
Terms for subject Securities containing 补体 | all forms
一次性补贴one-off subsidy
为补偿亏损而发行的票据deficiency bill
买人抵补buy covering
互相补偿mutual offset
互补人offset person
代表补充representative complement
余额补贴balancing allowance
依赖政府补贴relying on government subsidy
保证金补仓规定maintenance requirement
候补保管人alternate custodian
候补委员alternate member
候补董事alternate director
公司补偿corporate reimbursement
初创期补助费start-up grant
利息补贴interest subsidization/subsidy
协作互补性synergistic complementarity
卖空然后补进going naked
反向回补reverse to cover
可弥补损失recoverable loss
司法补救judicial remedy
后补债券junior bond
周末补进证券end-week covering
回补/增加本地公开发行份额通知clawback notification
回补机制clawback mechanism
回补条款clawback provisions
回补特性clawback feature
坏账及呆账补贴allowance for bad and doubtful debts
基本补贴basic allowance
基金的补充replenishment of funds
填补空仓cover short position
增补交易top-up transaction
增补签字additional signature
增补股息supplementary dividend
增补规定top-up requirement
增补配售top-up placing
大宗非经常性补贴block capital grant
大跌补仓margin down
完全补偿full remuneration
官方补偿性融资compensatory official financing
官方补偿性资金融通compensation financing
实物补偿physical makeup
实物补贴allowance in kind
对不公平损害的补救unfair prejudice remedy
差额补足要求top-up requirement
已弥补的亏损额funded deficit
已弥补的债务funded liability
已弥补的赤字funded deficit
已经补进的套汇covered arbitrage
平均股息补偿equalizing dividend
弥补back off
弥补亏损cover loss
弥补卖空差额closed trade
弥补差距close up the gap
弥补差额close up the gap
弥补成本cost of cover
弥补短缺make up a shortage
弥补空仓buy them back
弥补缺口closing the gap
弥补裁决deficiency judgment
强制补进forced buy-in
强制补进compulsory buy-in
当日补仓intraday margining
或有补助contingency allowance
投资亏损补贴investment impairment allowance
投资者的补偿compensation of investors
投资补贴investment allowances
折旧补偿capital consumption allowance
抛空补进short covering
抵押补救法remedy of mortgage
抵押补贴债券mortgage subsidy bond
抵补卖空covering short
抵补发行在持有基本资产时发行认购期权covered writing
抵补同价对敲在持有基础资本时实行上述策略covered straddle
抵补套汇covered arbitrage
抵补开支meet expenses
抵补看涨期权在持有基础资本时卖出看涨期权covered call
抵补认股权covered warrant
抵补跨期组合covered straddle
指数成分调整的头名候补股票top candidate stock for index constituent adjustment
损失补偿条款loss offsetting provisions
损耗补助depletion allowance
提前补进early buy-in
整手卖空/补进比率round lot short/ cover ratio
无限制的违约补偿金unlimited damages
明面上的补助explicit subsidy
暗补implied indemnity
有价债券跌至市场价格的补贴allowance for reducing marketable bond to market
有抵补的差额covered margin
有抵补的期权covered options
有抵补的远期销售covered forward sale
未抛补空头仓位open short position
未抵补的套利交易uncovered interest arbitrage
未经审计的补充财务资料招股书附录unaudited supplementary financial information prospectus'appendix
核准补偿permissive indemnification
溢价补偿premium recapture
直接补助direct grants
短款补贴出纳员risk money
票据抵补cover for a draft
离职补偿金separation pay
税务补贴tax allowance
空单补回将股票买回来归还原股票持有人buy to cover
空头补人short purchase
空头补进buy covering
等额补贴matching grant
累增补偿progressive indemnification
纽约银行同业相互补偿规则New York interbank compensation rules
经营资金补充保证working capital replenishment bond
给予特别补贴specific grant of waiver
股息均衡补偿equalizing dividend
股指成分候补第一名top candidate stock for constituent index
股票抛补stock cover
股票期权补偿制度stock option compensation plan
董事经理补偿D&O indemnification
董事补偿directors' indemnity
补上差额make up discrepancy
补上空头bear covering (购回先前卖空的借人证券的行为)
补交差额make up discrepancy
补交押金call margin
补仓call margin
补仓cover short position
补仓meet margin call
补仓投资人在持有某种股票后,又购进更多同种股票purchase more of the same stocks already held
补仓lift a short
补仓short cover
补仓buy them back
补仓押金maintenance margin
补仓规定house maintenance requirement
补仓通知maintenance call
补仓通知house call
补偿直接购买推荐人推荐的证券,作为支付信息费用的变通方式quid pro quo
补偿atone for
补偿与临时贷款compensatory and contingency financing facility
补偿买进buy in
补偿亏损cover the loss
补偿交易buy back
补偿价值value substitute
补偿前等待期incubation period
补偿性付款compensatory payment
补偿性报酬compensating payment
补偿性股票期权公司给员工的股票购买权,作为部分劳务报酬compensatory stock option
补偿损坏recover damage
补偿损失cover loss
补偿措施measure of indemnity
补偿股票compensation stock
补偿融资工具compensatory financing facility
补偿资金账目accounts of compensation fund
补偿金available fund
补充份额supplementary ration
补充信息声明statements of additional information
补充协议replenishment agreement
补充协议complement agreement
补充/增补上市文件supplemental/supplementary listing document
补充备案additional filings
补充契约supplemental deed
补充性贷款工具complementary lending facility
补充披露supplemental disclosures
补充拨款supplemental appropriation
补充权证supplementary warrant
补充条文supplemental provisions
补充程序supplementary procedure
补充融资compensatory financing
补充证券收人supplemental security income
补充说明supplemental explanation
补充账目supplemental account
补充贷款compensatory financing
补充赔偿基金replenishment of compensation fund
补充销售说明supplemental sales literature
补助账户subsidiary account
补发证书服务certificate replacement service
补回buy them back
补强收购bolt-on acquisition
补抵方式allowance method
补救买进方法buy-in procedure
补空short cover
补空cover position
补空仓short covering
补空仓short cover
补给汇款covering remittance
补贴融资subsidized financing
贷款补足条款topping-up clause
补进short cover
补进空头股数交易所cover short
补进空头销售股数cover short sale (交易所)
补齐fill a gap
补齐保证金不足金额cover margin shortfall
补齐超额配售covering an over-allocation
股票的被迫补进forced covering
解除抛补或对冲undoing cover or hedge
调整补偿率reconsider the rate of reimbursement
货币补偿money relief
货币补偿monetary indemnity
货币补偿条款currency indemnity clause
购买补贴purchase allowance
费用抵补expense recovery
资产和未补偿成本表assets and uncovered costs statement
资本补充capital replenishment
资金补充replenishment of funds
追溯弥补retroactive restoration
避税亏损向前抵补tax loss carryback
部分补偿partial offset
部分补进购人partial covered writing
配售及增补交易placing and top-up transaction
配售增补placing and top-up
采取补救措施adopting remedial measures
销售补贴sales allowance
镜子补助交易mirror subsidiary transaction
长期补偿long term compensation
隐性补偿implied indemnity
非补贴利率平价uncovered interest parity
额外净补贴额net additional allowance
额外补偿费boot money