
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一年生one year seedling
一年生实生yearing seedling
一年生实生one year seedling
三芽指甘蔗three-eye bud
上山指供山地种植的苗木shipping of nursery stock
丛播间bunch thinning
middle seedling age
中耕间hoe thinner
串联式间tandem thinner
临时flying nursing
临时shifting nursery
临时bush nursery
axial shoot
二倍体幼diploid plantlet
二年生two-year old seedling
二茬second season crop
二茬second crop
亚单位疫subunit vaccine
产生疫vaccigenous (vaccigenus)
人工采artificial seeding
优异木产生excellent seedling production
作物间crop chopper
侧芽指甘蔗side shoot
倒伏tumbled seedling
假植pulled-out and reserved seedling
healthy seedling
good seedling
健康幼healthy seedling
偶然实生chance seedling
偶生实生chance seedling
兔化猪瘟弱毒疫Lapinized hog cholera attenuated vaccine
full stand
full seedling
甘蔗全茎body piece
具鸟足状根sapling with dog-legged root
农药间chemical thinner
冷床育propagating seedling in cold frame
为播种准备bedding up
分株suckering seedling
分根繁殖育seedling propagation by the use of rooting
分簇间bouquet thinning
分簇间single (singularis)
分簇间block out
加温warm frame
加热秧田hot rice-nursery bed
动力输出轴驱动间power takeoff thinner
化学分簇间chemical blocking
化学间chemical thinning
化学间chemical thinner
半保温幼semi-hut seedling
半保温秧semi-hut seedling
单价疫monovalent vaccine
单价菌univalent bacterial vaccine
单倍体幼monoploid seedling
单干萌生single seedling sprout
单株幼individual seedling
单芽指甘蔗single-bud seed sett
卡介Bacille Calmette Guerin
卡介Bacille Calmette-Guerin
压条layering seedling
压条生产率layering productivity
原始实生initial seedling
原生质体形成 的幼plantlet from protoplast
原生质体幼小植株protoplast plantlet
去梢侧芽育指在马来西亚的甘蔗育苗rajungun method
双刀盘间twin-headed thinner
双列间tandem thinner
双株double-plant seedlings
双生twin seedlings
双芽指甘蔗two-eye seedpiece
双行间two-row plant thinner
合理间rational thinning
向日葵期管理sunflower seedling tending
向日葵出sunflower seeding emergence
向日葵出sunflower emergence stage
向日葵出sunflower seeding stage
向日葵出sunflower seeding emergence rate
向日葵岀sunflower seedling emergence time
向日葵幼sunflower seedling
商品性commercial nursery
地下蘖枝subterranneous shoot
地下subterranean shoot (ramus novellus subterraneus)
地下subterraneous shoot (ramus novellus subterraneus)
地下蘖枝subterranean shoot
地面ground seedbed
均匀间even thinning
块根作物间root thinner
塑料袋育polythene-bagged seedling
塞孔育指在塞孔中育苗plug tray
增殖multiplication nursery
复往式间reciprocating thinner
summer shoot
多价疫polyvalent vaccine
多价菌polyvalent bacterial vaccine (vaccinus bacterialis polyvalens)
多倍体幼polyploid seedling
大小两用水稻插秧机dual-purpose rice transplanter
失活疫inactivated vaccine
栽植机plant holder
嫁接grafted seedling
嫁接grafted sapling
嫁接grafted nursery plant
嫁接直接种植圃地direct planting of grafted sapling
嫁接杂种幼graft hybrid seedling
seedling (plantula)
大量生产seedling mass-production
胚芽鞘seedling coleoptile
sporeling (sporula)
安全设备育raising seedling under structure
指最后一次间苗final singling
final thinning (of seedlings)
establishment of seedling
定植指果木planting stock age
实生sapling (plantula)
实生seedling from seed
实生seedling raised from seed
实生seedling plant
实生nursery-grown seedling
实生假植seedling transplanting
实生天然更新natural seedling regeneration
实生苗圃seedling nursery
实生选择seedling selection
室内育indoor raising of seedling
容器育container nursery
宿根指甘蔗ratoon shoot
young seedling
小麦出wheat seedling emergence
小麦出wheat seedling emergence rate
小麦幼wheat seeding
小麦搔wheat draw
小麦杂种幼wheat hybrid seedling
带卵黄囊的鱼sac fry
带土balled plant
带土balled stock
带土实生soil-sticked seedling
带土实生balled seedling
带土幼balled seedling
带土秧soil-stick seedling
带土秧水稻栽植机rice transplanter for soilstick seedlings
平放种指甘蔗flat position of seed piece
平面flat seedbed
