
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
全面full implementation
向较为正常的水平逐渐回slow descent towards more normal levels
的天使Fallen Angels (指发行时信用评级为投资级,但随后评级显著下降的债券)
to the bad
市价跌变动准备reserve for market fluctuation
房价适度回modest declines in house prices
预算法系零星预算法之别称sunset budgeting
线advance balance line
相对衰relative decline
股价不正常的起undue movement in share price
股票的涨情况advance balance line
指数advance/decline line
人"中等收人陷阱"get stuck in a middle-income trap
在后面in arrear
实二十国集团峰会承诺follow through on the commitments of the G20 summits
实承诺implement commitments
实行动计划carry out action plans
西方衰western decline
迫使大宗商品价格回force commodity prices down
锡降tin parachute (又译"锡降落伞",一般指当公司被并购时,根据工龄长短,让普通员工领取数周至数月的工资,此方法有时能很有效地阻止敌意收购)
防止经济出现大的起prevent serious economic fluctuations
黄金降golden parachute (公司高级雇员合约中的条款,注明在公司因被收购而导致其职位不保时,必须向其支付丰厚福利)