
Terms for subject Commerce containing 行业 | all forms | in specified order only
专业银行specialist bank
业务以委托代办方式进行Business is conducted on a commission basis
中国旅行游览事业管理局China Travel and Tourism Administration Bureau
从事一门行业prosecute a trade
他们的业务活动扩展到多种行业。扩大的Their business activities spread over a multitude of lines
代理行业commission agency
企业行政管理费用factory administrative overheads
伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers' Clearing House
伦敦银行间同业拆放利率London interbank offered rate
兴业银行Societe Generale (Paris, 巴黎)
法国兴业银行Societe Generale
具体行业particular trade
农业信贷银行agricultural loan bank
发展很快的新型行业growth industry
取消商业旅行call off the business trip
同业行会trade association
同业行会trading association
商业上可行commercially viable
商业上通行的be customary in trade
商业与财务可行性commercial and financial variability
商业银行business commercial bank
沙特国家商业银行National Commercial Bank
国民农业信贷银行Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole (Avignon, 阿维尼翁)
国民商业银行苏格兰皇家银行、威廉格林银行National & Commercial Banking Group Royal Bank of Scotland William & Glyn's Bank Edinburgh (爱丁堡)
Royal Bank of Scotland, William & Glyn's Bank英国国民商业银行National & Commercial Banking Group
外出做商业旅行be absent on a business tour
行业企业合并conglomerate combination
行业公司multiindustry company
如果货物包装与买方要求或行业惯例不相符合The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade
英国实业银行家协会Industrial Bankers' Association
意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana
意大利商业银行Banca Commercial Italiana
意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A. (Milan, 米兰)
我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
投资银行业invest ment banking
投资银行业investing banking
行业惯例费用必须由买方承担The buyer shall undertake the expenses by custom of the trade
探听同业商店行情的人员comparison shopper
提供多重服务的银行业multiple banking
日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan (Tokyo, 东京)
日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited
服务行业service trade
此类危险对于该行业而言是偶然会发生的Such risks are contingent to the trade
瑞典商业银行Svenska Handelsbanken (Stockholm, 斯德哥尔摩)
用电话联系业务的交易所会员证券行wire house
由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投资Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
相互理解对业务的顺利进行是必要的Mutual understanding is essential to the smooth running of business
离岸银行业off-shore banking
第一劝业银行Dai-Ichi-Kangyo Bank (Tokyo, 东京)
美国汉华实业银行Manufacturers Hanover Corp
美国联邦贸易委员会禁止商业欺诈行为通告Cease-and-Desist Order
行业务往来interbank transaction
英国银行业公会British Banker's Association
行业劳工合同labour contract
行业协会traders society
行业惯例custom of the trade
行业组织trade organization
行业计划sectional plan
西德企业实行经营董事会与监督董事会双轨董事制度double track directors system
西德商业银行Commerzbank (Dusseldorf, 杜塞尔多夫)
行业经营multi sectoral operation
连锁银行业chain banking
野猫式银行业wildcat banking
行业务自动化automation of banking service
银行办理通讯存款的业务员mail teller
银行同业借款interbank loan
银行同业拆款interbank loan
银行同业活期存款interbank demand deposit
银行同业英镑拆放市场sterling interbank market
韩国商业银行Commercial Bank of Korea, Ltd. (Seoul, 汉城)