young seedling
emerging plant
不均匀uneven seedling
代谢juvenile metabolism
健势seedling vigour
免疫反应immune seedling reaction
出土emergence of seedlings
出土seedling emergence
处理seedling treatment
复原recovery of seedling
嫁接plantlet grafting
形成plantlet formation
性状seedling character
情况seedling situation
感染seedling infection
感病seedling infection
成活establishment of seedling
成活率seedling percent
技术分离根系方法seedling technique
seedling resistance
指数seedling index
损害seedling injury
seedling stage
死亡seedling death
死亡率seedling mortality
活力seedling vigour
生长seedling growth
生长juvenile growth
生长势弱poor seedling vigor
生长期seedling season of growth
疫病seedling blight
病害卷心菜,莴苣seedling disease
百分数percentage of seedling
立枯病bed rot
育成seedling establishment
致死现象seedling lethality
萎黄病chlorosis of plantlet
行栽lining out
评定evaluation of seedlings
试验seedling test
试验seedling experiment
诱发induction of plantlet
诱导induction of plantlet
辐射效应radiation effect in seedling
迅速发育rapid seedling development
迅速恢复rapid recovery of seedling
返青recovery of seedling
选择selection at the juvenile stage
选择seedling selection
遮荫seedling shading
鉴定seedling test
锻炼hardening off
高度seedling height
高度-剂量曲线seedling height-dose curve
高度整齐uniform seedling height
weak seedling
bad seedling
强度间strong thinning
徒长幼leggy seedling
水稻Bakanae disease
病秧rice seedling infected with Gibberella fujikuroi
establishment of seedling
seedling establishment
mature seedling
adult seedling age (指成苗的天数)
tree percent
ratio of good nursery plants
果木stocking percent
percentage of establishment of seedlings
手工间thinning out seedlings by hand
扦插cutting stock
折叠folded seedling
折断folded seedling
seedling protecting paper
捏和秧田kneaded nursery bed
次数times of draw
摆动式甜菜间pendulum beet thinner
摆动式间pendulum thinner
摆动式间swingback blade
播种seedling nursery
播种seeded bed
播种英sown acreage
改进间improvement thinning
散乱tumbled seedling
整地良好well-prepared seedbed
daughter plant
旋转式甜菜间rotary beet thinner
旋转式育rotating phytotron
春播幼spring sown seedling
晚间late thinning
普通ordinary nursery
最优实生生产excellent seedling production
最优秧生产excellent seedling production
有性指为有性杂交的实生苗sexual seedling
有效实生effective seedling
有病幼bad seedling
木薯茎manioc cutting
机械化间mechanical plant thinner
机械间mechanical singling
机械间mechanical thinning
机械间mechanical gapping
机械间mechanical thinner
杂交实生crossed seedling
杂交实生cross seedling
杂种子hybrid seedling
杂种实生hybrid seedling
杂种实生cross seedling
条播作物间row crop thinning
板条育lath house
林木nursery of trees
林木育forest-tree's nursery
果木nursery of trees
果树fruit tree nursery
果树fruit nursery bed
标准床大小typical size of seeding bed
tree seedling
挖掘机tree lifter
联合挖掘机tree combine harvest
根部带土球的挖掘机tree balling machine
调查survey of saplings
树木愈合组织形成的幼plantlet from tree callus
根部附土young seedling with soil-covered roots
plant setting
seedling planter
栽树planting mattock
mulberry sapling
梢头指甘蔗top seedpiece
棉花出cotton emergence
棉花现cotton emergence
棉花间cotton chopper
横向分簇间cross blocking
横向分簇间blank knifing
横向间cross chopper
正常normal seedlings
seedling death
母本子maternal seedling
气生aerophilous shoot
水平level seedbed
水平摆动式间horizontally oscillating thinner
水秧田lowland nursery bed
水稻幼rice seedling
水稻蹲wilting of rice
洗根大seedling without soil
洗根秧soil removed seedling
活菌live bacterial vaccine
floating nursery
浸秧浸树苗dipping the seedling
温室育conservatory (conservatorius)
温室育green house
温室育conservatory house
温床育hotbed raising seedlings
温床育growing seedling in hotbed
火焰分簇间flame blocking
火焰分簇间flame blocker
火焰间flame thinning
栽植机plant grip
点火火pilot light
hardening off
