
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一字形钉旋具dash line screwdriver
一字槽minus screw
一端有thread one end
旋桨triple propeller
三自由度陀space gyro
三自由度陀three-degrees of freedom gyroscope
三自由度陀仪组displacement gyro assembly
不正常abnormal spin
专用special screw
两端有thread both ends
两自由度陀two degree-of-freedom gyro
两距位旋桨two-position propeller
主参考基准master reference gyro
二自由度与三自由度陀rate and freegyro
二自由度陀two-degrees of freedom gyroscope
二自由度陀two-axis free gyro
传统陀conventional gyro
伺服陀slaved gyro
低温超导陀cryogenic superconducting gyroscope
侧航专用陀crab oriented gyro
先进函道旋桨advanced ducted prop
先进涡轮机旋桨式飞机advanced turboprop
光纤陀fiber-optic gyroscope
光纤陀fiber optic gyros
光纤陀fiber optical gyro
光纤陀fiber gyroscope
光纤陀fiber optic gyro
六角头hex head bolt
六角头hexagon head bolt
六角槽形hexagon slotted nut
六角槽形castle nut
六角槽形hexagon castle nut
六角自锁self-locking hexagon nut
六角防松hexagon lock nut
内管internal pipe thread
内管female pipe thread
冠形crown nut
纹夹具threading fixture
制动压紧,紧固clamp screw
加速accelerated spin (进入加速飞行时产生的螺旋)
动力调谐式挠性陀dynamically tuned flexure gyro
动力调谐陀dynamically tuned gyro
动压气浮陀hydrodynamic gas bearing gyro
动压陀电机hydrodynamic gas bearing motor
十字形钉旋具cruciform screwdriver
十字槽philips screws
十字槽cross recessed screw
十字槽埋头自攻cross recessed countersunk tapping screw
千斤顶大nut runner
半液浮速率陀half floated rate gyro
半球谐振陀hemispherical resonance gyroscope
半球谐振陀hemispherical resonant gyro
单旋转旋桨single rotation propeller
单自由度陀single-degree-of-freedom gyro
同步陀电机synchronous gyro motor
同轴反转整体涵道式桨风扇counter-rotating integrated shrouded propfan
周期cyclic pitch
圆头cheese head bolt
圆头round head bolt
圆头dome head screw
圆头button head screw
圆形杆直径diameter bolt circle
圆柱头fillister head bolt
圆柱头cylindrical bolt
圆柱头cheese head screw
圆顶domed nut
旋中坠毁auger in
地面可调桨距旋桨ground-adjustable propeller
垂直旋扫描vertical helical scanning
垂直旋风洞vertical spin tunnel
垂直和航向陀vertical and directional gyro
垂直陀vertical gyro
垂直陀vertical gyro (能保持自旋轴垂直的二自由度陀螺仪,它的输出信号是由平衡环角位移产生的,此平衡环角位移对应于基底绕两个正交轴的角位移。垂直陀螺仪用于人工地平仪中)
垂直陀vertical gyroscope
垂直陀仪指示器vertical gyro indicator
垂直陀仪指示器vertical gyroscope indicator
垂直陀仪校准vertical gyro alignment
垂直陀/方位陀螺vertical gyro/directional gyro
垂直陀装置vertical gyro unit
纹导管male pipe thread
外套cap nut
coarse pitch
夹紧grip nut
套管gland nut
T 字头T-head bolt
安全陀safety gyroscope
安装于机身的姿态陀body mounted attitude gyro
安装于机身的陀body mounted gyroscope
定位丝钉set screw
定向陀仪/垂直陀螺仪directional gyro/vertical gyro
定向陀仪装置directional gyro unit
定距旋桨fixed pitch propeller
定距fixed pitch propeller
实际平均experimental mean pitch
射流陀fluidic gyroscope (仪)
螺旋桨距限动钉fine pitch stop
尾部旋桨tail rotor
thread end
带套环的纹抽钉thread smoke nail with lantern ring
带槽castle nut
带铆接凸缘plate nut
干式调谐转子陀dry tuned rotor gyro
干涉测量光纤陀interferometric fiber optic gyro
干陀dry gyroscope
平均几何mean geometric pitch
平底flat nut
异步陀马达asynchronous gyro-motor
弹性锁紧elastic stop nut
弹性防松elastic stop nut
强力陀brute force gyro
微型柔性陀miniature flex gyro
微型环状激光陀miniature ring laser gyro
微电子静电悬浮陀micro electrostatically suspended gyro
恒速旋桨constant speed propeller
悬浮速率积分陀floated rate integrated gyro
悬浮陀floated gyroscope
悬浮陀float type gyroscope
