
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 补体 | all forms
不限用途的财政补贴open-end grant public finance
不需有配合拨款的财政补贴nonmatching grant public finance
为符合减贫与增长贷款资格的成员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
全球对补充储备资产的需要global need to supplement reserve assets
减贫与增长贷款信托补贴账户Subsidy Account
减贫与增长贷款信托补贴账户PRGF Trust Subsidy Account
减贫与增长贷款合格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members
减贫与增长贷款合格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account
出口波动补偿贷款compensatory financing of export fluctuations
分类财政补贴special purpose grant
分类财政补贴categorical grant public finance
利息补贴interest subsidy
加强的结构调整贷款信托补贴账户Subsidy Account
加强的结构调整贷款信托补贴账户ESAF Trust Subsidy Account
压缩补调机制compression booster
反补贴税antibounty duty
反补贴税countervailing duty
变相补贴concealed subsidy
变相补贴hidden subsidy
可诉补贴actionable subsidy
外生冲击贷款-减贫与增长贷款补贴账户ESF-PRGF Subsidy Account
外生冲击贷款补贴账户ESF Subsidy Account
失业补助unemployment compensation
失业补助unemployment benefit
子女补贴child allowance
定额补助closed-end grant
对战乱后紧急援助的补贴subsidization of post-conflict emergency assistance
平衡补助金equalization grant public finance
战乱后和自然灾害紧急援助补贴账户Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members
战乱后和自然灾害紧急援助补贴账户Post-conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account
抵补的利率差异covered interest rate differential exchange market
抵补的利率平价covered interest rate parity
抵补的利率平价covered interest parity
抵补的利率平价closed interest parity
抵补的套利交易covered interest rate arbitrage exchange market
按公式计算的财政补贴formula grant
按公式计算的财政补贴formula-based grant public finance
教育补贴education allowance
旅行补贴travel allowance
无抛补利差open interest differential
无抛补利率平价uncovered interest parity
无抛补利率平价open interest parity
明补overt subsidy
暗补concealed subsidy
暗补hidden subsidy
未抛补利差uncovered interest rate differential
未抛补利率平价uncovered interest parity
未抛补利率平价open interest parity
GDP混合补调机制GDP blend booster
特别份额补调机制ad hoc quota boosters
特定补助special purpose grant
特定补助categorical grant public finance
生活费用补贴cost of living allowance
经抵补的期权covered option
能源补贴energy subsidies
衍生金融工具:1993年《国际收支手册》第五版补编Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual
补交保证金的通知margin call
补交保证金的通知maintenance call stock exchange
补偿与应急贷款Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility
补偿信贷countervailing credit
补偿官方贷款compensatory official financing
补偿性提款compensatory drawing
补偿融资贷款Compensatory Financing Facility
补充topping up Paris Club
补充储备need to supplement reserves
补充储备replenishment of reserves
补充储备贷款Supplemental Reserve Facility
补充基金组织的货币持有额replenish the Fund's holdings of currencies
补充基金组织资金replenishment of Fund resources
补充头寸的规则rules for reconstitution
补充援助topping-up assistance
补充期complementary period GFS 1986, budget
补充特别提款权持有量reconstitution of SDR holdings
补充融资贷款Supplementary Financing Facility
补充融资贷款补贴账户SFF Subsidy Account
补充融资贷款补贴账户Supplementary Financing Facility Subsidy Account
补充资本capital tier two
补充资本supplementary capital
补充资本secondary capital
补充资本supplemental capital
补充资本tier 2 capital
补救措施corrective measure
补救措施remedial action
补救措施corrective action
补救措施remedial measure IMF overdue financial obligations
补给品与燃料stores and fuel
补贴利率subsidized interest rate
补贴账户Subsidy Account
补贴账户PRGF Trust Subsidy Account
补贴账户ESAF Trust Subsidy Account
补贴资金subsidy resources
谷物进口成本波动补偿贷款cereal facility
谷物进口成本波动补偿贷款cereal component
谷物进口成本波动补偿贷款compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports
购买力平价GDP补调机制PPP-GDP booster
贸易补救措施trade remedies
贸易补救措施trade remedy measures
过夜补贴per diem
过夜补贴per night allowance
远期补进forward cover
追补需求catch-up demand
退出补贴termination grant
"部分"补充partial topping-up
配偶及子女补贴spouse and child allowance
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托PRG-HIPC Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
限额补助closed-end grant
隐含的税收和补贴implicit taxes and subsidies
需有配合拨款的财政补贴matching grant public finance