
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
使叶掉defoliation 1. The drop of foliage from plants caused by herbicides such as Agent Orange, diuron, triazines, all of which interfere with photosynthesis. The use of defoliants, as in Vietnam or in jungle clearance for agriculture, can permanently destroy tropical forests. Once the tree cover is removed, the soil is subjected to erosion and precious nutrients are rapidly leached away. 2. Destroying (an area of jungle, forest, etc.) as by chemical sprays or incendiary bombs, in order to give enemy troops or guerilla forces no place of concealment (1. 因使用如橘剂、敌草隆、三氮六环等会干扰光合作用的除草剂而造成叶片掉落。 使用落叶剂,如在越南或在为农耕而清出的丛林空地上,会永远地破坏热带雨林。 一旦移除了树木的遮蔽,土壤就易受侵蚀,而重要的养份会快速流失。 2.为了让敌方军队或游击队无处可藏,而喷洒化学药剂或使用燃烧弹所造成(丛林、森林地等)的破坏。)
地中海玛基群Mediterranean macchia
微咸群生境brackish biotope
放射性物质滴trickle of radioactive material
"新森林衰型""new type of forest decline"
植物群plant community Any group of plants belonging to a number of different species that co-occur in the same habitat or area and interact through trophic and spatial relationships; typically characterized by reference to one or more dominant species (属于数个不同植物物种的集合,在同一环境或地区通过营养和空间关系,形成一个或多个的优势物种。)
次级生物群secondary biotope In the case of disruption of an existing biotope, secondary biotope can be created as a compensation and substitute measure for the loss of the natural one (在已存在的群落分裂的情况下,次级群落是失去原来群落的补充和替代方法。)
沙巴拉群灌木Chapparal shrub
生态群ecological community 1. All of the plants and animals in an area or volume; a complex association usually containing both animals and plants. 2. Any naturally occurring group of organisms that occupy a common environment (1. 区域或空间内所有动物和植物;通常包含动物和植物的复杂关系。 2. 任何自然产生﹐且占有某一公共环境的生物群体。)
生物群biocoenosis A community or natural assemblage of organisms; often used as an alternative to ecosystem but strictly is the fauna/flora association excluding physical aspects of the environment (一个群落或生物体的自然组合;经常被用作生态系统的替代,但是尤其是指不包括环境的物理因素的动物/植物团体。)
生境biotope A region of relatively uniform environmental conditions, occupied by a given plant community and its associated animal community (一个环境条件相对比较统一的地区,被一个给定的植物群落以及与其相关的动物群落占领。)
生境丧失loss of biotope Destruction of biotopes produced by environmental degradation which in turn is caused by air- or water-borne pollution (空气或水传播的污染所造成的环境恶化而引起的群落生境的退化。)
生境保护biotope protection Measures taken to ensure that the biological and physical components of a biotope are in equilibrium by maintaining constant their relative numbers and features (通过保持恒定的相对数量和特征以确保一个群落生境的生物和物理组件处于均衡状态,而采取的措施,。)
生境秩序biotope order An ordinance or decree regarding an area of ecological habitat that is characterized by a high degree of uniformity in its environmental conditions and in its distribution of plants and animals (针对生态栖息地的法令或法规。生态栖息地的特点是,环境条件和植物和动物的分布高度一致。)
生境网络biotope network Intersection of corridors connecting patchy ecological communities. Species survival tends to be higher in patches that have higher connectivity (连接疏散的生态群落的交叉口。物种在与其他物种联系更紧密时,它们的生存趋向于更高级。)
生态学synecology Study of the ecology of organisms, populations, communities or systems (在生物生态学、人口、社区或系统的研究。)
萌芽与叶同步化synchronization of flushing and leaffall
叶木deciduous wood
叶林deciduous forest The temperate forests comprised of trees that seasonally shed their leaves, located in the east of the USA, in Western Europe from the Alps to Scandinavia, and in the eastern Asia. The hardwood of these forests have been exploited since the 16th century. The trees of deciduous forests usually produce nuts and winged seeds (温带森林,由季节性落叶树木组成,位于美东、从阿尔卑斯到斯堪的那维亚半岛的西欧和东亚。这些森林中的硬材从16世纪就开始开采。该森林的树木常产坚果和羽翼状种子。)
叶树deciduous tree Tree losing its leaves in autumn and growing new ones in the spring (树的叶子在秋天失去叶子,在楚天长出新的叶子。)
非法占用聚squatter settlement Settlement on land or property to which there is no legal title (没有法定所有权的村落或财产)
顶级群climax A botanical term referring to the terminal community said to be achieved when a sere (a sequential development of a plant community or group of plant communities on the same site over a period of time) achieves dynamic equilibrium with its environment and in particular with its prevailing climate. Each of the world's major vegetation climaxes is equivalent to a biome. Many botanists believe that climate is the master factor in a plant environment and that even if several types of plant succession occur in an area they will all tend to converge towards a climax form of vegetation (一个植物学术语。它指,当一个演替系列(在一段时间内,在同一个地方的一个植物群落或植物群集的一系列发展)在环境中特别是在线性气候中实现动态平衡时,终极群集就实现了。世界上每一种植物的顶级群落对于一个生物群系都是相同的。许多生物学家相信,气候是植物环境的主要因素,即使若干植物继承类型发生在它们将都趋向于形成植物的顶极群落的地区。)