
Terms for subject Nautical containing 船运 | all forms | in specified order only
乙烯运输船ethane carrier
二氧化碳运输船CO₂ carrier
冷海水保鲜运输船refrigerated seawater fish carrier
冷藏货物运输船refrigerated cargo ship
冷藏货物运输船refer cargo carrier
半潜运输船semi-submersible transport ship
单元货物运输船unit cargo ship
压缩天然气 CNG 运输船CNG carrier
国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk IBC code (IBC Code)
IGC Code"国际气体运输船规则 IGC 规则"International Gas Carrier Code
地效翼 WIG 船营运许可证书permit to operate WIG craft
垃圾运输船sewage boat
垃圾运输船garbage boat
型船舶运动阻截系统Humphree control system-5 HCS-5
大件运输船heavy equipment vessel
大件运输船bridge crane and heavy equipment carrier
大件运输船超压载作业super-ballast operation for a bridge crane and heavy equipment carrier
大件运输船超压载作业over-ballast operation for bridge crane and equipment carrier
大件运输船超压载作业extra ballast operation for heavy equipment carrier
大型汽车运输船large car transport carrier
小轿车运输船pure car carrier
已装载油的运油船wet ship
废物运输船waste carrier
成组运输船unit load vessel
指定目的港的装运港船上交货free on board-named port of shipment
指定装运港的船边交货free alongside-named port of shipment
排灌运输船irrigating carrying vessel
散糖运输船sugar carrier
散装危险化学品运输船dangerous chemical in bulk carrier
散装水泥运输船cement carrier
散装谷物运输船bulk grain carrier
散装运输国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC Code, IBC 规则)
木材制品运输船forest product carrier
植物油运输船vegetable oil tanker
水产品运输船fish carrier
水产品运输船aquatic product carrier
汽车运输船vehicle carrier
汽车运输船automobile carrier
活鱼运输船live fish carrier
活鲜鱼运输船carrier for fresh fish
液化天然气 LNG 运输船LNG carrier
液化易燃气体运输船liquefied inflammable gas carrier
烟灰运输船fly ash carrier
牲畜运输船cattle carrier
船运费率liner rates
硫酸运输船BulV sulphuric acid carrier
碎木运输船wood chip carrier
船运chartering shipping
船运charter shipment
符合船舶载运危险货物特别要求的文件document of compliance with the special requirements
经修正的"国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则"IGC code
船舶摇荡运动ship motions in waves
船舶的主要运动ship's primary movement
船舶相对运动ship relative motions
船舶运动加速度引起的动载荷和液舱晃动压力dynamic loads and dynamic tank pressures due to ship accelerations
船舶运动相角phase angle in ship motions
船舶运动确定式处理法deterministic method of ship motions
船舶运动统计分析法statistical analytic method of ship motions
船运代理shipping services
船运服务shipping services
苛性钠运输船caustic carrier
车辆运输船car carrier
载运危险货物船舶特殊要求的符合证明document of compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods
轿车/卡车运输船pure car/truck carrier
运水果船fruit carrier
运水船water tanker
运油船petrol carrier
运油船oil tanker
运畜船livestock carrier
运管船管承,管架,管座pipe carrier
运管驳船pipe barge
LPG 运输船LPG carrier
防止和制止从事国际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic
高速船营运许可证书permit to operate high-speed craft
鲜活鱼运输船fresh and live fish vessel