
Terms for subject Technology containing 行业 | all forms | in specified order only
业务出行business trip
业务发达的商行going concern
个体服务行业individual service
主要行业major industry
企业行为科学behaviour theories of the firm
企业行为科学behavior theories of the firm
例行作业routine operation
修理行业的技术人员maintenance technician
修理服务行业repair and service trades
先行性行业pioneer industry
先行性行业减税relief for pioneer industry
全世界航行警告业务the world-wide navigational warning service
全球航行警告业务world wide navigation warning service
具有多种手艺或不同行业会员证工人combination man
行业承包制separate trade contractor system
分配性和服务性行业distributive and service trades
化工行业chemical lines
厌恶性行业offensive trade
双行作业机具two-row machine
行业issuing transaction
发展特快的新行业growth industry
只限行人活动的商业区shopping mall
各行各业various walks of life
各行各业every industry or trade
各行各业all trades and professions
行业务标准standards of professional practice
行业单位之间应付账款account payable interline
同业银行bank correspondent
咽喉区平行作业simultaneous operation at throat
商业及行政中心commercial and administrative centre
商业旅行者commercial traveller
商业旅行者commercial traveler
商业步行街shopping precinct
商业步行街commercial pedestrian street
商业航行commercial navigation
商业行为commercial action
商业银行business bank
商业银行贷款commercial bank loan
国外商业银行贷款foreign commercial bank loans
行业企业并合conglomerate merger
天然垄断性的行业industries that are monopolistic in nature
它们产品主要面向石油化工、冶炼、制药、制盐等化学工业领域及电化行业They are widely applied in the industries of petrochemical engineering, smelt, pharmacy, salt preparation, as well as electric chemical plants
室内工程行业trade for interior work
小额银行业务市场retail banking market
屋面行业roofing trade
工业三废排放试行标准trial standards of industrial three wastes discharge
工业三废排放试行标准trial discharge standards of industrial three wastes
平行作业simultaneous work
平行作业simultaneous working
平行作业parallel working
建筑行业building trades
建筑工程行业building trades
强生是医药行业里的巨头Johnson & Johnson is a giant in pharmaceutical industry
行业务的合伙人active partner
行业务股东active partner
承兑商业银行accepting house
承兑商业银行acceptance house
拖带行业towage service
按回购协定进行的购买业务buying operation under repurchase agreement
提供全面服务的银行业multiple banking
新兴行业growth industry
新加坡银行同业拆放利率Singapore Interbank Offered Rate
施工行业construction trade
日本工业银行Industrial Bank of Japan
有关行业related trades
服务行业service trade
服务行业service sector
服务行业废品utility refuse
服务行业废物utility waste
服务行业废物utility refuse
服务行业的流转额turnovers of commercial and service trades
服务型行业service-type business
服务性行业public service trades
木工行业carpenter trade
梭行作业shuttle working
正在进行靠船作业的船只docking vessel
步行商业街shopping mall
水上行动业务maritime mobile service
油漆行业painter trade
泥工行业用熟石灰trowel trades hydrated lime
灭火器行业协会Fire Extinguishing Trade Association
现行日本工业标准applicable JIS standard
玻璃窗装配行业glazing industry
玻璃装配行业glass industry
由他人代理缺席业主进行经营管理absentee management
直通运行作业收入through transportation operation income
离岸银行业offshore banking transaction
竞争性的行业competitive trades
终饰行业finishing trade
经营全面业务的银行all-purpose bank
联机银行业务系统on-line banking system
航行作业图plotting chart
船舶业务代理行shipping agent
英国油漆制造商与相关行业协会British Paint Manufactures and Allied Trades Association
营业行为business behaviour
营业行为business behavior
行业branches of trade
行业代理机关business agent
行业协会confederation of trade union
行业协会说明书trade association specification
行业污染控制规划occupational pollution control planning
行业管理sectional management
行业管理trade management
行业管理management of trade
行包到达作业收入baggage arrival operation income
行政性业务administrative services
行车作业traffic operation
行转作业收入baggage transshipment income
行业企业合并conglomerate merger
行业经营multisectoral operation
行业跨地区的经济区intertrade and transregional economic zones
行业销售scrambled merchandising
边缘行业border irrigation
运行中的作业active job
运行作业费operating expenditures
运输行业carrier's trade
违犯林业规章行为forest offence
钻眼装岩平行作业drilling synchronized to mucking
铁路行业统计railway industrial statistics
行业banking business
银行同业汇价interbank rate
镶玻璃行业glazing trade
门厅银行业lobby banking
陆路运输行业land transport operator
雇工运输行业carrier's trade
非专业行为unprofessional conduct
非本行业的收益unrelated business income
非正规行业informal sector
非生产性行业non-productive service
食品行业food service industry