
Terms for subject Business containing 行为 | all forms | in specified order only
一方行为unilateral act
一般侵权行为general tort
不合理行为irrational behavior
不履行债务行为act of nonperformance
不正当行为wrongful act
不正当行为monkey business
不正当劳动行为unfair labor practice
不法行为dirty work
不涉法行为nonlegal action
不道德行为unethical conduct
严重的非法行为aggravated misconduct
个人行为personal behavior
个人行为individual behaviour
个人行为与人群关系individual behaviour and human relations
个人行为理论personal behavior theory
个人不法行为personal wrong
个体行为individual behaviour
中止时效行为act of interruption
为公司服务的银行业务corporate banking
为实物投资而发行的股票issuance of capital stock for non-cash assets
为履行合同指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
为运费行使留置权lien for freight
买方行为buyer behaviour
买方行为效果effect of conduct of buyer
事实上的侵权行为de facto tort
五毒行为five-evil capitalist practices
人为行市forced market
人群行为学派human behavior school
人际行为human habitual
人际行为学派interpersonal behavior school
人际行为模式human habitual model
人际行为法则rules of interpersonal behavior
从属行为ancillary acts
他导行为other-directed behavior
他导行为other-directed action
代理行为law of agency
代理人侵权行为agent's torts
代理人越权行为warranty off authority
以代收行为收货人unto collecting bank
以开证行为收货人unto issuing bank
以托运人代理行为收货人unto shippers agency
以托运人国外代理行为收货人unto shipper's foreign agency
以禁止行使权力为制裁on pain of being barred
以议付行为收货人unto negotiating bank
任性行为wanton conduct
任性行为wanton act
企业行为behavior of enterprise
企业行为behavioral theory of the firm
企业行为理论behavior theory of the firm
侵害动产行为trespass to chattels
侵权行为infringing act
侵权行为delictum privatum
侵权行为导致的损害delictual damage
侵权行为性质nature of tort
侵权行为law of torts
侵权行为索赔claim based on tort
侵权行为诉讼action of tort
侵权行为诉讼action ex delicto
信用行为behavior of credit
偶然交换行为accidental exchange
公开行为over behavior
公认行为准则established rule of conduct
公认会计原则的行为含义behavioral implication of generally accepted accounting principle
公证行为act of notary public
共同行为joint act
共同行为joint doers
共同过失行为joint tort
关联行为interactive behavior
内导行为inner-directed action
内部控制行为假定behavioral hypotheses of internal control
决策行为研究behavioral approach to decision-making
准则行为criterion behavior
加入他人已订合同的行为act of accession
动机性行为motivated behavior
勒索行为extorsive measure
单独行为unilateral juristic act
卖方行为act of the sellers
卢因行为模式Lewin model of behavior
双方法律行为bilateral legal transaction
反诉行为cross action
受贿行为venal practice
可撤销法律行为voidable juristic act
可起诉的违法行为actionable wrongdoing
合法行为action legislation
合法行为legal action
合法行为actus legitimus
签订合同时合法行为act in law
商业行为commerce act
商业侵权行为如侵犯商标权等,但不包括违约business tort
商标选择行为brand choice behavior
善意行为bona gesture
回避行为elusive behavior
因侵权行为的诉讼action in tort
团体行为community action
国际行为准则international code of conduct
国际技术转让行为守则international code of conduct for the transfer of technology
国际法律行为international legal act
国际非法行为internationally wrongful act
外化行为act of externalizing
守法行为good behavior
完全生效行为complete action
实用行为分析applied behavioral analysis
对侵权行为的债权claim in tort
对故意不端行为的诉权claim based on willful misconduct
对有意欺诈行为的诉权claim based on wilful misconduct
履约行为executive action
工作行为job behavior
市场行为研究market behavior research
市场行为theory of market behavior
干预行为intervening act
平均成本行为behavior of average cost
应变行为coping behavior
建立稳定的群体行为establish stable group behavior
强制行为enforcement action
当事人行为act of party
形成国库债务的行为act incurring liabilities on the treasury
形成国库支出的行为act resulting in treasury expenses
怪异行为aberrant behavior
恶意行为损坏malicious damage
您心目中穿孔机的可行价格为多少?What's the workable price for this puncher in your mind?
