
Terms for subject Information technology containing 营 运 | all forms | in specified order only
下一代运营支持系统next generation operation support system
业务运营支撑系统business operation support system
主导运营商dominant operator
交互运营商inter exchange carrier
公众电信运营商public telecommunication operator
增强型电信运营图eTOM (enhanced telecom operations map)
增强型电信运营图enhanced telecom operations map
有竞争力的本地交换运营商competitive local exchange carrier
本地运营商home carrier
正式营运游戏in full operation game
游戏运营商game operator
电信运营标杆telecom operations benchmarking
移动虚拟网络运营商mobile virtual network operator
移动运营商mobile operator
网络营运与管理事务委员会Committee of Network Operation and Management
网络运营商network common carrier
网络运营支撑系统network operation support system
虚拟网络运营商virtual network operator
运营商骨干传送provider backbone transport
运营商骨干桥接provider backbone bridge
运营者决定的闭锁业务operator determined barring