
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
风险upside risk
上游upstream industry
上游supplier industry
情景downside scenario
波动性downside variability
风险downside risk
不履nonperformance contracts
不履义务default on payment
不履义务default on obligations
与世界银的协作collaboration with the World Bank
World Bank World Bank Group
世界妇女银网络Women's World Banking
世界银World Bank World Bank Group
世界银International Bank for Reconstruction and Development World Bank Group
世界银发展经济学年会Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics World Bank
世界银和基金组织之间的协作Bank-Fund collaboration
世界银和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
世界银和基金组织理事会年会事宜联合特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
世界银/基金组织会务办公室Bank/Fund Conferences Office
世界银-基金组织联合图书馆Joint Bank Library
世界银-基金组织联合图书馆Joint Bank-Fund Library
世界银-基金组织金融部门联络委员会Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee
世界银的债务国报告制度World Bank Debtor Reporting System
世界银集团World Bank Group
东加勒比中央银Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
东道国银业务host country banking
东非开发银East African Development Bank
两级银体制two-tier banking system
中东和北非金融动工作组Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force
中国人民银People's Bank
中国人民银People's Bank of China
中央银central bank
中央银central banker
中央银bankers' bank
中央银业务central banking
中央银业务和货币政策处Central Banking and Monetary Policy Division
中央银业务处Central Banking Division
中央银行长Central bank governors
中央银货币monetary base
中央银货币central bank money
中央银货币high-powered money
中央银货币reserve money
中央银货币base money
中央银货币互换central bank currency swaps
中央银货币掉期central bank currency swaps
中央银部门资产负债表和概览central bank sectoral balance sheet and survey
中央银黄金协议Washington Agreement on Gold
中央银黄金协议Central Bank Gold Agreement
中非国家开发银Central African States Development Bank
中非国家银Bank of Central African States
中非银委员会Central African Banking Commission
二级银second-tier bank
互助储蓄银mutual savings bank
Asian Development Bank
人民银People's Bank
人民银People's Bank of China
从众lemming-like behavior
从众bandwagon effect
从众bandwagon behavior
从众herd effect
从众herd behavior
代理agency bank
代理correspondent bank
任命的执董事appointed Executive Director
伊斯兰开发银Islamic Development Bank
商业做法customary business practices
供应upstream industry
供应supplier industry
信托储蓄银trustee savings bank
债券发bond issue
债券发工具note purchase facility
债券发工具note issuance facility
债券的票面价格进交换par bond exchange debt restructuring
债权银creditor bank
储蓄银savings bank
指标forward-looking indicator
指标leading indicator
免费搭车的银easy rider
免费搭车的银easy rider bank debt restructuring
全欧银体系European-wide banking system
八国集团非洲动计划Kananaskis Africa Action Plan
八国集团非洲动计划G8 Africa Action Plan
八国集团非洲动计划Africa Action Plan
公司银业务corporate banking
公开发publicly issued
关于执5 计董事定期选举事宜的规则委员会Committee on Rules for the year Regular Election of Executive Directors IMF, Executive Board
其他类似银的机构other banklike institutions
准银near bank
准银nonbank bank
准银机构quasibanking institution
出口exporting industry
加勒比开发银Caribbean Development Bank
加勒比金融动工作组Caribbean Financial Action Task Force money laundering
单一银体制mono-banking system
卡纳纳斯基斯非洲动计划G8 Africa Action Plan
卡纳纳斯基斯非洲动计划Kananaskis Africa Action Plan
卡纳纳斯基斯非洲动计划Africa Action Plan
即期spot quotation
即期cash price
即期spot rate
即期spot price
反周期anticyclical measure
反周期countercyclical action
分期分批偿还的债券serial bond issue
成本issuance cost
成本issue cost
红利股scrip issue
红利股stock dividend
者付酬的业务模式issuer-pay model
者付酬的业务模式issuer-pay business model
者付酬的模式issuer-pay model
者付酬的模式issuer-pay business model
货币的部门money-issuing sector EU monetary statistics
费用issuance cost
费用issue cost
银行currency issuing agency
银行bank of issue
