
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 行动 | all forms | in specified order only
一体行动United Nations "Delivering as One"
一体行动delivering as one
世界土地改革和农村发展会议行动纲领World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Programme of Action
世界土地改革和农村发展会议行动计划World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Programme of Action
《世界文化多样性宣言》行动计划Plan of Action of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
世界粮食计划署在埃塞俄比亚的运输行动World Food Programme Transport Operation in Ethiopia
世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the World Food Summit Follow-up and Alliances
世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the WFS Follow-up and Alliances
东南亚促进负责任捕捞规范区域行动计划Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices in South East Asia
为处境不利的乡村妇女而发起的村社行动Community Action for Disadvantaged Rural Women
为粮食安全和持续农业及乡村发展的国别政策和规划援助而制定的特别行动计划Special Action Programme on Country Policy and Programming Assistance for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
五年行动计划Five Year Action Plan of the Common Fund for Commodities
五年行动计划Five Year Action Plan
人道主义行动问责和绩效动态学习网络Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action
侵蚀、技术、资本集中问题行动小组ETC Group
侵蚀、技术、资本集中问题行动小组Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration
促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action
促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries
保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the South-East Pacific
保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific
保护地中海环境战略和行动计划Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean
免于饥饿运动/行动促发展Freedom from Hunger Campaign/Action for Development
免于饥饿运动/开发行动Freedom from Hunger Campaign/Action for Development
《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
共同人道主义行动计划Common Humanitarian Action Plan
关于发展中国家间经济合作的加拉加斯行动计划Caracas Action Programme on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries
关于水与可持续农业发展的国际行动纲领International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development
农村组织行动计划Rural Organizations Action Programme
农药行动Pesticides Action Network
减少延绳钓渔业中误捕海鸟国际行动计划International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
减少延绳钓渔业意外捕获海鸟的国家行动计划National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
《到2000年及其后世界青年行动纲领》World Programme of Action for Youth towards the Year 2000 and beyond
加勒比海地区基督教开发行动组织Christian Action for Development in the Caribbean
动物遗传资源全球行动计划Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources
助理总干事, 世界粮食首脑会议后续行动特别顾问Assistant Director-General/Special Adviser, World Food Summit Follow-up
北京行动平台Beijing Platform for Action
协调及千年发展目标后续行动办公室Office of Coordination and Millenium Development Goals Follow-up
协调及千年发展目标后续行动办公室Office of Coordination and MDG Follow-up
协调对波兰和匈牙利援助的行动计划Action Plan for Coordinated Aid to Poland and Hungary
发展中国家政府间经济合作后续行动及协调委员会Intergovernmental Follow-up and Coordination Committee on Economic Cooperation between Developing Countries
发展合作领域实施的农业与食品部门大学行动 – 西班牙案例Universities Action in the Agro-food Sector Implemented in the Field of Cooperation for Development - the case of Spain
商品共同基金五年行动计划Five Year Action Plan of the Common Fund for Commodities
商品共同基金五年行动计划Five Year Action Plan
国别林业行动计划National Forestry Action Programmes
国家行动计划-IUUNational Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
国家行动计划-海鸟National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
国家行动计划-能力National Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity
国家行动计划-鲨鱼National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
国家动物遗传资源战略和行动计划编制准则Guidelines for the Preparation of National Strategies and Action Plans for Animal Genetic Resources
国家和国际稻米行动准则Guidelines on National and International Action on Rice
国家林业行动计划National Forestry Action Programmes
国家林业行动计划支持组National Forestry Action Programmes Support Unit
国家林业行动计划顾问 拉丁美洲及加勒比NFP Adviser Latin America and the Caribbean
国家热带林业行动计划协调小组National TFAP Coordinating Unit
国家营养行动计划National Plan of Action for Nutrition
国际行动计划International Plan of Action
国际行动计划-IUUInternational Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
国际行动计划-能力International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity
国际发展开发行动联盟International Coalition for Development Action
国际饮水供应和卫生十年合作行动机构间指导委员会Steering Committee for Cooperative Action for the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade
土壤肥力行动Soil Fertility Initiative
地中海林业行动计划Mediterranean Forest Action Programme
妇女参与农业和农村发展行动计划Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Agricultural and Rural Development
"实际行动"组织Practical Action
小型渔业发展行动计划Programme of Action for Development of Small-scale Fisheries
巴厘岛行动计划Bali Action Plan
80年代新的实质性行动计划Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s for the Least Developed Countries
80年代新的实质性行动计划Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s
2005-2015 年兵库行动框架Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
2005-2015 年兵库行动框架Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
年度人力资源管理行动计划HR Management Action Plan
年度人力资源管理行动计划Human Resources Management Action Plan
应对最贫穷国家食品价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices
应对最贫穷国家食品价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices in the Poorest Countries
应对粮食价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices
应对粮食价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices in the Poorest Countries
应急行动主管Emergency Response Manager
拉丁美洲植物遗传资源合作和磋商行动委员会Action Committee on Latin American Cooperation and Consultation on Plant Genetic Resources
