
Terms for subject Technology containing 行会 | all forms | in specified order only
全国互助储蓄银行协会National Association of Mutual Savings Banks
具有多种手艺或不同行业会员证工人combination man
国际复兴开发银行贷款国际开发协会信贷提款指南Guideline for Withdrawal of Precedes of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans and International Development Association
国际复兴开发银行贷款国际开发协会信贷采购指南Guideline for Procurement under International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans and International Development Association
国际航行学会联合会International Association of Institutes of Navigation
在进行粉末冶金模具设计时经常会用到大量的通用零件和通用模架Many common parts and common mould base parts are used while the designer are designing powder metallurgy die
行会parallel session
行会executing accounting
执行委员会working committee
执行理事会executive council
执行董事会executive directors
承兑商行委员会Accepting Houses Committee
灭火器行业协会Fire Extinguishing Trade Association
砖石行会mason's guild
票据交换所会员银行clearing member
美国联合抵押银行协会United Mortgage Bankers of America
美联邦储备会员行存款平均额bank credit proxy
联邦规范执行委员会Federal Specifications Executive Committee (美国)
能举行会议的宴会厅convention hall
航行安全分委员会Subcommittee on Safety of Navigation
英国油漆制造商与相关行业协会British Paint Manufactures and Allied Trades Association
荷兰哈勒姆肉商行会Butcher's Hall at Haarlem
行业协会confederation of trade union
行业协会说明书trade association specification
行委员会executive committee
行政理事会行政管理费administrative council
行政管理学会Administration Management Society