
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing | all forms
三价口 服脊髓灰质炎病毒活疫poliovirus vaccine live oral trivalent (生物制品)
三价口服脊髓灰质炎病毒活疫poliovirus vaccine live oral trivalent (生物制品)
三价流感灭活疫trivalent influenza inactivated vaccine (生物制品)
三联疫triple vaccine (吸附百白破联合疫苗 (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus combined vaccine, adsorbed) 的别名;生物制品)
三联菌typhoid paratyphoid A & B combined vaccine (生物制品)
丙酸杆菌菌propionibacterium vaccinum (短棒状杆菌制剂 (corynebacterium parvum preparation) 的别名;免疫增强药)
丙酸杆菌菌corynebacterium parvum preparation
乙型肝炎疫hepatitis B vaccine (包括乙型肝炎血源疫苗和基因工程疫苗两种;生物制品)
乙型肝炎血源疫hepatitis B vaccine prepared from plasma (系无症状 HBsAg 携带者血浆提取的 HBsAg;经纯化、灭活并加入氢氧化铝吸附制成;生物制品)
乙型脑 炎减毒活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, live
乙型脑炎减毒活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, live
乙肝基因工程疫hepatitis B vaccine from genetic engineering (乙肝表面抗原 (hepatitis B surface antigen) 的别名;生物制品)
乙脑活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, live (系将流行性乙型脑炎病毒减毒株接种原代地鼠肾细胞,经培养收获病毒液,然后加保护剂冻干制成的疫苗;生物制品)
乙脑活疫Japanese Encephalitis Live Vaccine (乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine, live) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
乙脑疫japanese encephalitis vaccine (流行性乙型脑炎灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗的总称;生物制品)
乙脑疫encephalitis B vaccine (乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
二价人乳头状瘤病毒疫16和18型bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine type 16 and 18 (生物制品)
五合一儿童新复方疫Pentacel (百日咳、破伤风、流感嗜血杆菌B及脊髓灰质炎疫苗注射剂商品名;生物制品)
五合一婴儿疫Pediarix (白喉、破伤风、百日咳、乙型肝炎及脊髓灰质炎所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
五合一疫Unifive (白百破-乙型肝炎-b型流感嗜血杆菌联合疫苗 (DTP, HepB and Hib vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
人乳头状瘤病毒疫二价人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗(16 和 18 型)(bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (type 16 and 18))的别名;生物制品HPV vaccina
人乳头状瘤病毒疫human papillomavirus vaccine (生物制品)
人体二倍体细胞狂犬疫人用狂犬病疫苗(人二倍体细胞)(rabies vaccine (diploid cell)for human use)的别名;生物制品human diploid cell rabies
人用浓缩狂犬病疫rabies vaccine hamster kidney cell for human use (系狂犬病病毒固定毒接种于原代地鼠肾细胞培养后灭活、浓缩制成;生物制品)
人用浓缩狂犬病疫concentrated rabies vaccine for human use (人用狂犬病疫苗 (地鼠肾细胞)(rabies vaccine (hamster kidney cell) for human use) 的别名;生物制品)
人用狂犬病疫rabies vaccine hamster kidney cell for human use (地鼠肾细胞)
人用狂犬病疫rabies vaccine chicken embryo cell for human use (鸡胚细胞)
人用狂犬病疫 veto 细胞rabies vaccine vero cell for human use (系将狂犬病病毒固定毒接种于 vero 细胞培养后灭活、浓缩制成;生物制品)
人用狂犬病疫vero 细胞
人绒促性素疫human chorionic gonadotrophin vaccine (生物制品)
4价人乳头状瘤病毒疫quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine
3价季节性流感病毒裂解疫trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine split virion inactivated (生物制品)
4价流感活疫FluMist Quadrivalent (甲型 (H1 N1)、甲型 (H3N2)、乙型 (yamagata 16,18) 和乙型 (victoria 2,87) 4型流感活疫苗鼻喷雾剂商品名;生物制品)
23 价肺炎球菌多糖疫23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
价肺炎球菌多糖疫polysaccharide polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine 23
23价肺炎球菌多糖疫polysaccharide polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine
23价肺炎球菌疫pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent
13价肺炎球菌结合疫pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine
7价肺炎球菌结合疫pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine
13 价肺炎球菌结合疫pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (是一种消毒灭菌肺炎链球菌1、3、4、 5、6A、6B、7F、9V、14、18C、19A、19F 和 23F 血清型荚膜抗原的糖类悬液,各自与无毒性白喉 CRM197蛋白连接;生物制品)
7 价肺炎球菌结合疫pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (以肺炎球菌荚膜多糖结合蛋白载体 (CRM197) 构成完整的抗原疫苗;生物制品)
13价肺炎球菌结合疫13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
3价脊髓灰质炎疫trivalent poliovirus vaccine (脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
4价脑膜炎球菌结合疫4-valent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
伐木工脑炎疫tick-borne encephalitis vaccine (生物制品)
伤寒 Vi 多糖疫Vi capsular polysaccharide typhoid vaccine (伤寒 Vi 多糖疫苗 (Vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
伤寒 Vi 多糖疫Vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine
伤寒 多糖疫vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine
伤寒 Vi 多糖菌S. typhi Vi Polysaccharide Vaccine (伤寒 Vi 多糖疫苗 (Vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
伤寒 Vi 多糖菌typhoid Vi polysaccharide vaccine (伤寒 Vi 多糖疫苗 (Vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
