
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不可变现的unrealizable figure
不实的假陈述negligent misrepresentation
严査报或谎报suppress misstate
人为设定假股价fixing artificial prices for shares
信息information hype
制造交易活跃的creating a false appearance of active trading
制造和散布假信息fabricate and disseminate false information
制造证券交易的假价格fabricating sham security trading prices
假财务报告委员会的赞助组织委员会Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
乌有的投资non-existent investment
作假practicing fraud
投资者中假的安全感false security among investors
披露假信息disclose false information
披露假信息诱导他人进行交易disclosure of false information inducing transactions
提交假证明submit falsified certificates
提供假信息的刑事责任criminal liability on the provision of false information
提供假或误导性信息provision of false or misleading information
故意制造假价格intent to cause artificial price
散布假信息dissemination of false information
更加隐蔽的假披露手段more subtle means of disclosure
未实现的unrealizable figure
深度值期权deep-out-of-the-money option
玩忽职守的假陈述negligent misrepresentation
电脑网络拟空间cyber space
编造假财务信息making up fake financial information
股票stock watering
营造假繁荣行为manipulative conduct
买控制规则wash sale rule
subject price
值期权underwater option
值期权out of the money
值期权out of the money option
值看跌期权out of the money put option
值认沽期权out of the money put option
假交易制造流动性好的假象wash trade
假交易mock trading
假交易wash trader
假交易artificial transaction
假价格speculative price
假价格artificial price
假出资false capital contribution
假分割artificial division
假分红phony dividends
假利润false profit
假发行文件forging issuing documents
假声明false statement
假委托fictious order
假存款window-dressing deposits
假应收账款fictitious accounts receivable
假或误导性的表述false or misleading representations
假报告false reporting
假指令fictious order
假收人spurious revenues
假收人distorted income
假收购博弈论takeover false game theory
假数字questionable figure
假的报价sham bid
假的现金余额distorted cash balance
假票据fictitious paper
假票据false bill
假繁荣股市artificial prosperity
假股份公司bogus stock company
假股份账户dummy share account
假股利fictitious dividend
假股市交易bogus transaction
假董事dummy director
假表述false representation
假记录false record
假证明文件sham supporting document
假账务deceptive accounting
假账户garage account
假购买put into play
假贷款artificial loans
假资产fictitious capital
假资料false information
假资本金额false capital amount
假递延收费fallacious deferred charges
假递延费用fallacious deferred charges
假陈述making a false statement
out of the name
名公司dummy corporation
名的所有权color of the title
增业绩刺激批发商进货超出市场需求stuffing the channel
增价格inflated price
增利润inflated profit
实持股损益fictional and real holding gains and losses
开增值税发票write false value-added-tax invoice
报的账单padded bill
报盈利inflate profit
报行情painting the tape
拟创立人dummy incorporator
拟变量调整dummy-variable adjustment
拟合伙人dummy incorporator
拟增长suppositional growth
拟报价fictitious order
拟持股计划phantom stock plan
拟指令fictitious order
拟方式virtual way
拟现金cyber cash
拟空间cyber space
拟经济Wall Street
拟股息phantom dividend
拟货币资本virtual money-capital
拟贷方余额fictitious credit
拟银行virtual bank
unrealizable figure
有权ownership without usufruct
构交易fictitious trade
构人fictitious person
构价格fictitious price
构信用fictitious credit
构分录fictitious entry
构指令fictitious order
构收人phantom income
构股息phantom dividend
构资产feathered assets
牌价nominal quotation/quote
watered stock (WS)
股交易合同when-issued contract
股交易报价when-issued basis
股交易报价证券未发行时的交易报价when-issued basis
股发行when issued
股发行交易when-issued trading
over stated
记录假信息record false information
资本capital padding
重复认购申请中使用假资料股票发行时using false information in duplicate applications