
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
一般政秩序general administrative order An administrative mandate outlining the process by which a concept, plan, decree or law is to be put into actual practice by a specific organization or government agency (政府,组织提出的概念,计划,法令或法律的实施的行政过程大纲。)
不当政府wrongful government act A deed performed by a government official or agent in exercise of police, constitutional, legislative, administrative or judicial powers that infringes upon the rights of another and causes damage, without protecting an equal or superior right (政府官员或机关在行使警察、宪法、立法、行政或司法权力时,侵犯他人的权利而导致危害,没有保护平等的或优先的权利的行为。)
不法wrongful act An act contrary to the rules of natural or legal justice (违反了自然或法律公正准则的行为。)
小径hiking trail A trail in the country along which one can walk, usually for pleasure or exercise (乡间提供行走的路径,通常用来做休闲或运动。)
低空飞low-level flight Flying at low altitude (在低空中飞行。)
修理repair business Any commercial activity, position or site that involves work in restoring or fixing some material thing or structure, such as by replacing parts or putting together something torn, broken or detached (任何用于修理的商业活动、位置或地点,例如替换某些部分或把一些破损的、拆开的部分装在一起。)
英国健康与安全执委员会Health & Safety Executive
公共public action A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populace (在民众同意的前提下采取的措施。)
内河航inland navigation The navigation of inland waterways, i.e. navigable rivers, canals, sounds, lakes, inlets, etc. (内陆水道的航行,水道包括:可通航的江河、运河、峡湾、湖泊、港口等。)
初始加拿大initial action
制药pharmaceutical industry Concerted activity concerned with manufacturing pharmaceutical goods (与医药制造相关的行业。)
动物animal behaviour Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environment (正常环境下动物的行为,包括动物对环境改变所产生的内在和外在反应。)
动物为学ethology The study of animal behaviour in a natural context (在自然环境下动物行为的研究。)
化学的chemicals act
单独lone wolf action
合成材料synthetic materials industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
firm A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when incorporated (两个或更多人的商业关系,特别是他们合作时。)
回收reclamation industry Industry for the transformation of solid waste into useful products (把固体废料转变成有用的产品的行业。)
城市动计划urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings (为提供健康和安全的居住条件、有效的交通和通信、足够的公共设施和优美的环境,改善城市中心的一组有计划、协调的活动或服务。)
太空旅space travel Travel in the space beyond the earth's atmosphere performed for scientific research purposes (为了科学研究,在地球大气层以外的空间旅游。)
恶意破坏vandalism The deliberate or wanton destruction of personal or public property caused by a vandal (一个故意破坏者对个人或公共财产造成的蓄意或肆意破坏。)
enforcement The execution, carrying out or putting into effect an order, regulation, law or official decree (贯彻或者实施秩序、规章、法律或者官方法令。)
implementation law
travel Moving from one place to another generally by using a transportation mean (通常通过交通工具从一个地方移动到另一个地方。)
费用travel cost Expenditure of money or the amount of money incurred for journeying or going from one place to another by some mode of transportation (旅行或通过某种交通方式从一个地方到另一个地方而产生的花费或支出的金额。)
模型behaviour pattern A relatively uniform series of overt activities that can be observed with some regularity (一个相对统一的公开系列活动,并且可以看出一些规律。)
污染pollutant behaviour
油漆paint shop A shop where paint and related items are sold (出售油漆和相关物品的商店。)
法律juridical act Acts relating to the administration of justice (司法行政有关的行为。)
epidemic A sudden increase in the incidence rate of a disease to a value above normal, affecting large numbers of people and spread over a wide area (突然发生,传染率高于普通病症,影响大规模人群,在广泛的范围内传播的疾病。)
病学epidemiology 1. The study of the mass aspects of disease. 2. The study of the occurrence and distribution of disease and injury specified by person, place, and time (1. 对疾病的大规模方面的研究。 2. 对疾病的发生和分布,以及在特定时间特定地点对人危害的研究。)
海上防止溢油动计划marine oil spill action plan
海上航maritime navigation Travelling on the sea by means of boats, ships, etc. (通过舰艇、船舶等方式在海上行进。)
消费者consumer behaviour An observable pattern of activity concerned with the purchase of goods and services and susceptible to the influence of marketing and advertising strategies (与购买商品和服务有关的显著行为模式,其易受市场行销和广告策略的影响。)
物质的为 ??behaviour of substances Reactivity of a compound depending on the structure of the molecules (基于分子结构的化合物反应。)
犯罪criminality A violation of the law, punishable by the State in criminal proceedings (违反法律的行为,由政府通过刑事诉讼程序加以惩罚。)
独立independent action
环境政管理机关environmental administration institution A central government organization that has authority or oversight over government activity relating to the preservation and safeguarding of ecological or natural resources (中央政府中具有监督政府有关生态系统或自然资源维持与保护行动权利的组织。)
环境法令执environmental law enforcement Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to those binding rules of a state that have been promulgated to safeguard ecological integrity, preserve natural resources and protect human health (为了督促承诺和履行保护生态健全、保护自然安全和人类健康所公布的规章的各种行动。)
环境罪environmental criminality Unlawful acts against the environment, such as water contamination, hazardous waste disposal, air contamination, unpermitted installation of plants, oil spills, etc. (指不利于环境的非法行为,例如水污染、有害废弃物处置、空气污染、未经允许的设厂或油品泄漏等。)
环境负责environmentally responsible behaviour
生态旅ecotourism Excursions to relatively untouched lands, which for the tourist promise the chance to observe unusual wildlife and indigenous inhabitants. The travel industry, in an attempt to market adventure and authenticity to those travellers weary of "civilisation" promote travel to environments free of modern technology. Ecotourism's inherent contradiction is the promotion of untouched lands, which immediately become touched by the hands of tourism (到相对未开发的地方去旅行,旅客们能够看到不常见的野生生物和本土居民。 旅游行业试图在厌倦了城市生活并希望冒险和体验真实生活的旅行者中打开市场,于是将旅行引向远离现代科技的环境中去。生态旅游的内在矛盾是把旅游引向未开发的地方,使这些地方立即被"旅游之手"触及了。)
真空vacuum industry
澳大利亚石油工业环境保护执Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Executive
社会social behaviour A person or community's general treatment, manner of conduct or action toward others as individuals or as members of variously identified groups (一个人或社会的一般待遇,行为方式或对个人或作为个人或各种确定团体的成员对他人的行为。)
社会意识的social-minded behaviour
空中动官员air operations officer
crime Any act done in violation of those duties which an individual owes to the community, and for the breach of which the law has provided that the offender shall make satisfaction to the public (属于某一团体的个体违反其责任的任何行为;法律已明订,凡侵害他人权利的罪犯必须对公众做出补偿。)
群体group behaviour An observable pattern of activity displayed by persons in and as an aggregate (一个群体内的多人或一整个群体所展现出来的行为模式。)
bicycle A vehicle with two wheels in tandem, pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, handlebars for steering, and a saddlelike seat (一种车,它拥有两个同步的轮子,踏板通过链条连接后轮,为转向的把手,一个座椅和一个鞍。)
车道cycle path
车道cycle path Part of the road or a special path for the use of people riding bicycles (道路的一部分,或特别为自行车使用者铺设的车道。)
障碍物navigational hazard Any obstacle encountered by a vessel in route posing risk or danger to the vessel, its contents or the environment (船舶航行中遇到的可造成危险或者危害的任何障碍物,包括其容纳的东西或者环境。)
业工会trades union An organization whose members are wholly or mainly workers and whose principal purposes include the regulation of relations between workers and employers or employers' associations (一个组织,其成员全部或主要是工人,其主要用途包括工人和雇主或雇主组织之间关系的管理。)
业环境评估sector environmental assessment
behaviour Any observable action or response of an organism, group or species to environmental factors (有机体,群体或物种对环境因素的任何明显的行动或反应。)
为;法令act 1. Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it. 2. Documents, decrees, edicts, laws, judgments, etc. (1. 一个人自愿完成的事情,需要为此承担某种法律后果。 2. 文件、法令、布告、法律、判决等。)
为科学behavioural science The study of the behaviour of organisms (对生物体的行为研究。)
人专用区pedestrian zone Area where vehicles are not allowed (汽车不允许进入的区域。)
动组action group A collection of persons united to address specific sociopolitical or socioeconomic concerns (联合起来从事某些特定的社会政治或者社会经济学事务的一组人。)
政体administrative body Any governmental agency or organization charged with managing and implementing regulations, laws and government policies (主要负责管理和实现规则、法律以及政府政策的任何政府机构或者组织。)
