
Terms containing 英镑 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上个月她付了 15英镑的电费She paid an electric bill of £ 15 last month
econ.他出售这些股票从中赚了 10 万英镑的利润He realized a profit of £ 100 000 from the sale of these stocks
interntl.trade.英镑计价at £stg…per metric ton CIF London
interntl.trade.英镑计价at £…per metric ton CIF London
fin.英镑计算的价格sterling price
commer.估价为500,000英镑be appraised at £stg. 500,000
securit.使用英镑的国家sterling bloc
econ.信内附有我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额为40万英镑的汇票一张Enclosed we hand you a draft, £ 400 000, drawn on you by our London house
interntl.trade.公司企业间英镑借贷市场inter company market
commer.英国公司间英镑借款市场intercompany market
econ.英镑金币half sovereign
fin.即期英镑汇票demand sterling bill
busin.即期英镑汇票指以英镑开出的即期汇票demand sterling
securit.变为金边证券的英镑权证sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
securit.变为金边证券的英镑认股权sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
interntl.trade.可转让英镑transferable sterling
fin.可转账英镑transferable sterling
commer.向某人征收20,000 英镑破损费charge sb. £ stg. 20,000 for breakages
gen.因为这是从法国带回来的酒,我们需要向海关缴纳200英镑关税We had to pay customs £200 on all the wine we took back from France
commer.因短装而索赔2,000英镑claim £ stg. 2,000 for short shipment
commer.因运输受损向保险公司索赔2,000英镑raise a claim against the insurance company for £ stg. 2,000 for damage in transportation
econ.在此笔交易中他们净获利润3 万英镑They net ted a profit of £30.000 from this deal
econ.如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该案将提交仲裁If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration
interntl.trade.官方英镑结存保值guarantees of official sterling balance
busin.官方英镑结存保单guarantee of official sterling balance
brit., busin.官方支持英镑汇价official support
econ.实卖1600英镑realize vt. £1600
brit., busin.英镑区外账户external account
econ.对买方的所有付款总计不得超过五万英镑的最高额The aggregate of all payments to the seller will not exceed a maximum sum of £50.000
interntl.trade.对外英镑external sterling
busin.对外英镑指对英镑区外英镑external sterling
fin.封锁的英镑结存blocked Sterling balances
gen.将近10英镑just on £10
commer.开立汇票向买方收取余款500英镑draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500
commer.总计1,000,000英镑资金an aggregate capital of £ stg. 1,000,000
commer.我们不能报比每打5.6英镑更好的价格了We cannot do better than £ Stg.5.60 a dozen
econ.我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
gen.我们允许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税了You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit
gen.我可以提 20 英镑现金吗?Can I have 20 pounds cash back?
econ.我方将汇给你方2365英镑,清偿所欠余数We shall remit you an amount of £ 2365 to clear off the outstanding balance
econ.我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
econ.或£ междун.торг. 磅 lb,英磅等于453. 6克英镑£,1英镑等于20先令pound
commer.所需金额超过5,000英镑The amount required exceeds £ stg. 5,000
econ.扣除金额只不过是 400 英镑The deduction is no more than £400
commer.把先令换为英镑change shillings for pounds
commer.拨款800,000 英镑建造新桥appropriate £ stg. 800,000 for a new bridge
commer.损失估计为2,000英镑The losses are computed at £ stg. 2,000
commer.损失费估计为2,500,000 英镑Damages are assessed at £ stg. 2,500,000
econ.昨天他用法郎兑换了英镑He exchanged francs for pounds yesterday
