stratigraphic time scale
地层序列表chronological succession
地层时序表stratigraphic time scale
地层时序表chronological succession
地层时间表stratigraphic time scale
地层时间表stratigraphical time scale
地层时间表chronological time scale
地层表table of strata
地表土层surface horizon
地表岩层top stratum
地表断层surface fault
地表沙砾层sand wash
地表滞留层layer of surface retention
地表边界层friction layer
地表边界层ground layer
地表边界层surface layer
地表边界层planetary boundary layer
地表边界层atmospheric boundary layer
地表边界层表面界面层surface boundary layer
地貌分层设色表orographical tinting
地貌分层设色表orographic tinting
复表皮层multiple epidermis
外表油漆层outer paint coat
外表涂料层outer paint coat
外表面油漆涂层external coat of paint
外表面涂层outer coat
多层表面处治multiple lift surface treatment
多层式表面处理multiple surface treatments
多层表面处治armour coat
天然表面层色natural finish
密闭式表层closed surface
层位移表level displacement table
层流表层摩擦laminar skin friction
层流表面摩擦laminar skin friction
屋面表层roofing skin
岩石表层mantle of rock
岸坡表层脱落bank slough
带层表面涂层印花机strip printer
干馏罐内表面的釉层retort glaze
年代地层对比表chronostratigraphical correlation chart
年代地层对比表chronostratigraphic correlation chart
底土水次表层subsurface water
底层地表格栅ground joist
底层表面加工prime coat finish
油漆的底层表面处理preparation surfaces for painting
油漆的底层表面处理preparation surface for painting
底层表面整修prime coat finish
底层表面集电undersurface collection
延迟表层delayed subsurface runoff
承力表层式结构stressed-skin construction
抗磨表层top course
拉尔森表土层钻探装置Larssen's ledge finder (边钻边下套管)
表层topsoil replacement
放电表面层discharge skin
无缝屋面表层seamless roof skin
暗色表层umbric epipedon
表层top skimmer
最后表层涂料final coat plaster
最外层表面outermost surface
楔形表层面砖quoin veneer split tile
橡胶表层rubber skin
表层through layer
表层subsurface layer
表层subsurface zone
表层水位subsurface level
表层subsurface runoff
表层through flow
表层subsurface flow
表层subsurface current
表层温度subsurface temperature
表层环流subsurface circulation
水果表面涂层coating on fruit fare
水泥cement skin
水泥表层crust of cement
水面表层surface ice
沥青混凝土表面层bitumen concrete surfacing
沥青表面涂层asphalt surface coat
沥青表面涂层asphalt surface coating
沥青表面涂层bitumen surface coating
沥青表面涂层bitumen surface coat
沥青表面涂层bitumen coat
沥青表面涂层asphaltic-bitumen surface coating
河口表层沉积物estuarine surface sediment
沼泽地表层top moor layer
海底表层取样sea-floor surficial sampling
海水表层水温sea surface temperature
海洋表层温度ocean surface temperature
涂层表面coat surface
混凝土表层concrete overlay
混凝土表面涂层concrete finish
混凝土表面涂层concrete coating
渗碳表面层carburized case
湿坯表面光洁层self-slip of green body
滤水表层filter skin
石块路面上沥青表面层bituminous topping on set paving
矿山表层剥离机stripping shovel
砂目表层abrasive coating
砂粒表层滚磨scuffing grind
砖石工程表层masonry work surfacing
砖石工程表层masonry work skin
硝化纤维表面涂层nitrocellulose surface coat
硬结表土层dry crust
碱化硬表层alkali incrustation
磨料表层abrasive coating
积雪层薄而硬的表面snow crust
粉刷的表层plaster skim coat
糊表面层surface mounting
纸质表面层paper blanket
细料表面层rough wall backing
细砾薄表层fine surface mulch of gravel
罩在光亮的底层漆或金属表面上的光亮清漆或有色透明漆flamboyant finish coating
耕作表层anthropic epipedon
花样表层patterned ground
蓄油表层oil-absorbing coating
薄层地表水sheet flow
薄层地表水sheet flood
薄层涂刷使混凝土表面平整scumble for fair-faced concrete
薄层表面处治thin surfacing (coat)