发展动纲领Action Program for Development
可自还本付息self-liquidating projects
商业银commercial bank
商人银merchant bank
商人银investment bank
因公旅business travel
因公旅business travelers
因公旅official traveler
因私旅personal travel
国外发foreign issue
国际清算银的合并银行业统计BIS consolidated banking statistics
国际货币基金组织与世界银理事会年会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
《国际金融统计中的货币与银统计指南》A Guide to Money and Banking Statistics in International Financial Statistics
《国际银统计》international banking statistics
在进 行军be in the march
在进 行军be on the march
在进in the pipeline
地下银系统hawala/hundi alternative remittance system
地区性中央银regional central bank
"坏银",为处理呆坏账成立的银行bad bank
"坏银",为处理呆坏账成立的银行aggregator bank
基金组织/世界银关于反洗钱方法的联合文件AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银关于反洗钱方法的联合文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
基金组织/世界银重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
基金组织和世界银联合代表团Fund-Bank mission
外部审计机制、中央银的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments
多数动条款majority action clause debt
多数执条款majority enforcement provision
多边开发银multilateral development bank
货币fiat currency
货币fiduciary money
货币central bank money
货币fiat money
存款货币银deposit money bank
存款银deposit bank
官方开发银official development bank
限制administration of restrictions
对存款货币银的债权claims on deposit money banks
对称symmetrical action
义务fulfill an obligation
义务discharge an obligation
承诺settlement of commitments
财务义务performance of financial obligations
岸上银onshore bank
已发尚未偿还的债券、证券outstanding securities
已发尚未偿还的债券、证券outstanding bonds
巴塞尔银监管委员会Cooke Committee
巴塞尔银监管委员会Basel Committee
巴塞尔银监管委员会Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
常务副managing director
市场parallel market
应急融资parallel contingency financing
汇率parallel exchange rate
经济parallel economy
融资side financing
融资parallel financing
融资工具parallel financing facility Japan
影子银shadow banking
往来respondent bank
期权exercise an option
价格striking price
价格strike price
价格contract price
价格exercise price options
机构协议Executing Agency Agreement
enforcement power
秘书Executive Secretary IMF-IBRD, Development Committee
董事Executive Director
董事会Board of Executive Directors
董事会Executive Board
《执董事会年度报告》Annual Report
《执董事会年度报告》Annual Report of the Executive Board
董事会报告report of the Executive Board
董事办公室Office of Executive Directors
董事顾问Advisor to the Executive Director
执董会政事务委员会Committee on Executive Board Administrative Matters IMF, Executive Board
批发银wholesale bank
承兑acceptance house
承销银issue syndicate
承销银underwriting group
承销银underwriting pool
承销银underwriting consortium
承销银underwriting syndicate
投资银merchant bank
投资银investment bank
抵押贷款银mortgage credit institution
抵押贷款银mortgage company
抵押贷款银mortgage bank
按协议进的交易transaction by agreement
按地点编制的国际银统计locational banking statistics
按地点编制的国际银统计locational basis
按地点编制的国际银统计locational statistics
按地点编制的国际银统计locational international banking statistics
授权银authorized bank exchange market
提前采取的prior action IMF arrangements
政府机构发的证券government agency securities
新开发银New Development Bank World Bank
新注入的商业银资金new commercial bank money
支出科Travel Payments Section
补贴travel allowance
无网点银mobile banking
无网点银branchless banking
日本银日本中央银行Bank of Japan
暂停执stay capital market, of enforcement action
有关洗钱问题的金融动工作组Financial Action Task Force
有关洗钱问题的金融动工作组Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
有效银监管核心原则core principles
有效银监管核心原则Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision BIS, Basle Committee
有效银监管核心原则Basel Core Principles
有问题的银problem bank bank supervision
未全面参加债务重组而从中获利的银easy rider
未全面参加债务重组而从中获利的银easy rider bank debt restructuring