悬锤陀pendulous gyroscope
感应式陀磁罗盘gyro compass
扁头钉/铜焊头brazier head
托板anchor nut
托板anchor nut
托板plate nut
托板nut plate
扣定母垫圈lock nut washer
扣结式陀tied gyro
按陀罗经航向course per gyro compass
挠性陀flexure gyro gyroscope
挠性陀dynamically tuned gyro
振动陀vibrating rotor gyro
振动陀gyro tron
振簧式陀vibrating reed gyro
捕获capture spiral
控制力矩陀control moment gyroscope
控制用力矩陀control moment gyro
推力阻尼陀thrust alleviated gyroscope
推动式pusher propeller
在发动机后方的推进式旋桨after propeller
摆式积分陀加速度表pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer
支承back nut
纹插入thread insert (指用钢制的螺钉拧入铝或其他软材料的无螺纹的孔内)
square washer
方位陀directional gyro
方位陀测量仪表survey instrument azimuth, gyro
方向瞄准陀装置deflection gyro assembly
方孔钉头用扳手alien wrench
有效旋线角effective helix angle
有效垂直陀vertical gyro valid
机体连接body bound bolts
机床machine screw
机床machine screw
杆肩shoulder belt (螺纹部分直径略小于杆部,用于固定塑料件及不可过紧的零件)
标准nominal pitch
校准的短calibrated club propeller
核磁共振陀nuclear magnetic resonance gyro
核磁共振陀magnetic resonance gyroscope
梯形trapezoid thread
英制梯形acme screw thread
模拟陀回转线路analog gyro slew circuits
终端止动stop nut
正常normal spin (从正飞位置进入螺旋,杆舵中立或反舵就能改出的螺旋)
气体驱动陀惯性平台gas driven gyro inertial platform
气密单耳托板自锁airtight self-locking plate nut with one lug
气浮陀gas supported gyro
水平陀horizontal gyro
沉头countersunkhead screw
沉头flush-headed bolt
沉头flush bolt
油门摩擦throttle friction nut
派克Parker Kalon
派克卡隆Parker Kalon
涡轮旋桨发动机prop jet
涡轮旋桨发动机turboprop engine
涡轮旋桨发动机airscrew-turbine engine
涡轮旋桨式飞机turbo-prop aircraft
涡轮旋桨组turbine-airscrew unit
涡轮旋桨飞机发动机turboprop engine
液浮陀liquid floated gyroscope
液浮陀floated type gyro
涵道旋桨ducted propellers
游动floating nut
爱克米梯形Acme screw thread
环形激光陀ring laser gyro (一种不用任何机械旋转转子,测量角位置或角速度变化的高精度的方法。环形激光陀螺的原理基于在环形路径中两束沿相反方向运动的激光束所产生的微小频率差异。当陀螺仪转动时,频率差被测量出来,测量数据经处理后得到精度相当高的旋转速度及其变化率。激光陀螺仪的主要优点是它没有运动部件,不需要预热时间,具有很高的长期稳定性和高速率测量能力。它对直线加速度不敏感,能够在全动态范围提供良好的分辨率)
环形激光陀惯性导航系统ring laser gyro inertial navigation system
球形ball nut
球锁分离ball lock separation bolt
电动变距旋梁electric propeller
电动陀electronically drive gyro
电悬浮陀electrically suspended gyroscope
电磁陀electro-magnetic gyro
硬件速率陀hardware rate gyro
碟形castle nut
空中直升机水平旋桨airborne rotary winged
空气旋桨air propeller
空气线管阀门air solenoid valve
第三代陀third generation gyro
female thread
纹攻pipe tap
纹连接pipe threaded joint
管内female pipe thread
紧固securing bolt
紧扣grip nut
美国国家管american national pipe thread
美国标准直管American standard taper pipe thread
脉冲再平衡捷联式陀pulse-rebalanced strap-down gyro
脉冲再平衡捷联式陀pulse-rebalanced strapdown gyro (惯性导航系统中的陀螺,利用电子再平衡回路来减小其动力误差)
脱落separation nut
航向陀heading gyro
航向陀directional gyro instrument (indicator)
航向陀仪位置directional gyroscope position
航向陀仪指示器directional gyro indicator
航向陀装置directional gyro unit (组件)
航空aircraft nuts
孔中心图bolt circle
帽和垫圈head nut and washer
帽拧紧机动工具nut runner
式压气机screw compressor
形位错screw dislocation
screw joining
旋不稳定性spiral instability
旋俯冲spinning nose dive
旋压缩helical compression
旋天线helical antenna
旋密封screw seal
旋延伸helical extension
旋式压缩机screw compressor
旋式合成器spinning mode synthesizer
旋式气柜helical gas-holder
使旋形下降spiral down
旋形轨迹helical trajectory