putrid seedling
牡蛎baby oyster
玉米幼young corn plant
玉米幼立枯病Gibberella blight of corn
玉米蹲wilting of corn
seedling emergence
lining out
period of emergence
percentage of emergence
甘蔗幼cane plantlet
甘蔗间sugarcane thinning machine
甘薯sweet potato shoot
甘薯拔sweet potato shoot pulling
甘薯拔次数sweet potato times of shoot pulling
甜菜分簇间beet blocking
甜菜间beet gapper
甜菜间beet thinner
甜菜间beet chopper
甜菜间beet singling hoe
田间移植并定transplanting and setting of seedling in the field
电子传感间electronic sensor controlled thinner
电子操纵甜菜间electronic operated beet thinning
电热育electrically-heated nursery
留保带的播种机seed strand planter
留护带播种机strip seeder
畸形malformed seedling
甜菜hoe singling
chopping out
thinning machine
gapping machine
疟疾疫malaria vaccine
百日咳疫pertussis vaccine
施肥biodynamic fertilization
研究study plot
碳化谷壳育raising seedling on carbonized chaff
seedling of cereal plant
禾谷类白化幼albino plantlet of cereals
秋季fall nursery
秋季芽接fall oculant
秋播出fall emergence stage
秋播出fall seeding stage
种子与幼seeds and plants
种子与幼seed and seedling
稀播幼thinly sown seedling
early seedling age
根黑腐病black root of rice
稻出rice emergence stage
稻出rice seeding stage
稻出rice emerging time
稻恶rice fungus
稻杂种幼rice hybrid seedling
稻秧性状character of rice seedling
稻秧田rice nursery bed
第一次间first thinning
簇状间cluster thinning
簇状间clustering method
粗耕rough ploughed seed bed
繁殖propagating nursery
繁殖multiplication nursery
繁殖propagation bed
纤细实生delicate seedling
missing seedling
want of seedling
fail place
matured seedling
联合疫combined vaccine
聚乙烯袋育polythene-bagged seedling
rearing of seedling
seedling culture
raising seedling
raising of seedling
cultivate seedling
nursery area
nursery ground
rearing trough
用工具seedling cultivation tools
禁人区seedling enclosure
箱育苗seedling raising in box
箱育苗法method of seedling-raising in box
设施raising seedling facility
营养钵移植transplanting with pot
芝麻出sesame seedling emergence rate
flower seedling
侵染flower-seedling infection
花卉floral nursery (plantarium florale)
花斑幼variegated seedling
花生床播种groundnut sowing in bed
芽接bud grafted stock
茶播种tea sowing bed
茶树tea nursery
茶树圃位置tea nursery location
茶树圃地点tea nursery location
茶树圃大小规模tea nursery size
茶树圃管理tea nursery tending
茶树圃设计tea nursery design
茶树实生tea seedling
茶树间tea date of thinning
指甘蔗grassy shoot
亚单位subunit of bacterial vaccine
萌生seedling sprout
萎缩秧shrunken seedling
营养钵栽植pot planting
营养钵育pot planting
营养钵育pot cultivation of seedling
葡萄vine nursery
葡萄grape nursery
garlic stem
garlic sprout
cane seed
蔬菜vegetable bed
蔬菜幼vegetable seedling
additional planting of seedling
计算机病毒疫computer virulent vaccine
谷类幼young corn plant
豌豆sugar pea shoot
豌豆幼组蛋白pea seedling histone
lifting plough
seedling spade
起垄ridge seedbed
wilting method
轻便四行圃播种机portable four row nursery seeder
轻度间light thinning
边缘幼border seedling
边行幼border seedling
适当间correct of thinning
选择式间selective hoe
选择间selective thinning
遗传工程疫genetically engineered vaccine
seed harvesting
hoe singling
防治棉根病prevention and control of root diseases of cotton seedling
露地苗床open field grow seedlings
露地open-field nursery
露地open field bed
露地育raising seedling in open
露天open seed bed
露天open bed
露根bare-root seedling
young crop
growing crop
standing crop
非疫nonvaccine (invaccinus)
非疫nonvaccine strain
顺行间down-the-row thinning
顺行间down-the-row thinner
香蕉banana seedling
马铃薯分生组织培养的幼potato plantlet from meristem culture
马鹿Bakanae disease
yolk fry
pond for fry
wheat seeding
返青regeneration of wheat seedling
黄化幼etiolated seedling
full stand
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