补偿表层compensating surface current
superficial stratum
表土保护层topsoil cover
表土层surface of soil
利于植物生长的表土层vegetative cover
表土层veneer of soil
表土层zone of removal
表土层superficial stratum
表土层mantle soil
表土层钻进用钻头overburden bit
表土层剥离机铲stripping shovel
表土层取样器dry sample barrel
表土层钻进overburden drilling
表土面层topsoil surfacing
表层uppermost layer
表层skin covering
表层skimming coat
表层下缺陷subsurface defect
表层关井压力surface shut-in pressure
表层冻结shallow freezing
表层剥离电铲electrical stripping shovel
表层剥离电铲electric stripping shovel
表层剥蚀superficial deterioration
表层剥蚀superficial degradation
表层剥除的地面stripped surface
表层rim surface zona
表层压实superficial compaction
表层厚度skin thickness
表层发酵surface fermentation
表层样器surficial sampler
表层样器surface sampler
表层取水top layer diversion
表层变性surface modification
表层含水层perched aquifer
表层含盐量surface salinity
表层吹流运动wind-d rift surface movement
表层topsoil (壤)
表层veneer of soil (壤)
表层surface soil (壤)
表层anthropic soil (壤)
表层土方平整site stripping
表层土蠕动surface soil creep
表层地形surface feature
表层地质图surface geological map
表层地质图surface geologic map
表层基准层surface key bed
表层基本生产力fundamental productivity at surface
表层塌滑surface creep
表层声径near surface path
表层套管conductor casing
表层套管collar piping
表层套管柱surface string
表层套管柱conductor string
表层套管深surface casing depth
表层导体skin conductor
表层mantle regolith
表层surface rock
表层mantle of rock
表层岩石surface rock
表层岩石mantle rock
表层应力skin stress
表层应力结构stressed-skin construction
表层引水top layer diversion
表层拌和法admixture stabilization of skin
表层拖网surface trawl
表层改良surface improvement
表层材料surface material
表层surface sheet
表层构造superficial structure
表层top water
表层水体surface layer waters
表层水平衡surface water balance
表层水控制surface water control
表层水样surface water sample
表层水温surface temperature
表层水游泳动物surface swimmer
表层水采样surface water sampling
表层水采样器surface water sampler
表层水采样点surface water sampling point
表层沉积superficial sediment (物)
表层沉积superficial deposition (物)
表层沉积superficial deposit (物)
表层沉积物overlying deposit
表层沉积物中值粒度分布图distribution map of medium size of the superficial sediments
表层沉积物中分区重矿物组合图regional map of assemblage of the heavy minerals in the superficial sediments
表层沉积物中泥含量分布图distribution map of mud in the superficial sediments
表层沉积物中砂含量分布图distribution map of sand in the superficial sediments
表层沉积物中重矿物含量分布图distribution map of heavy minerals in the superficial sediments
表层沉积物中重矿物颗粒含量分布图distribution map of the grains of the heavy minerals in the superficial sediments
表层沉积物偏态分布图distribution map of skewness of the superficial sediments
表层沉积物取样sampling of surface sediments
表层沉积物岩芯柱状图column diagram of superficial sediments cores
表层沉积物离差分布图distribution map of deviation of the superficial sediments
表层沉积过程surface precipitation process
表层land spring
表层洋流surface ocean current
表层storm seepage
表层prompt subsurface runoff
表层perched water
表层流网surface drift net
表层流速surface velocity
表层浮拖网surface floating trawl
表层浮选skin floatation
表层浮选skin flotation
表层海流ocean surface current
表层涂有灰泥的天花板one-coat plastered ceiling
表层涂有灰泥的天花板one-coat plaster ceiling
表层渗入层penetration surface course
