
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
专业special domain
产量规output norm
代理合同确定了双方的权利与义务,代理人的权限围和报酬The contract of agency settles the rights and duties of the two parties, the scope of authority granted to agent and the remuneration due to him
估计estimation range
作业scope of operation
供货extent of supply
保险围广的保单a policy with extensive coverage
全承保complete coverage
冲突法律规conflict rules
商品销售scope of commodity marketing
在此类商品围内within the fabric of the line
基本政策basic policy framework
委托职权terms of reference
定性规qualitative specification (比: quality specification 品质证明书,质量规格)
实用useful range
容许tolerance zone
工作规work specification (说明书)
工资变动wage range
市场marketing coverage
市场风险在我们仔细考虑的围之内The market risk is within our contemplation
建筑工程规和规程standards and rules for construction projects
总括complete coverage
我们希望保险围扩展到包括盗窃险We want broader coverage including T.P.N.D
我们经营围包括多种多样的商品Our activities cover a wide range of commodities
所询购商品不在我方经营围之内The article enquired for is outside our range of business activities
扩大业务活动的widen the scope of business activities
扩大营销extend the circle of marketing
技术示show-how (属于专有技术 (know-how) 一项内容)
技术规technical norm
技术规中指定的级配specified grading
技术规中规定的荷载specified rated load
指导性示instructive demonstration
按技术规编制的计算或设计specified project
教育示instructional demonstration
有效测定useful range
样本示demonstration by sample
正确correct pattern
此种商品不属我方经营围之内The article mentioned does not fall within our business scope
涉及所有机械设备的全部complete coverage of all machinery and equipment involved
生产与经营scope of production and business
demonstration factory
性停工demonstration stoppage
程序规program description
管理规management specification
统计规statistical specification
缩小基本建设narrow the scope of capital construction
职责业务responsibility range
职责range of duties
航线scope of voyage
英国标准规B. S. specification
英国标准规B.S. specification
围扩大range extension
覆盖围广的广告advertisement with wide coverage
guiding rule
化企业规则standard enterprise regulations
化预测normative forecast
性控制normative control
控制specification control
服务standard service
调查coverage of inquiry
调査scope of inquiry
调节variable range
责任scope of liability
质量规qualitative specification
转让技术适用scope of application of the technology transferred
这些商品属我方经营的These articles fall under the category of our business line
限制于该围内be restricted within the limit