伤寒 Vi 多糖菌capsular polysaccharide typhoid vaccine (伤寒 Vi 多糖疫苗 (vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
伤寒Vi 多糖蛋白结合疫typhoid conjugate vaccine (系将伤寒杆菌 Vi 荚膜与无毒性的重组绿脓杆菌外毒素A (Vi-rEPA) 相结合制成;生物制品)
伤寒 Vi 结合疫typhoid conjugate vaccine
伤寒副伤寒甲乙三联菌typhoid paratyphoid A & B combined vaccine
伤寒、副伤寒甲、乙联合疫typhoid paratyphoid A & B combined vaccine
伤寒副伤寒甲乙菌typhoid and paratyphoid A & B vaccine (伤寒、副伤寒甲、乙联合疫苗 (typhoid paratyphoid A & B combined vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
伤寒副伤寒甲乙菌T. A. B Vaccine (伤寒副伤寒甲乙菌苗 (typhoid and paratyphoid A,B vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
伤寒副伤寒甲乙菌typhoid and paratyphoid A,B vaccine
伤寒副伤寒菌typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine (生物制品)
伤寒多糖疫typhoid vaccine polysaccharide (生物制品)
伤寒多糖菌typhoid vaccine polysaccharide
伤寒疫Typherix (伤寒 Vi 多糖疫苗 (Vi polysaccharide typhoid vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
伤寒菌typhoid vaccine (生物制品)
佐剂吸附乙肝疫hepatitis B rDNA vaccine (adjuvanted, adsorbed, 生物制品)
西坦imuracetam (脑代谢改善药)
保儿麻疹疫Rouvax (麻疹减毒活疫苗 (measles vaccine ; live) 粉针剂商品名;生物制品)
假单胞菌菌pseudomonase vaccine
全细胞白百破-乙型肝炎-b 型嗜血流感杆菌联合疫DTwP-Help-Hib vaccine (生物制品)
六联疫Hexavac (白喉、破伤风、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎、乙型肝炎及b型流感嗜血杆菌所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
共轭肺炎球菌疫小儿用pneumococcal vaccine conjugate pediatric (生物制品)
冻干 布氏菌活菌freeze dried brucellosis vaccine, live
冻干 鼠疫活菌vaccinum pestis vivum cryodesiccatum (鼠疫菌苗 (plague vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干乙型脑炎灭活疫 vero细胞japanese encephalitis vaccine vero cell, inactivated, freeze-dried (系流行性乙型脑炎病毒接种于地鼠肾组织培养后加入甲醛溶液灭活制成;生物制品)
冻干人用狂犬病疫 vero 细胞rabies vaccine vero cell for human use ; freezedried (生物制品)
冻干卡介cryodesiccant Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干卡介dried bacillus-guerin vaccine (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干卡介lyophilized bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干卡介dried BCG vaccine (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干卡介bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
冻干布氏菌cryodesiccant brucella vaccine (生物制品)
冻干布氏菌活菌freeze dried brucellosis vaccine, live
冻干布鲁氏活菌freeze dried brucellosis vaccine, live
冻干布鲁氏活菌cryodesiccant live brucella vaccine (冻干布氏菌活菌苗 (freeze dried brucellosis vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干母牛分支杆菌菌freezedried M. vaccae vaccine
冻干水痘活疫lyophilized chickenpox live vaccine (生物制品)
冻干流行性乙型脑炎活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, live
冻干流行性乙型脑炎活疫freeze dried japanese encephalitis vaccine, live (乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine, live) 的 别名;生物制品)
冻干流行性腮腺炎活疫lyophilized epidemic mumps vaccine (生物制品)
冻干流行性腮腺炎活疫freeze dried mumps vaccine, live (生物制品)
冻干甲型肝炎减毒活疫hepatitis A live vaccine, freeze-dried (生物制品)
冻干皮上划痕用鼠疫活疫plague vaccine
冻干皮上划痕用鼠疫活疫cryodesiccant live pestis vaccine (鼠疫菌苗 (plague vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干皮内注射用卡介bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
冻干A群脑脊髓膜炎多糖菌group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
冻干风疹活疫cryodesiccant live rubella vaccine (冻干风疹活疫苗 (lyophilized rubella vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干风疹活疫lyophilized rubella vaccine
冻干风疹病毒活疫lyophilized rubella vaccine
冻干麻疹活疫cryodesiccant live measles vaccine (冻干麻疹活疫苗 (freeze dried measles vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干麻疹活疫lyophilized measles vaccine (生物制品)
冻干麻疹活疫freeze dried measles vaccine, live
冻干黄热活疫yellow fever vaccine (系减毒黄热病病毒 (17D株) 培育加工制成;生物制品)
冻干黄热疫lyophilized yellow fever vaccine (生物制品)
冻干黄热病活疫lyophilized yellow fever vaccine
冻干黄热病活疫freeze dried purified yellow fever vaccine, live (生物制品)
冻干鼠疫活疫freeze dried plague vaccine, live (鼠疫菌苗 (plague vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
冻干鼠疫活菌plague vaccine
利什曼疫leishmaniasis vaccine (生物制品)
前列腺癌疫GVAX Prostate (前列腺癌疫苗 (galgenprostucel-L) 注射剂商品名;抗肿瘤药)
前列腺癌疫galgenprostucel-L (细胞免疫疗法制剂;抗肿瘤药)
前列腺癌疫DCVax-Prostate (以自体树突状细胞为基础所制癌症疫苗;生物制品)
单纯疱疹糖蛋白疫herpes simplex glycoprotein vaccine (生物制品)
西林钠carindacillin sodium
卡介Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (卡介 苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
卡介bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
卡介vaccinum Calmette-Guerin (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
卡介 bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
卡介甲醇提取残余物BCG-methanol extraction risidue (免疫增强药)