未参加债务重组而从中获利的银free rider
未参加债务重组而从中获利的银free rider bank London Club
本地银indigenous bank
机构持续运计划business continuity plan
标准与准则执情况报告Report on Implementation of Standards and Codes
标准执工作组Task Force on Implementation of Standards
核心银core bank
欧洲中央银European Central Bank
欧洲中央银体系European System of Central Banks
欧洲债券的发Eurobond issue
欧洲投资银European Investment Bank
欧洲银监管委员会Committee of European Banking Supervisors
欧洲银管理局European Banking Authority
母银parent bank
没有执的订单unfilled orders
法兰西银Bank of France France
泛美开发银Inter-American Development Bank
洛斯卡沃斯动计划Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan
洛斯卡沃斯动计划Los Cabos Action Plan
洛斯卡沃斯增长与就业动计划Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan
洛斯卡沃斯增长与就业动计划Los Cabos Action Plan
清算银clearing bank
幅度rate of crawl
式钉住adjustable peg
式钉住fixed but adjustable exchange rate
式钉住crawling peg
波幅crawling bands
波幅内的汇率exchange rates within crawling bands IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
通货膨胀persistent inflation
通货膨胀creeping inflation steady
牵头银lead underwriter
牵头银syndicate leader
牵头银lead bank
牵头银lead manager
狭义银narrow banking
狭义银100 percent reserve banking
环境动计划environmental action plan
环球银金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
价格going price
going rate
prevailing market rate
百分之百准备金要求的银制度narrow banking
百分之百准备金要求的银制度100 percent reserve banking
直接发tap issue government securities
票据交换所银间支付系统clearing house interbank payments system
离岸空壳分offshore shell branch
离岸银offshore deposit taker
离岸银offshore bank
离岸银中心offshore banking center
离岸银单位offshore banking unit
离岸银同业市场offshore interbank market
禽流感大流avian flu pandemic
税法的执enforced collection
税法的执tax enforcement
第一层次银first-tier bank
第一级银first-tier bank
经济运情况economic performance
综合性银multiple bank
综合性银multiservice bank
综合性银all-purpose bank
综合性银universal bank
综合性银multipurpose bank
联合发展委员会执秘书处Office of Executive Secretary, Joint Development Committee
联合执委员会Joint Implementation Committee
联合执委员会Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
联合牵头co-lead manager
联合牵头co-manager syndicated loans
联邦储备银Federal Reserve Bank
膨胀和紧缩交替运的政策stop and go
膨胀和紧缩交替运的政策stop-go policy
英格兰银Bank of England
业之间的贸易interindustry trade
业内部的贸易Intraindustry trade
业分类industrial classification
为准则code of conduct IMF member
为变量behavior variable
为均衡汇率behavioral equilibrium exchange rate
为等式behavioral equation
政手段确定的价值administrative value
政手段确定的价值standard value
政手段确定的价值posted value
政手段确定的价值official value customs
政措施administrative action
政支出administrative costs
政支出administrative expenditures
政支出administrative expenses
政支出和控制处Administrative Expenditures and Control Division
政支出科Administrative Payments Section
政服务Administrative Services
政法庭Administrative Tribunal
政法规组Administrative Law Unit
政管理处Administrative Division
政管理总则General Administrative Order
政预算administrative budget
exercise an option
权价striking price
权价strike price
权价contract price
权价exercise price options
驶速率going rate
衍生金融工具交易的执exercise of a financial derivative
西非国家中央银Central Bank of West African States
西非开发银West African Development Bank
西非银Central Bank of West African States
财务和政管理系统处Financial and Administrative Systems Division
货币中心银money center bank
货币发机构currency issuing agency
货币发机构bank of issue
货币和银统计money and banking statistics
资本不足的银undercapitalized bank
资源业透明度行动计划Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
跨国银业务multinational banking
净余额net operating balance
美国进出口银Export-Import Bank of the United States
连续执两个以上使命的代表团back-to-back missions
退出银exit bank debt restructuring
选举产生的执董事elective Executive Director
选举产生的执董事elected Executive Director