econ.标价为 1.5 英镑the article marked at £1.5
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
econ.欧洲英镑Euro sterling
commer.汇寄五百英镑支票remit a check for £ stg. 500
interntl.trade.浮动英镑floating pound
tech.浮动的英镑floating pound
interntl.trade.海外英镑Overseas Sterling Area
earth.sc.海外英镑oversea sterling area
interntl.trade.海外英镑区国家Overseas Sterling Area Countries
commer.清算英镑clearing sterling
commer.英镑付款payable in sterling
commer.英镑付款的payable in sterling
econ.由于商品质量不佳,他们索赔5000英镑They claim allowance of £ 5000 owing to the inferior quality of the goods
securit.短期英镑short sterling
anim.husb.绿色英镑指共同体内部为计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑green pound
interntl.trade.绿色英镑为计算共同体食品价格而人为规定的高汇率英镑green pound
busin.绿色英镑指欧洲共同体农产品计价时与欧洲记账单位换算的英镑green pound
securit.绿色英镑green pound
econ.美元与英镑之间的兑换率the rate between the U.S. dollar and the pound sterling
busin.英国半镑金币half sovereign
econ.500 英镑monkey
econ.英镑treasury note
econ.英镑Great Britain Pound
commer.英镑英国货币单位Great Britain pound
commer.英镑Pound Sterling (符号 £ Stg., 国际代码 GBP)
gen.1 英镑smackeroo
busin.英镑half a ton 50
fin.英镑Pound (United Kingdom)
fin.英镑Pound Sterling (英国是欧盟成员国,但是它没有参加欧元区。英镑是英国的标准货币单位,辅币为 new pence (新便士),1 GBP = 100 new pence)
busin.英镑= 100新便士pound
busin. 500 英镑monkey
busin.英镑half a century 50
gen.20 英镑£20 sterling
interntl.trade.英镑English pound
interntl.trade.英镑= 100 新便士£ stg. pound sterling
interntl.trade.英镑pound sterling £, £stg
interntl.trade.英镑英国货币单位=100新便士£ libra
interntl.trade.英镑pound sterling
brit., busin.英镑sovereign
gen.20 英镑£20 stg
securit.英镑Great British Pound
textile英镑sterling pound
textile英镑thou 1000
textile英镑Great Britain pound (货币单位)
dril.2000 英镑short ton
gen.英镑libra (pound)
econ.英镑价格sterling prices
commer.英镑余额sterling balance
fin.英镑保证协议Sterling Guarantee Agreement
commer.英镑保证计划sterling guarantee scheme
securit.英镑信贷sterling credit
textile英镑债券sterling bond
textile英镑债券pound sterling bond
fin.英镑债券debenture in pound sterling
fin.英镑兑换率rate against pound sterling
fin.英镑公债sterling bond
econ.英镑公债sterling bonds
econ.英镑pound area (域)
econ.英镑British pound zone
econ.英镑the pound sterling area
fin.英镑zone sterling
textile英镑pound area
textile英镑pound sterling area
econ.英镑sterling block
econ.英镑a sterling area
interntl.trade.英镑sterling area
busin.英镑英镑区成立于 1939 年 9 月,区内各国与英镑保持固定汇率,区内各国贸易以英镑结算。1972 年 6 月后,范围缩小到英国本土及爱尔兰sterling area
interntl.trade.英镑区国家sterling country
econ.英镑区国家British pound zone
textile英镑区域pound area
interntl.trade.英镑区域sterling area
fin.英镑区的货币公库sterling area pool
proj.manag.英镑区解散后的时期post-sterling era
textile英镑危机pound crisis
interntl.trade.英镑危机sterling crisis
securit.英镑可转记账式政府债券sterling transferable accruing government securities
econ.英国外汇管制法划分的英镑地区scheduled territories
securit.英镑地区sterling area
fin.英镑外币债券sterling foreign currency bond
fin.英镑外汇sterling exchange
fin.英镑存单存款sterling certificate of deposit
securit.英镑存款存单sterling certificate of deposit
commer.英镑定期存单sterling certificate of deposit
interntl.trade.英镑定期存单市场sterling certificate of deposit market
fin.英镑对美元交叉汇率sterling-dollar cross rate
commer.英镑差额sterling balance
econ.2000英镑已由买主付给卖主指定的代表2000 pounds have been paid by the purchaser to the designee of the seller
busin.英镑 / 成本平均法pound /cost averaging
fin.英镑承付票据sterling acceptance bill
econ.英镑承付票据sterling acceptance
securit.英镑担保协议sterling guarantee agreement
fin.英镑支付协定agreement sterling
fin.英镑收支差额sterling balance
commer.英镑欧洲债券sterling Eurobonds
securit.英镑欧洲债券Sterling Eurobond
busin.英镑汇兑sterling exchange
busin.英镑汇兑本位制sterling exchange standard
textile英镑汇率sterling exchange
busin.英镑汇率sterling rate
busin.英镑汇率pence rate
interntl.trade.英镑汇票sterling bill
econ.英镑汇票a sterling bill
interntl.trade.英镑现货spot sterling
consult.英镑现金开支sterling costs
econ.英镑真值sterling worth
oil英镑石油sterling oil
securit.英镑票据sterling bill
textile英镑纸币tenner 10
interntl.trade.英镑结存sterling balance
econ.英镑结存the sterling balance
busin.英镑结存指外国人持有在英国的存款、债券等,实为英国所负外债sterling balance
commer.英镑美元平价sterling dollar parity
commer.英镑美元比价sterling dollar parity
busin.英镑美元第三国外汇牌价sterling-dollar cross rate
econ.英镑认股权证转为金边证券sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
textile英镑证券sterling securities
tech.英镑证券sterling bonds
interntl.trade.英镑证券市场security sterling market
fin.英镑贬值depreciation of sterling
econ.英镑贬值devaluation of sterling
econ.英镑贬值devaluation of pound
fin.英镑贷款sterling credit
interntl.trade.英镑远期价格Sterling forward price
econ.英镑远期价格sterling forward prices
shipb.英镑1 磅 =0.454 千克连续重击pound
interntl.trade.英镑逆差sterling deficit
brit., busin.5英镑钞票fiver
commer.英镑银行汇票D/D on London
econ.英镑集团pound bioc
interntl.trade.英镑集团pound bloc
interntl.trade.英镑集团sterling bloc
econ.英镑集团the sterling bloc
econ.英镑集团pound block
econ.英镑集团sterling block
fin.被冻结的英镑blocked sterling
interntl.trade.记账英镑clearing sterling
securit.证券英镑securities sterling
econ.该公司中标签定承建价值1500万英镑的一座新桥的合同The company has won a contract worth £ 15m to construct a new bridge
econ.该公司在事故中损失大约5000英镑The company suffered a loss of some £ 5000 in the accident
commer.该公司每月收入50,000英镑The company has £ stg. 50,000 coming in monthly
commer.该银行资金定额为9,000,000 英镑The bank capitalized at £stg 9,000,000 <>
gen.请给我7张5英镑纸币,4张10英镑纸币,4个10便士硬币,剩下的要零票Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four ten-pound notes and four ten-penny notes, and the rest in small change?
econ.货物短重,我们只好向你方提出5000英镑的索赔The cargo was short-weighted. We have to lodge a claim against you to the amount of £5000
commer.这个商人在上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season
econ.这些机器的实际价值大大超过5000英镑The actual worth of the machines is well over £ 5000
econ.遗憾地获悉,这批货使顾客损失大约5000 英镑We regret to learn that the customers are losing some £5000 on this shipment
econ.避用英镑flight from the pound
commer.重新包装将需2,000英镑Repacking would entail an expenditure of £ stg. 2,000
fin.银行同业英镑市场inter-bank sterling market
securit.银行同业英镑市场interbank sterling market
busin.银行同业英镑拆借市场sterling interbank market
interntl.trade.银行同业英镑拆放市场sterling inter-bank market
commer.银行同业英镑拆放市场sterling interbank market
avia.镑每平方英寸pounds per square inch
econ.除英国外的英镑Rest of the Sterling Area
econ.英镑non-sterling area
commer.英镑nonsterling area