
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不公开代理通undisclosed factoring
专心研究国际金be bound up in the study of international banking
中期通资金medium-term financing
中立金机构impartial financial institution
为发展经济的金公司developmental financing corporations
为发展经济的金机构developmental financing institutions
为实现各种计划向大金家集资gather capital from great financiers for various schemes
优惠出口preferential export financing
伦敦金市场利率Lombard rate
供应厂商信用supplier credit facilities
信用通人negotiator of credit
出口后资金post export financing (与进口后资金融通(post import financing) 相对)
分期付款资金installment financing
合同contract financing
商业及金in commercial and financial circles
国际金业务条例Off-shore Banking Act
联合国国际金公司International Finance Corporation
国际金公司Societe Financiere Internationale
国际金公司Corporation Internationale Financière
国际金协会International Financial Institution
多重组合multiple component facility
太平洋金共同体Communaute Financiere du Pacifique
太平洋金共同体法郎CFP franc
对买方予以通,接受远期信用证accommodate the buyer by accepting time L/C
新加坡金期货交易所Singapore International Monetary Exchange
无追索权non-resource finance
有组织的金市场organized financial market (指外汇市场 (foreign exchange market),证券交易所 (stock exchange))
海外金业务单位off-shore banking unit
海外金市场off-shore financial market
特别资金special finance
短期通资金short-term financing
石油oil facility
纽约是世界的金中心New York is the financial capital of the world
联邦金银行Federal Financing Bank
美国联邦金银行Federal Financing Bank
通业务accommodation line
通人accommodation party
通资金的工具means of financing the transaction
装运前资金preshipment financing
规划金改革work out banking changes
计划性project financing
调换资金swap financing
资产负债表外off-sheet finance (指企业生产设备长期作业性租赁)
资金funds accommodation
资金finance accommodation
资银行refinancing bank
这使金界的情绪骤然发生变化It caused a sudden change of feeling in financial circles
进行资金make an accommodation
承兑票据accommodation acceptance
汇票accommodation bill
票据accommodation bill (受担保或短期借款票据可用 accommodation note, accommodation paper)
资金背书人endorsor for accommodation
金融交易accommodating financial transaction
亦缩为 finefinance
中心Lombard Street
入门the ABC of finance
公司société financiere
危机financial meltdown
危机economic meltdown
市场利率monetary market rate
英国时报普通工业股票指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
"金时报"物价指数Financial Time Index
机构monetary establishments
机构financing institution
杠杆作用financial leverage
汇率外汇financial rate
破产financial collapse
票据finance bills
股票money stock
银行financial bank
项目monetary item
鉴于关系友好,向买方作岀这一通extend to the buyer the accommodation in view of friendly relations
长期通资金longterm financing
阿拉伯联合酋长国金United Arab Emirates Currency Board
非洲金共同体法郎几内亚法郎Guinea Franc
非金企业non-financial enterprise