
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
不确定区域uncertain region
整个 gamut
正则共轭变数canonically conjugate variables
分配canonical distribution
正则坐标canonical coordinates
劳埃德规长度,宽度,深度Lloyd's rule
反应norm of reaction
定位bearing zone
影响作用,势力sphere of influence
技术规中指定级配specified grading
按技术规编制的计算设计specified project
技术tentative specification
波长wavelength coverage (覆盖面)
热处理规heat treatment regime
牵引 同步,捕捉pull-in range
区域的比例控制narrow band proportional control
颗粒级配grading limits
颗粒级配grading limitation
级配曲线gradation band
职责业务responsibility range
凸轮滚子master roller
摄影机视角angular field of view
试验暂行tentative specifications
超恒super invar
滤波器通带free transmission range
混合料的配料规mixture specifications
集的category of sets
非计算工作规off-design behaviour