
Terms for subject Environment containing 节点 | all forms
内部调节internal adjustment
季节season One of the four equal periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices, resulting from the apparent movement of the sun north and south of the equator during the course of the earth's orbit around it. These periods (spring, summer, autumn and winter) have their characteristic weather conditions in different regions, and occur at opposite times of the year in the N and S hemispheres (四个相等时间段中的一个,一年按照岁差和太阳回归点分成这四个时间段。这是按照太阳在地球围绕太阳旋转的路线上的赤道南北回归线的移动来划分的。在这四个阶段(春天、夏天、秋天和冬天),不同地区有不同气候特点,并且在南北半球的时间正好相反。)
季节性变化seasonal variation In time series, that part of the movement which is assigned to the effect of the seasons on the year (在一定时间内,受到每年的季节影响而产生移动的部分。)
季节性模式seasonal pattern
季节性生物节律seasonal biological rhythm
季节性迁徙transhumance The seasonal migration of livestock to suitable grazing grounds (牲畜季节性地迁徙到合适的牧场。)
季节性迁移seasonal migration The periodic movement of a population from one region or climate to another in accordance with the yearly cycle of weather and temperature changes (人口从一个地区或气候定期地迁移到另一个地区,这种移动按照天气和温度每年循环变化。)
广播节目radio programme A performance or production transmitted in sound signals with electromagnetic waves (通过电磁波传输声音信号的节目或表演。)
显示,节目show A performance, program or exhibition providing entertainment to a group of people, displayed either through some communication media, such as radio or television, or live at a museum or theater (通过一些通信媒体,比如广播或电视或在博物馆及剧院现场,以表演或展览的形式向一些人提供娱乐。)
有关节类;关节海百合类亚纲Articulata Animals characterized by the repetition of similar segments (metameres), exhibited especially by arthropods, annelids, and vertebrates in early embryonic stages and in certain specialized adult structures (相似组成部分重复出现的动物,主要包括节肢动物,环节动物,以及胚胎期的脊椎动物和某些专门的成年结构。)
污染控制调节pollution control regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty in which limits are established for the emission of substances that harm or adversely alter the environment and human health (由政府颁布的一系列规定或国际组织签订的条约,以管理污染释放的危害,以及对不利于环境和人类健康的污染的控制。)
温度调节heat regulation
火灾季节fire season
环节动物annelid Any worms of the phylum Anellida, in which the body is divided into segments both internally and externally. The group includes the earthworms, lugworm, ragworm, and leeches (环节动物门的动物。 身体内外被分为许多的体节,这个族群包括蚯蚓、海蚯蚓、沙蚕、水蛭。)
生物节律biorhythm A cyclically recurring pattern of physiological states in an organism or organ, such as alpha rhythm or circadian rhythm; believed by some to affect physical and mental states and behaviour (一种在有生物体或器官中的生理状态的周期性循环模式,例如阿尔法节律或者昼夜节律;某些人相信它可以影响身体和心理状态以及行为。)
电视节目television programme A performance or production transmitted in audiovisual signals with electromagnetic waves (用电磁波传播视听信号的表演。)
空气调节装置air conditioning A system or process for controlling the temperature and sometimes the humidity and purity of the air in a house, etc. (控制房间温度、空气湿度和纯度等的系统或程序。)
能源节约energy saving Avoiding wasting energy (避免浪费能源。)
节水water saving Management of water resources aiming at ensuring the continued availability of water for human uses and natural ecosystems (为确保人类和自然生态系统使用的水的持续可用性而进行的水资源管理。)
节约能源energy conservation The strategy for reducing energy requirements per unit of industrial output or individual well-being without affecting the progress of socio-economic development or causing disruption in life style. In temperate developed countries most energy is used in heating and lighting industrial and domestic buildings. Industrial processes, transport and agriculture are the other main users. During the 1970s it was demonstrated that substantial savings could be achieved through appropriate building technologies and the use of energy-efficient equipment for heating, air-conditioning and lighting. Most goods could and should be both manufactured and made to work more efficiently (在不影响社会经济发展或造成生活状况混乱的前提下,减少每单位工业产值或个人健康相关的能源需求所采取的策略。在一般发达国家中,大部分的能源用于工业和家庭建筑的暖气和照明。工业过程、运输和农业是其他的主要能源消耗者。19世纪70年代证实,通过适当的建筑技术和使用高能源效能的暖气、空调和照明设备,可以节省可观的能源。大部分产品可以而且应该以更加有效的方式制造和使用。)
节肢动物arthropod The largest phylum in the animal kingdom; adults typically have segmented body, a sclerotized integument, and many-jointed segmental limbs (动物界最大的门,成年个体有节状肢体,硬化外皮,以及多个有接缝的节状肢体。)
节能与环境保护energy conservation and environmental protection
衰老调节regulation of senescence
调节法regulative law