政命令executive order An order or regulation issued by the president or some administrative authority under his direction for the purpose of interpreting, implementing or giving administrative effect to a provision of the constitution or of some law or treaty (命令或条款,由总统或行政当局在其管理下发布,目的在于解释、执行或给予行政效力,以贯彻宪法或法律或条约的规定。)
政处罚administrative sanction Generally, any formal official imposition of penalty or fine; destruction, taking, seizure, or withholding of property; assessment of damages, reimbursement, restitution, compensation, costs, charges or fees; requirement, revocation or suspension of license; and taking other compulsory or restrictive action by organization, agency or its representative (官方正式给予的处罚或罚金;销毁、获取、没收或扣留财产;评估应给付的损害、赔偿、归还、恢复原状、补偿、成本费、收费或酬金的数额;许可证的吊销、停止或附加条件;其他组织、机构或其代理的强制性或限定性行为。)
政指导administrative instructions Education in the theories and practices of managing an office, business or organization (管理政府机构、企业或组织的理论和实践教育。)
政机构administrative organisation
政法administrative law Body of law created by administrative agencies in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decisions to carry out regulatory powers and duties of such agencies (由行政机关制定的,以条例、规章、法令或决定的形式来实施管理权利和机关职责的部门法)
政法庭administrative court An independent, specialized judicial tribunal in which judges or officials are authorized by a government agency to conduct hearings and render decisions in proceedings between the government agency and the persons, businesses or other organizations that it regulates; administration (一种独立且特殊的司法法庭,其中的法官和官员由政府机构任命,负责其管辖的政府机构与个人、企业或其他组织之间诉讼程序中的听证以及判决。)
政界线administrative boundary A limit or border of a geographic area under the jurisdiction of some governmental or managerial entity (政府或管理实体管辖的地区边界。)
政管辖权administrative jurisdiction The extent, power or territory in which an office with executive or managerial authority administers justice or declares judgments (执法或裁决机构的执法或管理权限、权力和范围。)
政职业administrative occupation
政能力administrative competence The skill, knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority to manage or direct the affairs of a public or private office, business or organization (管理或者指导公共/私人、业务或组织事务的技能、知识、素质、能力或者权力。)
政行为administrative deed Any formal and legitimate step taken or decision made on matters of policy by a chief or other top-level officer within an organization (由组织的总裁或高级主管根据政策所采取的正式且合法的措施或决定。)
政行为动机motivation of administrative acts The underlying reason or cause, a psychological or social factor, that incites or stimulates managers, executives or supervisors to complete tasks that achieve organizational or company goals (激励或鼓舞管理人员、行政人员或监管人员完成任务以实现组织或公司目标的心理或社会因素的原由。)
政许可administrative fiat An authoritative decree, sanction or order issued from an office with executive or managerial authority, without necessarily having the force of law or its equivalent (由具有行政权或管理权的机关发出的官方法令、许可或要求,不需要具有法律效力或同等效力。)
政部门administration The management or direction of the affairs of a public or private office, business or organization (公共或私人事务、业务或组织事务的管理和指导部门)
动物plantigrade Pertaining to mammals walking with the whole sole of the foot touching the ground (哺乳动物的整体和脚接触地面。)
数据operating data Data referring to the practical carrying-out of a process (实际执行过程中的数据。)
状态working condition
证义务licencing obligation Obligation to obtain a permit to pursue an occupation or to carry on some business (从事某项职业或进行某种业务时要承担的拥有相关的通行证的义务。)
钢铁steel industry Industry that deals with the processing of iron (涉及铁处理的产业。)
banking Transactional business between any bank, an institution for safeguarding, exchanging, receiving and lending money, and that bank's clients or customers (任何银行间的商业交易,从事于保险、汇兑、货币借贷、和服务客户或顾客的组织。)
限制竞争restrictive trade practice Business operation or action that confines or limits the free exchange of goods and services within a country or between countries, which may include discrimination, exclusive dealings, collusion agreements or price fixing (在一个国家内部或国家之间限制自由商品和服务交换的业务操作或活动,这种限制包括歧视、独家交易、协议或串通定价。)
非高峰时间旅off-peak travelling Relating to travelling outside rush-hours to avoid overcrowding in public means of transport (高峰时间外的旅游,以避免公共交通的拥挤。)
aviation law International rules regulating air transportation (管理空中运输的国际法律。)