卡介甲醇提取残渣BCG-methanol extraction risidue (免疫增强药)
卡介细胞壁骨架muramyl dipeptide
卡介细胞壁骨架BCG cell wall skeleton (胞璧酰二肽 (muramyl dipeptide) 的别名;免疫调节药)
卡尔美-介林菌bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine (生物制品)
卡尔美特疫Calmette5 vaccine (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
卡美特-介林菌bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
厌氧棒状杆菌菌corynebacterium parvum preparation (系短小棒状杆菌的死菌悬液;免疫增强药)
双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫 Vero 细胞haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine vero kidney cell, inactivated (生物制品)
双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫地鼠肾细胞haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine hamster kidney cell ,inactivated (生物制品)
双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫沙鼠肾细胞haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome bivalentvaccine gerbil kidney cell , inactivated (生物制品)
口服福氏宋内菌痢疾双价活疫dysentery vaccine live of S. flexner and S. sonnei, ral (生制品)
口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫poliomyelitis vaccine live (oral, 脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫猴肾细胞poliomyelitis live vaccine monkey kidney cell, oral (生物制品)
口服脊髓灰质炎活疫糖丸poliomyelitis vaccine (oral)
口服脊髓灰质炎疫poliovaccine (脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
口服脊髓灰质炎病毒活疫oral poliovirus vaccine live (生物制品)
口服重组B亚单位-菌体霍乱菌oral cholera rBS-WC vaccine
吉美日本脑炎疫Chimerivax-JE (流行性乙型脑炎疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
吸附全细胞百白破联合疫diphtheria, tetanus and whole-cell pertussis combined vaccine,adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附型狂犬病疫rabies vaccines,adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附无细胞百白破联合diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine ,adsorbed
吸附无细胞百白破联合diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine, adsorbed
吸附无细胞百白破联合疫diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine, adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附无细胞百白破联合疫diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine,adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附炭疽菌anthrax vaccine, adsorbed
吸附炭疽菌anthrax vaccine; adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附白喉疫成人及青少年用diphtheria vaccine for adults and adolescents, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附白喉疫diphtheria vaccine, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附白喉疫adsorbed diphtheria vaccine (吸附精制白喉类毒素 (adsorbed purified diphtheria toxoid) 的别名;生物制品)
吸附白喉、百日咳混合疫adsorbed diphtheria and pertussis vaccine
吸附白喉破伤风二联疫absorbed DT toxoid (吸附白喉破伤风联合疫苗 (diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine,absorbed) 的别名;生物制品)
吸附白喉、破伤风类毒素和百日咳菌混合制剂adsorbed diphtheria,tetanus toxoid and pertusis vaccine
吸附白喉、破伤风类毒素和百日咳菌混合制剂adsorbed diphtheria, tetanus toxoid and pertusis vaccine
吸附白喉、破伤风联合疫儿童用adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for children (生物制品)
吸附白喉、破伤风联合疫成人、青少年用adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for adults and adolescents (生物制品)
吸附白喉破伤风联合疫成人及青少年用diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine for adults and adolescents, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附白喉破伤风联合疫diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附白喉破伤风联合疫diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine,absorbed
吸附百日咳疫pertussis vaccine adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附百日咳白喉联合疫diphtheria and pertussis combined vaccine, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附百白破混合疫absorbed DTP vaccine (吸附无细胞百白破联合苗 (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine, adsorbed) 的别名;生物制品)
吸附百白破联合疫diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus combined vaccine, adsorbed
吸附百白破联合疫diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis combined vaccine, adsorbed (生物制品)
吸附破伤风疫tetanus vaccine, absorbed (生物制品)
吸附破伤风疫adsorbed tetanus vaccine (吸附精制破伤风类毒素 (adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid) 的别名;生物制品)
吸附精制百日咳菌-白喉类毒素adsorbed purified pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid
吸附霍乱菌absorbed cholera vaccine (霍乱菌苗 (cholera vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
A和B型流感疫influenza A & B vaccine (生物制品)
哮喘菌asthma vaccine
嗜血流感杆菌b-乙型肝炎复合疫haemophilus influenza b conjugate and hepatitis B vaccine
四价人乳头状瘤病毒疫quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine
四联疫Tetramune (白喉类毒素、破伤风类毒素、百日咳疫苗及流感嗜血杆菌B多糖所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
四联菌tetravaccine (由伤寒、副伤寒甲、副伤寒乙与霍乱菌苗组成;生物制品)
地鼠肾细胞培养乙脑灭活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, inactivated
坏死性肠炎疫pigbel vaccine (生物制品)
4 型和 7型腺病毒口服活疫adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine, live (生物制品)
4型和7型腺病毒活疫adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine, live
型嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus B conjugate vaccine B (b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗 (haemophilus influenza type b conjugate vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
型流感嗜血杆菌-C和Y群脑膜炎球菌多糖-破伤风类毒素联合疫Hib-MenCY-TT conjugated vaccine b (生物制品)
型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫hemophilus influenzae type B polysaccharide vaccine B (b型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫苗 (haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
b型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine
型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine B
型流感嗜血杆菌疫haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine B (b型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫苗 (haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus influenza type b conjugate vaccine
b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫hemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine B (b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗 (haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
b.型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine
b 型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus influenza B conjugate vaccine B
b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫haemophilus type B conjugate vaccine
型流感嗜血杆菌-C群脑膜炎球菌多糖-破伤风类毒素联合疫Hib-MenC-TT conjugated vaccine b (生物制品)
B型流感疫Hib-immune (b型流感嗜血杆菌多糖疫苗 (haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine) 注射液商品名;生物制品)
B型肝炎疫Heptavix-B (乙型肝炎疫苗 (hepatitis B vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
基因重组乙肝疫recombinant hepatitis B vaccine (生物制品)
基因重组乙肝疫重组乙型肝炎疫苗 (CHO 细胞)(recombinant hepatitis B vaccine (CHO cell))注射剂商品名;生物制品Gen-hevac-B
基因重组B型肝炎疫H-B-Vax fl (乙肝表面抗原 (hepatitis B surface antigen) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
多价肺炎球菌疫polysaccharide polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine 23
大肠杆菌M17疫escherichia coli M17 vaccine (生物制品)
婴儿五合一疫Quinvaxem (纯化的白喉类毒素、破伤风类毒素、灭活百日咳杆菌、b型嗜血流感杆菌及乙肝表面抗原所制注射液商品名;生物制品)
婴护宁六合一疫Infanrix HeXa (乙肝、白百破、灭活脊髓灰质炎病毒及b型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
婴护宁四合一疫Infanlix Hep B (乙肝、非细胞性百日咳、白喉及破伤风疫苗所制注射液商品名;生物制品)
季节性流感疫seasonal influenza vaccine
小儿麻痹活疫poliomyelitis vaccine (oral)
小儿麻痹糖丸活疫poliomyelitis vaccine (oral, 用I、II、III型脊髓灰质炎病毒的减毒株接种于猴肾细胞或人二倍体细胞,经培养加工制成的三价减毒活疫苗;生物制品)
尿路感染菌urinary tract infectious vaccine (由尿路感染常见菌大肠杆菌、产气杆菌、副大肠杆菌及肠链球菌培养灭活制成;生物制品)
屋尘螨过敏疫house dust mite allergy vaccine tablets (生物制品)
巨细胞病毒疫cytomegalovirus vaccine
巴斯德五合一疫Pediacel (抗白喉、破伤风、百日咳、B型流感嗜血杆菌及脊髓灰质炎五价疫苗所制注射液商品名;生物制品)
布氏活菌皮上划痕人用布氏菌活疫苗 (brucellosis vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification)的别名;生物制品live brucella vaccine
布氏菌皮上划痕人用布氏菌活疫苗(brucellosis vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification)的别名;生物制品brucella vaccine
布氏菌病减毒活疫皮上划痕人用布氏菌活疫苗(brucellosis vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification)的别名;生物制品brucellosis vaccine,live
带状疱疹减毒活疫zoster vaccine live
带状疱疹疫shingles vaccine (生物制品)
带状疱疹疫herpes zoster vaccine (生物制品)
干燥鼠疫活菌plague vaccine
强力肺炎疫quilimmune-P (生物制品)
志贺杆菌属菌shigella vaccine (生物制品)
抗胃泌素疫gastrimmune (胃泌素抑制剂;生物制品)
斑疹伤寒疫typhus vaccine
斑疹伤寒疫epidemic typhus vaccine (生物制品)
无防腐剂儿童流感病毒疫fluzone preservative-free (生物制品)
日本脑炎疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, inactivated (生物制品)
春季脑炎疫tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
春季脑炎疫forest encephalitis vaccine (森林脑炎疫苗 (tick-borne encephalitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
森林脑炎 疫tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
森林脑炎灭活疫tick-borne encephalitis vaccine ; inactivated (系森林脑炎病毒接种于原代地鼠肾细胞;经培养、灭活、加佐剂制成;生物制品)
森林脑炎疫tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
母牛分枝杆菌菌mycobacterium vaccae vaccine (免疫增强药)
毛叶地瓜儿Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel (活血化瘀药)
气管炎菌bronchitis vaccine (气管炎菌苗 (bronchitis bacterin) 的别名;生物制品)
气管炎菌bronchitis bacterin