重债穷国减贫支出跟踪评估和动计划HIPC Poverty-Related Expenditure Tracking Assessment and Action Plan IMF-World Bank, HIPC
金融动工作组Financial Action Task Force
金融动工作组Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
金融动工作组式的地区机构FATF-Style Regional Bodies
金融动工作组的八项特别建议Eight Special Recommendations
金融动工作组的八项特别建议8 Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing
金融动工作组的八项特别建议FATF 8 Special Recommendations
金融动工作组的八项特别建议Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing
金融动工作组的40项建议forty FATF Recommendations
金融动工作组的40项建议40 Recommendations to Combat Money-Laundering
金融动工作组的40项建议FATF 40 Recommendations
金融动工作组的40+8项建议forty plus eight recommendations
金融动工作组的40+8项建议40 and 8 Recommendations
金融动工作组的40+8项建议FATF 40+8 recommendations
金融动工作组的40项建议Forty Recommendations
banking sector
业安全网banking safety nets
体系banking system
保付支票marked check
保付支票certified bank check
保付支票certified check
保密bank secrecy
保密法Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
保密法Bank Secrecy Act
倒闭bank failure
债务bank debt
债务commercial debt
储备bankers' reserves
准备金bankers' reserves
利率bank rate
利率minimum lending rate
利率discount rate central banking
券和铸币banknotes and coins
同业市场拆放利率interbank rate
同业市场拆放利率interbank offered rate
同业拆借市场interbank money market
咨询委员会advisory committee
咨询委员会steering committee
咨询委员会bank advisory committee London Club
垫款bank advances
垫款bank loan
欧洲复苏与处置指令Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
外现金cash outside banks
外现金currency outside banks
外通货cash outside banks
外通货currency outside banks
存款bankers' deposit central bank
当局banking authorities
承兑汇票bank acceptance
承兑汇票banker's acceptance
报表bank report form
报表report form
报表bank call report form
报送监管当局的表格bank report form
报送监管当局的表格report form
报送监管当局的表格bank call report form
担保bank guaranty contracts
按要求提供的报表call report
按要求提供的报表bank call report
控股公司bank holding company
本票bank check
本票official check
本票treasurer's check
本票cashier's check
检查bank examination
概览banking survey
汇票banker's draft
汇票bank draft
流动性比率bank liquidity ratio
现金cash held by banks
现金cash in bank
现金比率bank cash ratio
的银行central banker
的银行central bank
的银行bankers' bank
监督banking supervision
监督bank supervision
监管当局bank supervisors
破产处置机制bank resolution mechanism
票据bank money
稳健性banking soundness
评估bank assessment
账户banking book
货币bank money
贷款bank advances
贷款bank loan
部门banking sector
部门改革banking sector reform
重组bank restructuring
间利率interbank rate
间利率interbank offered rate
间跨境债权transborder interbank claim
间跨境债权transborder claim
间跨境债权cross-border claim
间隔夜贷款利率call rate
间隔夜贷款利率call money rate
间隔夜贷款利率interbank call rate
间隔夜贷款利率overnight call money rate
间隔夜贷款利率overnight rate
间隔夜贷款利率cash rate
阿克拉动日程Triple A
阿克拉动日程Accra Agenda for Action
阿拉伯非洲经济发展银Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
阿拉伯非洲银Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
集体动条款collective action clause debt
集体动问题collective action problem
集体动问题collective action problems
零售发tap issue government securities
零售银retail bank
African Development Bank
非核心银noncore bank
非洲动计划Kananaskis Africa Action Plan
非洲动计划G8 Africa Action Plan
非洲动计划Africa Action Plan
政府债券的非现金发noncash issuance of government securities
非银融资nonbank financing
非银金融机构nonbank financial corporation
非银金融机构nonbank financial institution
预算执budget execution
预算执结果budget performance
预算执结果budget outturn
风险过高的银overexposed bank
首尔动计划Seoul Action Plan
首次公开发initial public offering
香港特别政区行政长官Chief Executive of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong
高折扣发的债券deep discount issue capital market
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