感情行为affectional behavior
成本行为cost behavior
战略行为strategic action
扣押当事人货物的行为levy of execution
抄袭行为act of plagiarism
投资行为investment behavior
投资后续行为investment follow-up
抵触行为act of contravention
指出违约行为designated offences
振荡行为oscillatory behavior
授权行为act of tort
排除浪费行为eliminate wasteful practices
探索行为search behavior
推销行为act of pushing
政府间限制性商业行为专家组Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices
故意行为wilful action
故意行为wilful act
故意不当行为intentional misconduct
故意侵权行为wilful tort
故意违法行为wilful misconduct
救护行为saving act
整体行为global behavior
旅游者行为tourist behavior
旅游者行为tourist action
行为能力的人person under disability
无偿行为gratuitous act
无因行为abstract action
无因法律行为abstract juristic act
无法律行为能力的人person under a legal disability
无纪律行为undisciplined behaviour
无要因行为act without its material cause
无责任行为act without responsibility
暧昧行为equivocal behavior
替自的行为辩护excuse oneself for one's conduct
最大化行为maximizing behavior
行为能力的人person capable of disposing
有偿行为non-gratuitous act
有偿行为juristic act done for a consideration
有偿行为act of consideration
有效行为available act
有目的行为purposive behavior
服务性行为service behavior
本能行为分析instinctive behavior analysis
本能行为研究instinctive behavior research
本能行为障碍instinctive behavior disturbance
机能失调行为dysfunctional behaviour
权变行为管理behavioral contingency management
极大化行为maximization behavior
核准和拨款行为authorization and appropriation measure
模拟行为modeling behavior
模范行为exemplary conduct
欺诈行为dishonest deed
欺诈行为dirty work
欺骗等不道德行为funny business
民事行为能力capacity to perform civil acts
民事不法行为civil wrong
法人行为corporate action
法律行为jural action
法律行为juristical action
法律行为juristic act
法律行为jural act
法律行为act of law
法律行为fait juridique
法律行为act in law
法律行为文件document of juristic act
法律行为能力capacity to enter into legal transaction
法律行为能力capacity for legal transaction
法律行为能力capacity for legal acts
消极行为negative action
消费行为consumer action
消费行为behavior of consumption
消费行为分析consumer behaviour analysis
消费行为分析consumer action analysis
消费行为理论theory of consumer's behavior
消费行为相互依存interdependence of consumer behavior
消费行为研究consumer action research
消费行为研究consumer behaviour research
消费行为研究behavior approach to consumption
消费者行为consumer behaviour
消费者行为behavior of consumer
消费者行为分析analysis of consumer actions
消费者行为效果effect of conduct of consumer
消费者行为独立性independence of consumer behavior
消费者行为研究consumer behaviour study
消费者行为theory of consumer behavior
渎职行为delinquent behaviour
激励行为选择理论choice of behavior theory of motivation
物权行为juristic act of real right
特殊情况下的行为behavior in particular circumstances
现代行为科学modern behavior science
生产行为behavior of production
生前行为act inter vires
目标行为target behavior
目标行为behavior toward a goal
目标导向行为goal-directed behaviour
直接侵权行为direct aggression
直接国外投资的行为含义behavioral implication of direct foreign investment
相似行为similar action
短期行为short-term behavior
短期行为near-term action
短期利益投资行为investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests
短期定价行为short-run pricing behavior
破坏行为disruptive behaviour
破坏行为disruptive acts
社交行为social behavior
贸委会禁止商业欺诈行为通知cease and desist order
管理行为behavior of management
管理行为administrative behavior
管理行为management behavior
管理行为administration behavior
管理行为behavioral theory of management
管理行为学派school of management behavior
管理行为研究behavior approach to management
管理行为连续区域continuum of management behavior
管理组织行为management and organizational behavior
系统行为behavior of system
累积总需求行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameter
纵容行为act of connivance
组织行为习惯形态habitual pattern of organizational behavior
组织行为修正organization behavior modification
组织行为分析organizational behavior analysis
组织行为organization behavior science
组织行为organization behavior research
组织行为organizational behavior research