气管炎菌Trachitis Lysin Vaccine (气管炎菌苗 (bronchitis bacterin) 片剂商品名;生物制品)
气管炎菌Trachitis Vaccine (气管炎菌苗 (bronchitis bacterin) 片剂商品名;生物制品)
气管炎菌asthma vaccine (生物制品)
水痘减毒活疫varicella vaccine, live
水痘减毒活疫varicella vaccine ,live (生物制品)
水痘减毒活疫varicella attenuated live vaccine (水痘减毒活疫苗 (varicella vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
水痘减毒活疫live attenuated vaccine against varicella (生物制品)
水痘-带状疱疹疫varicella-zoster vaccine (生物制品)
水痘疫varicella virus vaccine (生物制品)
水痘疫chicken pox vaccine (生物制品)
水痘病毒疫varicella virus vaccine
流 行性乙型脑炎灭活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine, inactivated
流感全病毒灭活疫influenza vaccine whole virion, inactivated (由WHO 每年推荐的流行性感冒病毒株 (甲型和乙型) 灭活纯化制成;生物制品)
流感嗜血杆菌b多糖疫haemophilus influenza b polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
流感嗜血杆菌疫haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine B (生物制品)
流感嗜血杆菌b结合疫haemophilus influenza b conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
流感活疫流感病毒裂解疫苗(influenza vaccine (split virion) ,inactivated) 的别名;生物制品vaccinum influenzae vivum
流感灭活疫流感病毒裂解疫苗(influenza vaccine (split virion) , inactivated) 的别名;生物制品vaccinum influenzae inactivatum
流感疫Preflucel (季节性流感疫苗 (seasonal influenza vaccine) 注射液商品名;生物制品)
流感疫flu vaccine (流行性感冒疫苗 (influenza vaccine) 别名;生物制品)
流感病毒 裂解疫流感病毒裂解疫苗(influenza vaccine (split virion), inactivated)的别名;生物制品inactivated split influenza vaccine
流感病毒亚单位佐剂疫influenza vaccine sub-unit with MF59C. 1 adjuvant
流感病毒亚单位疫influenza vaccine, surface antigen, inactivated
流感病毒减毒活疫live attenuated influenza vaccine (生物制品)
流感病毒活疫influenza virus vaccine, live
流感病毒活疫influenza virus vaccine,live
流感病毒疫influenza virus vaccine (流行性感冒疫苗 (influenza vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
流感病毒疫influenza vaccine (由WHO 每年推荐的流行性感冒病毒株制成,有减毒活疫苗和灭毒活疫苗两种;生物制品)
流感病毒裂解疫inactivated split influenza vaccine
流感病毒裂解疫influenza vaccine split virion, inactivated
流感病毒裂解疫influenza vaccine split virion , inactivated
流脑A群多糖体菌group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
流脑菌vaccinum meningitis epidemicae (脑 膜炎球菌菌苗 (meningococcal vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
流行性乙型 炎疫vaccinum encephalitis epidemicae (流行性乙型脑炎疫苗 (Japanese encephalitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
流行性乙型脑炎减毒活疫live encephalitis B vaccine (乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
流行性乙型脑炎灭活疫japanese encephalitis vaccine,inactivated
流行性乙型脑炎疫japanese encephalitis vaccine
流行性乙型脑炎病毒疫japanese encephalitis virus vaccine (流行性乙型脑炎疫苗 (japanese encephalitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
流行性感冒疫influenza virus vaccine
流行性感冒疫influenza vaccine
流行性感冒裂解疫流感病毒裂解疫苗 (influenza vaccine (split virion), inactivated)的别名;生物制品inactivated influenza vaccine split virion
流行性斑疹伤寒疫epidemic typhus vaccine
流行性斑疹伤寒鼠疫typhus vaccine (生物制品)
流行性脑膜炎多糖菌meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (A群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 (group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
流行性腮腺炎活疫live mumps virus vaccine
流行性腮腺炎病毒活疫live mumps virus vaccine (生物制品)
液态B型流感嗜血杆菌偶联疫Liquid Pedvax HIB (b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗 (haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine) 注射液商品名;生物制品)
灭活乙型肝炎疫hepatitis B virus vaccine inactivated (生物制品)
灭活流感疫流感病毒裂解疫苗 (influenza vaccine (split virion) , inactivated) 的别名;生物制品inactivated influenza vaccine
灭活甲型肝炎和重组乙型肝炎疫hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated and hepatitis B surface antigen, recombinant
灭活脊髓灰质炎疫inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine
灭活脊髓灰质炎病毒疫poliovirus vaccine,inactivated (脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine, inactivated) 的别名;生物制品)
灭活脊髓灰质炎病毒疫poliomyelitis vaccine,inactivated (生物制品)
炭疽减毒活疫皮上划痕人用炭疽活疫苗(anthrax vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification)的别名;生物制品live anthrax vaccine
炭疽活菌皮上划痕人用炭疽活疫苗 (anthrax vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification) 的别名;生物制品anthrax vaccine,live
炭疽菌皮上划痕人用炭疽活疫苗(anthrax vaccine (live) for percutaneous scarification) 的别名;生物制品anthrax vaccine
Q热疫Q fever vaccine (生物制品)
牛痘vaccinum vacciniae (卡介 苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
牛痘smallpox vaccine (生物制品)
牛痘免疫病毒疫接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus (从牛痘疫苗接种致炎兔皮肤真皮中提取的一种非蛋白性生理活性物质;抗炎镇痛药)
牛痘疫smallpox vaccine
牛痘疫接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus
狂犬病疫人用狂犬病疫苗(地 鼠肾细胞)(rabies vaccine (hamster kidney cell) for human use)的别名;生物制品inactivated rabies vaccine
狂犬病疫rabies vaccine (人用狂犬病疫苗 (地鼠肾细胞)(rabies vaccine (hamster kidney cell) for human use) 的别名;生物制品)
狂犬病疫人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚细胞)(rabies vaccine (chicken embryo cell) for human use)的别名;生物制品vaccinum rabiei
狂犬病疫inactivated rabies vaccine
狂犬病疫人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚细胞)(rabies vaccine (chicken embryo cell) for human use)注射剂商品名;生物制品RabAvert
狂犬病疫人用狂犬病疫苗 (vero 细胞)(rabies vaccine (vero cell)for human use) 的别名;生物制品hydrophobia vaccine
猩红热疫scarlet fever vaccine (生物制品)
甲型 H5N1流感病毒疫H5N1 influenza A vaccine (生物制品)
甲型乙型肝炎联合疫hepatitis A and B combined vaccine
甲型H1N1流感疫H1N1influenza A vaccine
甲型H1N1流感病毒疫H1N1 influenza A vaccine
甲型H1N1流感病毒裂解疫H1N1 influenza A vaccine
甲型H1N1流感病毒裂解疫H1N1 influenza A vaccine split virion, inactivated (生物制品)
甲型肝炎减毒活疫attenuated hepatitis A vaccine, live (甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗 (attenuated hepatitis A vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
甲型肝炎减毒活疫live hepatitis A vaccine (甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗 (attenuated hepatitis A vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
甲型肝炎减毒活疫attenuated hepatitis A vaccine (生物制品)
甲型肝炎和伤寒联合疫hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine
甲型肝炎灭活疫 人二倍体细胞hepatitis A vaccine human diploid cell, inactivated (系甲型肝炎病毒接种人胚肺二倍体细胞株,经培养、灭活精制而成;生物制品)
甲型肝炎灭活疫hepatitis A inactivated vaccine (甲型肝炎灭活疫苗 (hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated) 的别名;生物制品)
甲型肝炎灭活疫hepatitis A vaccine,inactivated
甲型肝炎灭活疫hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated
甲型肝炎灭活疫hepatitis A vaccine ,inactivated
甲型肝炎疫hepatitis A vaccine
甲型肝炎病毒灭活疫inactivated hepatitis A vaccine (甲型肝炎灭活疫苗 (hepatitis A vaccine,inactivated) 的别名;生物制品)
甲肝减毒活疫Live Attenuated HAV (甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗 (attenuated hepatitis A vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
甲肝病毒灭活疫-乙肝病毒表面抗原hepatitis A virus and hepatitis B surface antigen
疟疾疫malaria vaccine (生物制品)
白喉-破伤风类毒素-无细胞百日咳疫Acel-Imune (白喉、破伤风类毒素及无细胞百日咳疫苗等所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
白百疫adsorbed purified pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid
白百破-b 型流感嗜血杆菌-脊髓灰质炎病毒疫DTaP-Hib-poliovirus vaccine (生物制品)
白百破-乙型肝炎-b型流感嗜血杆菌联合疫DTP, HepB and Hib vaccine (生物制品)
白百破-乙型肝炎-脊髓灰质炎-b型流感嗜血杆菌联合疫DTP, HepB, polio and Hib vaccine (生物制品)
白百破-乙肝-脊髓灰质炎-b型流感嗜血杆菌联合疫DTP-HepB-polio-Hib vaccine
白百破-脊髓灰质炎-b 型流感嗜血杆菌疫DTP,polio and Hib vaccine (生物制品)
百日咳疫无细胞成分pertussis vaccine acellular component (生物制剂)
百日咳菌whooping-cough vaccine (百日咳菌苗 (pertussis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
百日咳菌per-vac (百日咳菌苗 (pertussis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
百日咳菌vaccinum pertussis (百日咳菌苗 (pertussis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
百日咳菌pertussis vaccine (生物制品)
百白破三联菌Tripedia (吸附白喉、破伤风类毒素及无细胞百日咳菌苗所制注射剂商品名;生物制品)
百白破乙型肝炎联合疫diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B combined vaccine (生物制品)
皮上划痕人用布氏菌活疫brucellosis vaccine live for percutaneous scarification (生物制品)
皮上划痕人用炭疽活疫anthrax vaccine live for percutaneous scarification (生物制品)
皮上划痕用鼠疫活疫plague vaccine live for percutaneous scarification (生物制品)
皮内注射用卡介BCG vaccine for intradermal injection (生物制品)
皮肤划痕冻干布氏活菌freeze dried brucellosis vaccine, live (生物制品)
益梦返狂犬病疫Imovax Rabies Vero (人用狂犬病疫苗 (vero 细胞)(rabies vaccine (vero cell) for human use) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
短小棒状杆菌菌corynebacterium parvum preparation
短棒杆菌菌corynebacterium parvum vaccine (免疫增强药)
短棒状杆菌菌corynebacterium larbae (短棒状杆菌制剂 (corynebacterium parvum preparation) 的别名;免疫增强药)
短棒菌corynebacterium parvum vaccine (短棒状杆菌制剂 (corynebacterium parvum preparation) 的别名;免疫增强药)
短棒菌corynebacterium parvum preparation
破伤风、白喉和百日咳疫tetanus, diphtheria & pertussis vaccine (吸附白喉、破伤风类毒素和百日咳菌苗混合制剂 (adsorbed diphtheria,tetanus toxoid and pertusis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
禽流感疫H5N1 avian influenza vaccine H5N1 (生物制品)
禽流感 疫vaccine for humans against the avian influenza virus (生物制品)
H5N1禽流感疫H5N1 avian influenza vaccine
青霉素钠carbenicillin indanyl sodium (卡苗西林钠 (carindacillin sodium) 的别名;青霉素类抗生素)
粪肠球菌偶联疫enterococcus faecalis conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
