
Terms for subject Nautical containing 蒸汽 | all forms | in specified order only
三胀式蒸汽triple expansion engine
不膨胀式蒸汽non-expansion steam engine
低压蒸汽发生器low pressure steam converter
低压蒸汽发生器low pressure steam generator
低压蒸汽发生器给水泵low pressure steam generator feed water pump
低压蒸汽发生装置low pressure steam generator
再热蒸汽reheated steam engine
减热蒸汽Desuperheated steam
单流蒸汽单流式蒸汽机uniflow steam engine
单胀式蒸汽single expansion engine
双流双胀蒸汽cross-compound engine
双缸蒸汽worthing pump
双胀式蒸汽compound expansion engine
四冲程三胀#蒸汽four-cylinder triple expansion engine
增压蒸汽发生器supercharged steam generator
撤气式蒸汽regenerative steam engine
无冷凝器蒸汽non-condensation engine
无膨胀器的蒸汽non-expansive engine
暖机蒸汽管系engine warning steam pipe line
涡轮发动机/蒸汽涡轮turbine engine/steam turbine
离港蒸汽机船outgoing steamer
终端蒸汽接头terminal vapour connection
船舶蒸汽接头ship vapour connection
蒸发汽收集系统vapour collection system
蒸汽供热系统steam heating system
蒸汽凝结区域steam condensing zone
蒸汽出量steam output
蒸汽加热式再热器蒸汽再热器steam re-heater
蒸汽加热炉steam-heated oven
蒸汽加热的蒸汽发生器steam-heated steam generator
蒸汽动力油船steam tank ship
蒸汽压力测量设备steam pressure measuring equipment
蒸汽压力表steam gage
蒸汽压缩机vapor compressor
蒸汽受压管steam pressure pipe
蒸汽吹洗steam blowing
蒸汽喷射喷汽口steam jet
蒸汽喷射油气抽除装置steam ejector gas-freeing system
蒸汽喷射空气抽除泵steam jet air-ejector pump
蒸汽垫片steam gaskets
蒸汽密封性试验steam test for leak tightness
蒸汽带水carry over
蒸汽平衡vapour balancing
蒸汽循环路线steam circuit
蒸汽喷射抽气泵steam ejector
蒸汽拖缆机steam towing winch
蒸汽机-乏汽轮机联合装置combined steam engine and exhaust turbine installation
蒸汽机动力装置steam engine power plant
蒸汽机船steam vessel (steamer)
蒸汽机船汽船,轮船steam ship
蒸汽机货船freight steamer
蒸汽泵滑阀的空动steam slide valve lose motion
蒸汽洗池steam sink
蒸汽温度自动调节装置steam temperature automatic regulating system
蒸汽灭火steam extinguishing
蒸汽灭火系统蒸汽窒息灭火系统steam smothering system
蒸汽熏舱系统tank steaming-out piping system
蒸汽-电力推进steam electric propulsion
蒸汽窒息灭火装詈steam smothering arrangement
蒸汽steam siren
蒸汽管系steam piping
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门护层隔热材料lagging material for piping and valve of steam line, exhaust line and drain line
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门的法兰填料packing with flange of piping and valve for steam line, exhaust line and drain line
蒸汽纯度steam purity
蒸汽耗量steam consumption
蒸汽steam space
蒸汽舵机steam steering gear
蒸汽贮存器steam storage
蒸汽起货机steam cargo winch
蒸汽起锚机steam windlass
蒸汽起锚绞盘steam anchor capstan
蒸汽轮机驱动交流发电机组steam turbine-driven alternator
蒸汽过热器超温报警superheater temperature alarm
蒸汽进口压力表steam inlet pressure gauge
蒸汽退火steam annealing
蒸汽通道steam flow path
蒸汽阻汽器阻汽器steam trap
蒸汽雾化喷油器steam oil atomizer
蒸汽饭锅steam rice cooker
蒸汽饭锅rice steamer
蒸汽管系auxiliary steam pipeline
蒸汽auxiliary steam stop valve
逸出蒸汽escaping steam
高温设备的护层隔热和绝缘材料,特别是全船其他设备管线和高温管道、排烟管、服务处所蒸汽管、高温燃油/水/液体管的护层隔热、垫片、压盖thermal laggings and insulation for high temperature applications, special pipes and high temperature conduits uptakes, exhausts, service spaces steam pipes, high temp fuel /oil / water /other fluid laggings, gaskets, glands