
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般general salary
不合理unreasonable compensation
主管人员金与津贴executive salary and bonus
享有优惠带度假权privilege leave
优厚good pay
估算imputed wages and salaries
penny salary
阶层lower-paid bracket
低工多就业low wages and salaries and more employment
假期工leave pay
全厂工税汇总表summary of factory payroll taxes
公务员office salary
pay cut
分期分批加stage by stage increase in wages
初期initial salary
利息与水超出净利interest and salaries in excess of net income
削减whittle down salary
raised wage
salary increment
wage hike
升级又加promotion and increase in salary
half time
半工半half time work
半月金登记簿semi-monthly payroll register
工时double time
扣除额pay roll deduction
时扣除储蓄存款save as you earn
合伙人partner's salary
固定工fixed salary
固定月fixed monthly salaries
basic salary
basic pay
底薪basic salary
等级base salary scale
基本工basic wages and salaries
rise in pay
多级水结构multigrade salary structure
多级水结构multi-grade salary structure
始发starting salary
宽幅水结构broad-banded salary structure
优厚good pay
保险salary/wage insurance
分配簿payroll distribution book
分配表payroll distribution table
分配表payroll distribution sheet
制度payroll system
审计audit of payroll
总额扣除额deduction from gross payroll
支付wage and salary payment
支付payroll payment
支付额wage and salary disbursements
支付额wage and salary disbursement
支票payroll check
支票pay check
收入income from wages and salaries
政策salary/wage policy
税支出payroll tax expense
管理payroll control
管理wage and salary administration
管理management of wage and salary
管理部门salary administration
管理部门payroll department
结算员payroll clerk
结算账户payroll clearing account
wages and salaries account
wage and salary book
部门费用payroll department expenses
工厂工暂记账户factory payroll clearing account
工厂工登记簿factory payroll register
休假leave with pay
休假计划paid vocation plan
常规regular payroll
平均工average salary
总额annual gross salary
年功加good-service pension
应付外籍雇员工foreign staff salaries and wages payable
应付工salaries wages payable
应付工wages and salaries payable
应付工salaries and wages payable
应税taxable salary
应计未付accrued salary payable
basic salary
开始支日期date from which payable
人寿保险salary saving insurance
扣除工作人员金税后的应计养老金报酬pensionable remuneration less staff assessment
金和利息作为费用salaries and interest as expenses
金的职工salaried employees
按工支付金额分摊费用payroll-related basis of allocation
挣高get a good wage
推销员金及佣金salesmen's salaries and commission
提升加promotion increase
提高职工工increase the wages and salaries of workers
day of remuneration
新就职entrance salary
新雇员entrance salary
day wage
daily wage
假期leave with pay
假期假期工资照付paid vacation
职业wage-related occupation
职业salaried employment
职位salaried post
职位remunerative occupation
酬假期compensated absence
酬的工作remunerative job
正常regular salary
留全退职retired on full pay
累积资调整cumulative salary adjustment
累积的资调整cumulative salary adjustment
金制straight salary plan
forfeiture of pay
考绩提merit increase pay
回归线regression line for job and salaries
职员employee payroll
职工工employee payroll taxes
工专用支票special payroll check
水金额amount of salary
salary scales
salaries expense
资总额扣除数deductions from gross payroll
酬职工保险insurance of salaried staff
pay check
pay envelope
工资salary schedule
金与津贴pay and allowance
金与津贴salaries and allowance
公司从职工工资中扣留保险金的金储蓄人寿保险制salary saving insurance
金和利息超过净收益salary and interest in excess of net income
金截止日期last day for pay purpose
金比率对比comparative salary ratio
金照付的假期leave with pay
金磁碟payroll diskettes
金账salary account
金递进曲线salary progression curve
计时工salaries or wages on time basis
计算机编制的资单computer payroll
计算退休金金基础pensionable salary
成本remuneration cost
银行工专户special payroll bank account
银行工专户payroll bank account
销售管理部门水与费用sales management salaries and expense
附加工surcharges on salaries and wages
降级减down grade
雇主工employer's payroll tax
雇主—雇员工employer-employee payroll tax
金生活manage on one's income
靠工生活者salaried man
预付prepay the salary
预付to prepay salary
商店预付drawing account
预付某人advance one's salary
雇员的中央机构central organization of salaried employees
领取draw salary
领取象征性金者dollar-a-year man
领高get good wages
starting pay
high salaries
good pay
high-salaried group
职位high-salaried job
阶层high-salaried class
阶层high income bracket