组织行为behavioral theory of organization
组织行为科学organizational behavior science
经济行为economic action
群体行为分析group behaviour analysis
群体行为分析group behavior analysis
群体行为研究group behaviour study
群体行为研究group behavior study
群体行为研究group behaviour approach
群体行为研究group behavior approach
肯定行为affirmative action
自卫行为act of self-defence
自愿行为extrinsically motivated behavior
自然人的行为能力disposing capacity of the natural person
自觉行为conscious activity
船员不法行为保险barratry insurance
良好行为well-behaved solution
行为goings on
行为与随机化规则behavioral and randomized rule
行为会计behavioral accounting
行为倾向behavioral disposition
行为假定behavioral hypotheses
行为关系behavior relation
行为典范exemplary conduct
行为决策behavioral decision
行为准则performance criterion
行为准则standards of action
行为准则operative norm
行为分析behavioral analysis
行为分类class of action
行为动机springing of conduct
行为动机motivation to behavior
行为反应behavioral response
行为反应behavior responses
行为变动behavior change
行为变化behavioral change
行为变革过程process of behavior change
行为含义behavioral implication
行为均匀性homogeneity of acts
行为型式behaviour pattern
行为学派behavior school
行为工程behavioral engineering
行为意向behavioral intention
行为抽样behavior sampling
行为效果behavioral effect
行为方式mode of behavior
行为方程behavioral equation
行为方程behavior equation
行为机制behavior mechanism
行为标准standard of behavior
行为模式behavioral model
行为模式behavior model
行为模式化behavioral modeling
行为独立性independence in behavior
行为环境behavioral environment
行为理论behavioral theory
行为的个人决定因素individual determinant of behavior
行为的内在决定因素internal determinant of behavior
行为的合法性legality of behavior
行为的外部决定因素external determinant of behavior
行为目标behavioral objective
行为研究behavioral study
行为研究behavioral approach
行为研究action research
行为科学science of behavior
行为科学human behavior science
行为tax on acts
行为空间action space
行为管理学派behavior school of management
行为系统system of behavior
行为能力capacity of action
行为能力disposing capacity
行为能力capacity for action
行为规则working rules
行为规则rule of conduct
行为解释interpretation of behavior
行为训练action training
行为评判behavior rating
行为识别identification of action
机动车辆行为责任保险法规act liability insurances
行为选择choice of behavior
行为选择理论choice of behavior theory
行为预期behavioral expectations
衰减震荡行为damped oscillatory behavior
要因法律行为causative juristic act
要因法律行为causal juristic act
规划行为program action
诉讼行为act of procedure
诡诈行为shifty behavior
误导行为misleading conduct
象征行为symbol behavior
购买行为buying behaviour
购买行为分析purchasing behaviors analysis
购买行为原动力dynamics of buying behavior
购买行为研究purchasing behaviors research
贿赂行为venal practice
资产免受其他行为干预immunity of assets from other actions
起诉行为action introducing legal proceeding
起诉行为act instituting judicial proceeding
越权行为supererogatory action
越权行为act in excess of authority
边界不轨行为borderline risk
进行到失效为止carry to failure
违反义务行为act against duty
违反合同行为violation of contract
违法行为illegal activities
违章行为illegal act
违约行为act against contract
违规行为deviate behavior
违规行为act of infringement
销售行为act of sale
错误思想行为incorrect ideas and actions
长期行为long-term behavior
防卫行为act of defence
防御行为act of defence
防御性行为defensive behaviour
防止技术性贸易壁垒行为守则Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade
限制行为能力restricted disposable capacity
限制行为能力limited disposable capacity
限制行为能力的人person limited in disposing capacity
随机行为stochastic behavior
随机行为act of randomization
非法行为wrong action
非法行为wrongful act
非法占物行为trespass to goods
非理性行为nonrational behaviour
非理性行为nonrational action
非要因法律行为noncausal juristic act
顾客行为customer behavior
顾客行为分析customer behavior analysis
顾客行为研究customer behavior research
预期行为anticipatory behavior
预期行为anticipatory action
领导行为behavior of leadership
领导行为研究behavior approach to leadership
领导行为连续区域continuum of leadership behavior
领导者行为leader behavior
领导者行为学派leader behavior school