
Terms for subject Project management containing 行为 | all forms | in specified order only
一群人正在研究消费者心理学和行为经济学、 他们收集的证据令人印象深刻、 已达到学术水平A group there is studying consumer psychology and behavioral economics and amassing evidence that's impressive by any academic standard was collected
一般行为变量general behavioral descriptors
下行速度为使用 3G 时 EVO 速度的两倍 EVO 上行速度约为使用 3G 时 EVO 速度的三倍That downstream speed was double the EVO speed when using 3G, and the upstream speed was about triple
不规范的行为disorderly conduct
不轨行为wilful misconduct
与产品相关的行为变量product-related behavioral descriptors
专制行为autocratic acts
个人侵权行为personal tort
串通行为collusive practice
为支付进行的计量measurement for payment
也许不久的将来、传播没有任何危害性的良性病毒即使是对你自己的计算机系统也会被视作违法行为And soon it may be illegal to infect a computer system even your own with a benign virus which does no harm at all
人际行为the interpersonal behavior approach
代理人侵权行为agent's tort
任何员工如被证实有骚扰行为、 将受到纪律处分、 直至被解聘All employees will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for any proven act of harassment
可为银行所接受的acceptable to the bank
向存储器传送地址是经过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
在该磁带被扩充之前、请输入可以执行的清洗次数。数值不能为零Enter the number of cleanings that this cartridge can perform before it is considered to be expended. The value must not be zero
妨碍社会治安行为disorderly conduct
对于经济衰退可能对消费者行为产生什么影响、我在伦敦时装周上没发现多少一致看法I could find little consensus at London Fashion Week on the impact the downturn might have on consumer behaviour
对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期、 企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理An enterprise may deal -with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging
强迫行为coercive practice
当一个国家的房地产投机行为已经超过了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
恣意行为reckless misconduct
懈怠行为act of omission
故意侵权行为intentional tort
故意破坏互联网的行为ping of death
欺诈行为fraudulent act
欺诈行为fraudulent practice
消费者行为模式model of consumer behavior
确认你的行为在程序范围内、 从而强制实行串行访问制度访问共享文件描述符号和其他的外部资源Make sure you take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources
紧急行为emergency action
群体行为group action
职业行为准则professional code of conduct
营销行为规范marketing codes of conduct
行为事件访谈法behavior event interview
行为分析behavioural analysis
行为层级behavioural hierarchies
行为扫描信息源公司Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc.
行为标准behavioural characteristics criteria
行为标准behavior criterion
行为模拟behavior modeling
行为矫正疗法behavior modification
行为锚定等级法Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Method
贪污行为corrupt practice
贿赂行为corrupt practice
这种表现不只是因为钢铁等行业产能过剩、以极低的价格将产品倾销到国外That performance is not just the result of excess-capacity industries, such as steel, dumping output abroad at cutthroat prices
选择"执行"为报表安排数据处理、或临时缓存常用的报表Choose Execution to schedule data processing for the report, or to temporarily cache a frequently used report
重复购买行为repeat purchase behavior
重过失行为reckless misconduct
集体行为group action
集体行为the group behavior approach
预备诉讼行为preliminary act
领导行为leader behavior