旋扫描spiral scan (一种雷达扫描方式。雷达波束在垂直面内沿螺旋状路线从中线离开再回到中线。这种方式适用于目标捕获雷达,提供目标的距离、相对方位角与仰角数据)
旋接收天线spiral receiving antenna
旋板换热器spiral plate exchanger
旋桨airscrew (英国常用 airscrew, 美国用 propeller)
旋桨倒转propeller reversed
旋桨倾角propeller rake
旋桨几何参数geometrical parameter
旋桨刹车装置propeller brake
旋桨加温控制器propeller heat control unit
旋桨加载马力propeller load horsepower
旋桨叶剖面相对曲度propeller camber ratio
旋桨叶片propeller blade
飞机旋桨壳airscrew boss
旋桨实度propeller solidity ratio
旋桨干扰propeller interference
旋桨式透平机propeller turbine
旋桨性能propeller performance
旋桨总宽度比total propeller width ratio
旋桨拉力thrust of propeller
旋桨拉进式垂直起飞飞机gyro dyne aircraft
旋桨推力propeller thrust
旋桨效率net propeller efficiency
旋桨效率propulsion efficiency
旋桨效率propeller efficiency
旋桨旋转真空propeller cavitation
旋桨旋转面propeller disc
旋桨有效拉力effective propeller thrust (推力)
旋桨桨叶面积propeller area
旋桨桨盘propeller disc (桨叶扫过的圆面积)
旋桨洗流propeller wash
旋桨滑流propeller slipstream
旋桨特性propeller characteristic
旋桨电加热除冰带electrically heated propeller boot
旋桨螺距propeller pitch
旋桨调速器propeller governor
旋桨转矩airscrew torque
旋桨转矩propeller torque
旋桨转速指示系统propeller revolution indicator system
旋桨进距比propeller advance ratio
旋桨锁定系统arrested-propeller system
旋桨防冰propeller anti-icing
旋桨防冰propeller anti-ice
旋桨限制系统arrested-propeller system
旋桨除冰propeller deicing
旋桨除冰发电机airscrew deicing alternator
旋桨集气道blower pipe
旋桨顺桨propeller feathering
旋桨飞机propeller aircraft
旋模式helical mode
旋模态spiral mode
旋波等离子体helicon plasma
旋目标spiral target
旋目标边界spiral target boundary
旋管选择阀solenoid select valve
旋线正切点point of spiral tangent
旋线耦合叶片线路helix-coupled vane circuit
旋绕法helical winding
螺旋齿轮的旋角spiral angle
旋试验spin test
旋轨迹spiral trajectory
旋转移spiral transfer
旋轴spin axis
旋逃逸轨道escape spiral trajectory
旋钢丝圈Heli Coil
旋钳monkey wrench
旋风洞spin tunnel
threading bar
杆压缩机helical screw compressor
栓冷紧bolt cold tightening
栓分布图bolt circle
栓圆bolt circle
栓拆装工具bolt installation and removal tool
栓热紧bolt hot tightening
栓阀screw down valve
桨调速器propeller speed governor
blind nut
矩规screw pitch gauge
纹焊管座threaded let
纹管帽threaded cap
纹规screw pitch gauge
纹连接threaded joint
纹铆钉blind nut
纹颈threaded neck
距直径比pitch ratio
调定扭矩torque-set screw
调整adjusting screw
调节adjustment screw
调谐振动陀tuned oscillation gyro
质量不平衡陀mass unbalance gyroscope
质量旋转陀spinning mass gyro
超声速旋桨supersonic propeller
thread turning
软管hose thread
轴流式旋桨axial flow propeller
轴肩shoulder belt
轻型客货两用涡轮桨飞机light cargo passenger turboprop
辅助陀仪平台子系统auxiliary gyro platform subsystem
通常旋梁状态normal propeller state
通长full thread
速度陀极限rate gyroscope limit
速率姿态陀仪系统rate attitude gyro system
速率积分陀rate integrating gyroscope
速率陀rate gyroscope
速率陀rate gyro (具有一个垂直于旋转平面的自由度平面的陀螺,而且其构造可以使校准弹簧对抗进动力,来指示这个既垂直于旋转平面又垂直于自由平面的平面旋转速率。转弯侧滑指示仪就使用了速率陀螺)
钻头旋角peripheral rake angle
锁紧母管螺纹locknut pipe thread
锥形旋齿轮spiral bevel gear
锥形cone bolt
旋伞tail parachute
防松pinch nut
防滑nonslip thread
纹的male threaded
阳管male pipe thread
上锁系统caging system
仪传感电压gyroscope pickoff voltage
仪基准装置gyroscope reference unit
仪子午线gyro meridian
仪稳定光学导航系统gyro-erected optical navigation
仪记录器gyro log (计算并记录陀螺漂移)
仪误差gyro error
仪转子gyro wheel
仪输入轴gyro input axis
仪输出轴gyro output axis
传感器gyro reference