拉各斯行动计划Lagos Plan of Action
捕捞能力管理国家行动计划National Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity
捕捞能力管理国际行动计划International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity
援助行动国际ActionAid International
更新的综合行动框架Updated Comprehensive Framework for Action
林业行动计划Forestry Action Programme
林业促进当地社区发展特别行动计划Special Action Programme in Forestry for Local Community Development
森林执法、治理和贸易行动计划FLEGT Action Plan
森林执法、治理和贸易行动计划Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan
森林执法、治理和贸易行动计划Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
植物卫生合作行动Cooperative Action for Plant Health
欧洲食品消费和构成数据合作研究行动European Cooperation and Research Action on Food Consumption and Composition Data
欧盟/粮农组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme
欧盟/粮农组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划Food Security Information for Action
水和可持续农业发展国际行动计划International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development
海鸟问题国际/国家行动计划最佳规范技术准则专家磋商会Expert Consultation on Best Practice Technical Guidelines for IPOA/NPOA - Seabirds
灭蝗紧急行动中心Emergency Centre for Locust Operations
热带林业行动纲领监测信息系统TFAP Monitoring Information System
热带林业行动计划Tropical Forests Action Programme
热带林业行动计划磋商小组Consultative Group on the Tropical Forests Action Programme
热带林业行动计划项目信息系统TFAP Projects Information System
特别救济行动Special Relief Operations Service
特别救灾行动办公室Office for Special Relief Operations
环境事务行动Environment Action Team
生物多样性行动Biodiversity Action Network
粮农组织独立外部评价后续行动大会委员会Conference Committee on Follow-up to the IEE
粮农组织独立外部评价后续行动大会委员会Conference Committee on Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
粮农组织独立外部评价的后续行动Follow-up to the IEE
粮农组织独立外部评价的后续行动IEE Follow-up
粮农组织独立外部评价的后续行动Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
粮农组织/荷兰关于粮食及生态系统用水国际会议:采取实际行动FAO/Netherlands International Conference on Water for Food and Ecosystems: Make it Happen
粮食和农业植物遗传资源保存及可持续利用全球行动计划Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源保存及可持续利用全球行动计划Global Plan of Action on Plant Genetic Resources
粮食安全行动计划Food Security Action Programme
粮食第一信息和行动FIAN International
粮食第一信息和行动Foodfirst Information and Action Network
紧急行动及恢复司Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division
紧急行动及恢复司Emergency and Rehabilitation Division
紧急行动及恢复司TCE人力资源Human Resources of the Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division
紧急行动Emergency Operations Service
紧急行动处 -亚洲、近东、欧洲及特别紧急行动Emergency Operations Service - Asia, Near East, Europe and Special Emergencies
紧急行动处 - 非洲、拉丁美洲及加勒比Emergency Operations Service - Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
紧急行动Emergency Unit
紧急及恢复行动高级协调员Senior Emergency and Rehabilitation Coordinator
维也纳宣言和行动纲领Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights
维也纳宣言和行动纲领Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
缓和社会费用调整的行动纲领Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment
联合国国际紧急行动网络United Nations International Emergency Network
联合国在索马里的行动United Nations Operation in Somalia
联合国系统统一业务做法行动计划Plan of Action for the Harmonization and Reform of Business Practices in the United Nations System
联合国紧急行动United Nations Emergency Operation
联合国边境救济行动United Nations Border Relief Operation
联合国达卡救济行动United Nations Relief Operation in Dacca
联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development
联合国驻索马里的行动United Nations Operation in Somalia
行动论坛Platform for Action
规范、执行及下放活动协调办公室Office for Coordination of Normative, Operational and Decentralized Activities
跨学科行动重点领域Priority Area for Inter-disciplinary Action
跨学科行动重点领域Priority Areas for Interdisciplinary Action
近期行动计划Immediate Plan of Action IPA for FAO Renewal
近期行动计划Immediate Action Plan Immediate Plan of Action
近期行动计划FAO Reform
近期行动计划Immediate Plan of Action
《近期行动计划》信托基金Trust Fund for the Immediate Plan of Action IPA for FAO Renewal
《近期行动计划》信托基金Trust Fund for the IPA
《近期行动计划》信托基金Trust Fund for the Immediate Plan of Action IPA
《近期行动计划》信托基金Trust Fund for Implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action
《近期行动计划》信托基金Immediate Plan of Action Trust Fund
《近期行动计划》信托基金IPA Trust Fund
《近期行动计划》变革管理小组IPA Change Management Unit
《近期行动计划》应急组IPA Contingency
《近期行动计划》管理层后续行动组IPA Management Follow-up
《近期行动计划》行动矩阵表IPA Action Matrix
《近期行动计划》计划管理处IPA Programme Management Branch
《近期行动计划》计划管理组IPA Programme Management Unit
违规和紧急行动通知准则Guidelines for the Notification of Non-compliance and Emergency Action
防止、制止和消除非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼国家行动计划National Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
防止粮食损失特别行动计划Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses
非洲区域紧急行动办公室Regional Emergency Office for Africa
非洲新稻米行动New Rice for Africa
非洲特设行动小组信息系统African Task Force Information System
非洲特设行动小组管理委员会Africa Task Force Management Committee
非洲特设行动组秘书处Africa Task Force Secretariat
非洲紧急行动特设工作组African Emergency Task Force
预防、制止和消除非法、不管制和不报告捕鱼国家行动计划National Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
预防、制止和消除非法、不管制和不报告捕鱼国际行动计划International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
预防粮食损失特别行动计划Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses
食物权:采取具体行动The Right to Food: Make it Happen
马拉喀什统计行动计划Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics
鱼和水产品国际贸易行动计划Programme of Action on International Trade in Fish and Fishery Products
鲨鱼养护和管理国家行动计划National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
鲨鱼养护和管理国际行动计划International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks