
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
传播假信息disseminate false information
公布假信息release false information
利用广告作假宣传take advantage of advertisement to make false publicity of commodities or services
作假trickery and fraud
作假,骗取护照、签证practise fraud to obtain the passport, visa
打击制假售假、假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活动crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
承担构的债务by means of assuming non-existent debt
投放假的恐怖信息spread hoax of fabricate terrorist information
故意构保险标的deliberately falsify the subject matter of the insurance
故意作伪供述false confession intentionally
故意提供假证明文件deliberately provide false testifying paper
编造假数据fabricate statistical data
编造假理由invent false reason
编造假的事故原因fabricate the cause of incident
编造假的原因cook up the cause
编造假能源统计数据provide false energy statistical data
编造并传播假信息fabricate and disseminate false information
编造重大假内容falsify major information
伪供述false confession
伪记载record false information
假医学证明fake medical certificate
假原因cause of falsity
假宣传deceptive advertising
假就业信息false employment information
假广告false advertisement
假情报false information
假材料false materials
假检验结果false inspection results
假理由false reasons
假理赔false settlement
假的身份证明false identity certification
假表示false representation
假记载false records
假证明文件false certificate
假证明材料false documents of certification
假身份false identity
假鉴定false appraisal
开增值税专用发票falsely make out special invoices for value-added tax
make a fraudulent application
报注册资本falsely declare the capital to be registered
报选举票数falsifying vote tallies
构保险合同fabricate an insurance contract
构债务assuming non-existent debts
构债务fabricate debts
谨慎、不骄不躁的作风guard against an arrogant and rash work style (free from arrogance and rashness in work)
谨慎、不骄不躁的作风remain modest and prudent