表层渗入层处理surface penetration treatment
表层温度surface layer temperature
表层滑动surface slide
表层滑动surface creep
表层漂流wind drift
表层漂流surface drift current
表层surface paint
表层爬动surface creep
表层环流surface circulation
表层瓷漆enamel finish
表层矿床grass roots deposit
覆盖屋面沥青的表层矿料surface mineral
表层砂波surface ripple
表层碎土耙crust breaker
表层surface string
表层结冰shallow freezing
表层草皮top sod
表层surface check
表层装饰薄板face veneer
表层褶曲superficial fold
表层褶曲dermal fold
表层褶皱surface folding
表层褶皱decollement fold
表层褶皱和冲断层带shallow fold and thrust belts
表层试样surface sample
表层酵母top yeast
表层采样surficial sampling
表层采样器surface sampler
表层采样器surface layer sampler
表层采水器surface sampler
表层采水样surface water sampling
表层锰结核surface manganese nodule
表层饰面灰veneer plaster
表层surface fish
表沉积层overlying deposit
表沉积层overlaying deposit
表皮基层【生】basal layer of epidermis
表皮层epidermal layer
表皮层epidermal area
表皮层cuticular layer
表皮粒层Langerhans layer
表皮粒层keratohyaline layer stratum granulosum epidermidis
表观层距apparent stratigraphical gap
表面保护层surface sealer
表面保护层surface protection layer
表面修饰层finishing coat
表面分层skin lamination
表面势垒层晶体管surface barrier transistor
表面包层surface coat (轻集料)
表面双电层surface double-electrical layer
表面双电层surface electrical double layer
表面双电层surface electric double layer
表面双电层surface double-electric layer
表面反射层outermost reflector
表面只涂一层的组合屋面生产工艺single coating technique
表面增强层电容surface accumulation-layer capacitance
表面处理的涂层flash coat
表面处置层treated surface
表面导电层玻璃surface electro conductive glass
表面层surface course
表面层uppermost layer
表面层次case shell
表面层流laminar surface flow
表面成层砌体coursed veneer
表面断层作用surface faulting
表面断层迹surface fault trace
表面沉积层superficial sedimentary layer
表面浆沫层surface laitance (混凝土)
表面涂层surface coat
表面涂层surface treatment
表面涂层top coat
表面涂层face coating
表面涂层finish layer
表面涂层exterior coating
表面涂层处理surface coating treatment
表面渗入层penetration surface course
表面渗入层blotter coat
表面渗入层blot coat
表面磨耗层surface abrasion course
表面积累层surface accumulation layer
表面细层superficial microlayer
表面能吸附层surface energy-absorbing layer
表面薄层覆盖土light surface mulch
表面覆层surface coating
表面覆盖层non-structural top screed
表面覆盖金属盐溶深层的陶瓷solution ceramics
表面镀层surface treatment
表面阻凝在模板上刷阻凝剂缓凝表层surface retardant
表面阻挡层surface barrier
表面阻挡层晶体管surface barrier transistor
覆层表面clad surface
覆盖纸的表层paper-covered veneer
诊断表层diagnostic surface horizon
调温表面涂层thermal control surface coating
象牙色表层ivory glazed finish
象牙色釉表层ivory glazed coating
象牙色釉表层ivory glazed coat
路面表层wearing course
路面表层road carpet
轻金属屋面表层light-metal roof cladding
近岸表层near surface current
近岸表层温度场near surface temperature
近表面层near surface layer
表层硬化reverse casehardening
道路表层road surface
金属表层沉积metal surface precipitation
金属镀层表面处理metal coating surface treatment
表层硬化深度测定法measuring case depth for steel
铺薄沥青表层bituminous decking
锯切饰面表层saw-cut veneer
防酸表层acid protection coating
阳台表面涂层balcony lining
附面层表面boundary layer seam
附面层表面摩擦boundary layer skin friction
表层skim coat
陶瓷表层ceramic coating
陶瓷表层ceramic coat
隅石表层面砖quoin veneer split tile
顶板表层ceiling finishes
风化表层weathered face
风化表层superficial regolith