传送带系统gyro transfer table system
伺服回路gyro servo loop
伺服试验gyro servo test
gyrostat (刚体上带固定轴的高速旋转轴对称转子所构成的物体)
信号坐标分解器gyro signal coordinate resolver
倾斜仪gyro level
倾斜仪gyro clinometer
偏航位置gyro yaw position
力矩不对称性gyro torque asymmetry
力矩反馈试验gyro torque-feedback testing
力矩反馈试验gyro torque rebalance test
加速转动时间gyro runup time
半罗盘directional gyro instrument (indicator)
半罗盘directional gyroscope
半罗盘gyro compass
半罗盘directional gyro
半罗盘故障条件下进场着陆gyro out approach
参考基准系统gyro reference system
参考基准装置gyro reference assembly
同步罗盘gyrosyn compass (一种具有遥感定位装置,用来感测地磁场的陀螺同步罗盘系统。为了增强系统的稳定性,其内还装有陀螺仪。该系统要靠电源来工作。该设备还驱动多个座舱指示器,其中有固定标度板指示器,也有动标度板指示器,如无线电磁指示器 (RMI )和水平状态指示器 (HSI)。该系统的基本元件为:一个远距罗盘传感器、一个陀螺仪、一个竖直机构、一个放大器和一个航向指示器。远距罗盘传感器通常放在飞机的垂直安定面或其他磁场干扰最弱的地方,它的敏感元件摆式支撑在一个密封碗内,而且在规定的姿态范围内保持在水平面。当飞机的航向、空速、俯仰角等发生较大的改变时,由于敏感元件偏离水平位置,该远距罗盘传感器可能给出错误信号。这时陀螺仪的稳定性将能确保这些错误信号是无效的。当飞机回到水平直线匀速飞行状态时,罗盘传感器便给出正确的信号。该系统的竖直机构能使陀螺的转轴处于水平面内; 放大器则是系统所有电信号的协调和分配中心)
同步罗盘系统gyro-synchronization syn compass system
坐标系gyroset coordinate system
外框轴outer gimbal axis
大修设施gyro overhaul facilities
稳定用的子系统stabilizer (如雷达天线)
定向gyro compassing
射击瞄准具gyroscopic gun sight
射击瞄准具gyro-gun sight
射击瞄准具gyro gunsight
小功率姿态控制gyroscopic low power attitude control
平台gyro platform
微调火箭gyro-controlled vernier rocket
微调火箭俯仰稳定子系统gyrocontrolled vernier rocket pitch stabilization subsystem
振子gyro tron
旋转执行机构gyro spin-up actuator
框架gyro frame
水平仪gyro level
浮油gyro fluid
gyro fluid
漂移记录器gyro graph
环节gyro unit
电动机gyro motor
电子设备on-gimbals electronics
电导装置gyro electroconducting device
电机励磁gyro motor excitation
的修正gyro erection
磁性极化干涉gyromagnetic polarizing interferometer
磁滞同步电动机hysteresis synchronous gyro motor
磁罗盘gyro magnetic compass
磁轭gyro yoke
稳定体gyrostat (休斯公司的双自旋稳定方案)
稳定平台gyroscope stabilized platform
稳定性stability of gyroscope
稳定瞄准系统gyro stabilized sighting system
稳定系统gyro stabilization system
稳定系统gyro stabilizing system
组件gyro unit
组件gyro scope assembly
绝对漂移absolute gyro drift
罗盘gyro compass
罗盘姿态和速度基准系统gyro compassing altitude and velocity reference system
罗盘对准gyro-compassing alignment
罗盘对准gyro compassing
罗盘工作准备时间gyro compassing time
罗盘所示方向bearing per gyro compass
罗盘航向heading per gyro compass
罗盘起动时间gyro compassing time
罗盘高度与速度参考系统gyrocompassing altitude and velocity reference system
罗经对准gyro compass alignment
耦合装置gyroscope coupling unit
自动导航系统gyro automatic navigation system
自转轴gyro spin axis
角度敏感器gyro pickoff
谐振gyro resonance (陀螺章动)
质量不平衡性gyro mass unbalance
起动时间gyro runup time
转动指示器gyroscopic turn indicator
转台gyro turn table
转矩传感器gyro torque
spin axis
输人轴gyro input axis
输出放大器gyro output amplifiers
进动力矩gyroscopic precession torque
速率炸弹定向系统gyroscopes rate bomb direction system
瞄准具的反射gyro reflector
马达gyro motor
驾驶仪gyro pilot
陶瓷制品ceramic screw
静压气体轴承陀hydrostatic gas bearing gyro
静压轴承陀hydrostatic bearing gyro
静止旋桨quiet propeller
静电悬浮陀micro electrostatically suspended gyro
静电陀electrostatic gyroscope
静电陀electrostatic gyro
栓与底螺栓top and bottom bolt
顺位变距feather propeller
顺桨的feather propeller
齿轮传动旋桨geared propeller
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