精制鸡胚细胞狂犬疫人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚细胞)(rabies vaccine (chicken embryo cell) for human use)的别名;生物制品purified chick embryo cell vaccine
索尔克疫Salk Vaccine (灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
纯化地 鼠肾细胞狂犬疫人用狂犬病疫苗(地鼠肾细胞) (rabies vaccine (hamster kidney cell) for human use) 的别名;生物制品purified hamster kidney cell vaccine
纯化鸡胚细胞狂犬疫rabies vaccine chicken embryo cell for human use (生物制品)
纯化鸡胚细胞狂犬疫人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚细胞)(rabies vaccine (chicken embryo cell)for human use)的别名;生物制品purified chicken embryonic cell vaccine
B细胞淋巴瘤疫B-cell lymphoma vaccine (生物制品)
结核杆菌疫trberculosis vaccine (生物制品)
结核活菌tuberculisis vaccine calmette guerin (卡介苗 (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
结核活菌bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
结核菌bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine
维康基因工程乙肝疫Vecon (乙肝表面抗原 (hep” titis B surface antigen) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
美纳克威联合疫ACYW-135群脑膜炎球菌多价联合疫苗 (meningococcal (groups ACYW-135) polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine)的别名;生物制品menacwy conjugated vaccine
A群C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫group A and C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
ACYW-135 群脑膜炎球菌多价联合疫meningococcal groups ACYW-135 polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (A、C、Y、W-135群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 (group A、C、Y、W-135 meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
A群脑膜炎球菌多糖体菌group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
A 群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
A群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
A、C、Y、W-135群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫group A,C,Y,W-135 meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
C群脑膜炎球菌多糖菌meningococcal vaccine group C C (C群脑膜炎球菌表面多糖与一种蛋白质结合制成的失活疫苗;生物制品)
群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine group C C
C群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine group C
B群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal B vaccine (生物制品)
群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine group B B (生物制品)
C群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine
B群脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine group
YW-135群脑膜炎球菌联合疫meningococcal groups YW-135 conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
群脑膜炎球菌菌Menjugate C (C群脑膜炎球菌疫苗 (meningococcal vaccine group C) 注射液商品名;生物制品)
肺炎双球菌多糖菌streptococcus pneumoniae polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
肺炎双球菌多糖菌polysaccharide polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine 23 (含23种血清型肺炎双球菌荚膜多糖;生物制品)
肺炎球菌疫pneumococcal vaccine (生物制品)
肺炎球菌疫pneumococcal group-common vaccine (生物制品)
肺炎球菌结合疫pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (生物制品)
肺炎球菌荚膜多糖疫pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine (生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎三联疫Revaxis (白喉、破伤风及脊髓灰质炎所制注射液商品名;生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫poliomyelitis vaccine (oral)
脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫糖丸 猴肾细胞poliomyelitis vaccine in dragee candy monkey kidney cell ,live (用I、II、III型脊髓灰质炎病毒的减毒株接种于猴肾细胞,经培养加工制成的疫苗;生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫糖丸 人二倍体细胞poliomyelitis vaccine in dragee candy human diploid cell Jive (用I、II、III型脊髓灰质炎病毒的减毒株接种于人二倍体细胞,经培养加工制成的疫苗;生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎活疫vaccine poliomyelitidis vivum (脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎活疫trivalent poliovirus vaccine
脊髓灰质炎活疫poliomyelitis vaccine (oral)
脊髓灰质炎活疫live poliomyelitis vaccine (脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎灭活疫poliomyelitis vaccine, inactivated
脊髓灰质炎灭活疫inactivated poliovirus vaccine (生物制品)
脊髓灰质炎灭活疫poliomyelitis vaccine,inactivated
口 服脊髓灰质炎疫poliomyelitis vaccine (oral)
脊髓灰质炎疫poliomyelitis vaccine
脑 膜炎球菌菌meningococcal vaccine
脑脊髓膜炎球菌疫vaccinum meningococci (脑膜炎球菌疫苗 (meningococcal vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
脑脊髓膜炎球菌菌meningococcal vaccine
脑膜炎球菌多糖疫A+Cpolysaccharide meningococcal A + C vaccine (A群C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 (group A and C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
脑膜炎球菌多糖菌group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (A群)
脑膜炎球菌疫meningococcal vaccine
