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为中国未来的股市投资繁荣创造条件create conditions for a future boom in equity investing in China
促进世界持久和平与共同繁荣advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world
促进和平、稳定与繁荣promote peace, stability and prosperity
促进繁荣foster prosperity
促进经济增长、创造就业、创新和繁荣foster economic growth, job creation, innovation, and prosperity
信贷繁荣credit boom
在发展中共促繁荣promote common prosperity through development
实现共同发展繁荣achieve common development and prosperity
恢复世界经济稳定与繁荣restore stability and prosperity to the world economy
推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界promote the building of lasting peace and common prosperity and harmonious world
繁荣发展的中国prosperous development
繁荣的市场exuberant market
繁荣通货膨胀boom inflation
荣枯分水岭ups and downs of watershed (每个月的第一个工作日我国都要发布制造业采购经理人指数 (Purchasing Manager's Index, PMI)。 PMI 指数越高,表示经济状况越好。 PMI 指数高于50%,表示经济前景良好,即荣枯分水岭中的"荣";PMI 指数低于50%,表示经济前景欠佳,也就是荣枯分水岭中的"枯")
财政稳健、繁荣兴旺的亚洲financially sound and prosperous Asia