脑膜炎球菌菌Neis Vac-C (C群脑膜炎球菌疫苗 (meningococcal vaccine group C) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
脑膜炎疫Meningitec (C群脑膜炎球菌疫苗 (meningococcal vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
腮腺炎减毒活疫mumps vaccine,live
腮腺炎减毒活疫mumps vaccine ,live
腮腺炎活病毒疫mumps vaccine,live (由减毒腮腺炎病毒减毒株接种原代鸡胚细胞,经培养、收获制成的冻干制剂;生物制品)
腮腺炎活病毒疫Mumpsvax (腮腺炎减毒活疫苗 (mumps vaccine,live) 粉针剂商品名;生物制品)
腮腺炎疫mumps vaccine (腮腺炎减毒活疫苗 (mumps vaccine ,live) 的别名;生物制品)
腺病毒疫adenovirus vaccine (生物制品)
自身免疫糖尿病疫autoimmune diabetes vaccine (生物制品)
艾滋病疫AIDS vaccine (生物制品)
花粉过敏疫grass pollen allergy tablet vaccine (葎草花粉疫苗 (grass pollen vaccine) 的别名;抗过敏药)
扶来精mioflazine (血管舒张药)
满酯羧苄青霉素钠carindacillin sodium
莱姆病疫Lyme disease vaccine
萨滨疫Sabin' s Vaccine (脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (poliomyelitis vaccine) 糖衣丸剂商品名;生物制品)
落矶山斑点热疫rocky mountain spotted fever vaccine
落矶山斑疹热疫rocky mountain spotted fever vaccine
落矶山热疫rocky mountain spotted fever vaccine (生物制品)
葎草花粉疫grass pollen vaccine
豚草过敏疫tolamba (抗豚草过敏药)
豚草过敏疫舌下含片ragweed allergy vaccine ; sublingual (生物制品)
轮状病毒疫rotavirus vaccine
重组 B 群脑膜炎双球菌疫recombinant meningococcal vaccine group B (生物制品)
重组乙 型肝炎疫recombinant hepatitis B vaccine
重组乙型肝炎疫 CHO 细胞recombinant hepatitis B vaccine CHO Cell (生物制品)
重组乙型肝炎疫酿酒酵母recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Saccharomyces cerevisiae (生物制品)
重组乙型肝炎疫汉逊酵母recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Hansenula polymorpha (生物制品)
重组乙型肝炎疫recombinant hepatitis B vaccine
重组卡介recombinant bacillus Calmette-Guerin (生物制品)
重组流感疫recombinant influenza vaccine (由重组流感血细胞凝集素 (hemagglutinin) 蛋白构成的一种注射用三价疫苗;包括H1N1、H3N2及B型流感疫苗;生物制品)
重组酵母乙型肝炎疫Yeast Recombinant HB Vaccine (乙肝表面抗原 (hepatitis B surface antigen) 注射液商品名;生物制品)
金黄色葡萄球菌多糖偶联疫staphylococcus aureus polysaccharide conjugate vaccine
钩端螺旋体疫leptospira vaccine
钩端螺旋体菌leptospira vaccine (生物制品)
铜绿假单胞菌疫pseudomonas vaccine
霍乱类毒素和全菌体疫cholera toxoid and whole cell vaccine (生物制品)
霍乱菌vaccinum cholerae (霍乱菌苗 (cholera vaccine) 的别名; 生物制品)
霍乱菌cholera vaccine
风疹减毒活疫rubella vaccine ; live (生物制品)
风疹减毒活疫兔肾细胞rubella vaccine rabbit kidney cell ; live (生物制品)
风疹减毒活疫rubella vaccine; live
风疹减毒活疫人二倍体细胞rubella vaccine human diploid cell ;live (生物制品)
风疹和流行性腮腺炎病毒活疫rubella & mumps virus vaccine, live (生物制品)
风疹和麻疹疫rubella & measles vaccine (生物制品)
风疹疫rubella vaccine (生物制品)
风疹疫lyophilized rubella vaccine (生物制品)
风疹病毒疫rubella virus vaccine (风疹疫苗 (rubella vaccine) 的别名;生物制品)
风疹病毒疫lyophilized rubella vaccine
麻疹减毒 活疫Live Attenuated Measles Vaccine (麻疹减毒活疫苗 (live attenuated measles virus vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
麻疹减毒活疫measles vaccine ; live
麻疹减毒活疫measles vaccine, live
麻疹减毒活疫measles attenuated live vaccine (麻疹减毒活疫苗 (measles vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
麻疹减毒活疫measles vaccine ,live
麻疹减毒活疫live attenuated measles virus vaccine
麻疹减毒活疫measles vaccine,live
麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及风疹疫MMR vaccine
麻疹疫measles vaccine (麻疹减毒活疫苗 (measles vaccine ,live) 的别名;生物制品)
麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹三联减毒活疫measelse, mumps and rubella virus vaccine, live (麻腮风联合减毒活疫苗 (measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live) 的别名;生物制品)
麻疹腮腺炎联合减毒活疫measles and mumps combined vaccine, live (生物制品)
麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹疫measles,mumps and rubella (生物制品)
麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹联合疫MMR vaccine
麻疹风疹减毒疫M-R-VAX D (麻疹风疹联合减毒活疫苗 (measles and rubella combined vaccine,live) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
麻疹风疹联合减毒活疫measles and rubella combined vaccine,live
麻疹风疹联合减毒活疫measles and rubella combined vaccine, live (生物制品)
麻腮风减毒活疫measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live
麻腮风疫MMR vaccine (生物制品)
麻腮风联合减毒活疫measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live
麻腮风联合减毒活疫measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine ,live (生物制品)
麻风病疫leprosy vaccine (生物制品)
黄热病疫YF-Vax (黄热病疫苗 (yellow fever vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
黄热病疫yellow fever vaccine
黏质沙雷菌serratia marcescens vaccine (免疫增强药)
黑色素瘤疫M-Vax (黑色素瘤疫苗 (melanoma vaccine) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
黑色素瘤疫melanoma vaccine
鼠疫活疫plague vaccine (系减毒鼠疫杆菌培养后制成的冻干活菌苗;生物制品)
鼠疫菌plague vaccine
鼻内用流感疫FluMist (流感病毒活疫苗 (influenza virus vaccine,live) 预填充式鼻喷雾剂商品名;生物制品)
鼻吸入流感疫Nasal Flu Vaccine (流感病毒活疫苗 (influenza virus vaccine, live) 预充式鼻喷雾剂商品名;生物制品)
龋齿疫dental caries vaccine (生物制品)