
Terms containing 船运 | all forms | in specified order only
shipb.丁烷运输船butane carrier
comp.name.中国船舶代理及无船承运人协会China Association of Shipping Agencies and Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers
nautic., tech.乙烯运输船ethane carrier
nautic., tech.二氧化碳运输船CO₂ carrier
shipb.体育运动船sport boat
shipb.供游览和体育运动用船ship for sightseeing and sport use
tech.侧卸式运土船side-hopper barge
tech.侧卸式运土船side-door hopper barge
shipb.《内河散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships
shipb.《内河散装运输液化气船舶构造与设备规范》Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships
tech.内河运煤船inland waterway gripper
tech.内河运煤船inland water gripper
tech.军队运输驳船troop barge
shipb.农作物运输船crop carrier
sport.冰上帆船运ice boating
nautic., tech.冷海水保鲜运输船refrigerated seawater fish carrier
shipb.冷藏船运refrigerated ship freight
shipb.冷藏船装运的货物air cooling cargo
nautic., tech.冷藏货物运输船refrigerated cargo ship
nautic., tech.冷藏货物运输船refer cargo carrier
fishery冷藏运输船reefer vessel
tech.冷藏运输船refrigerated cargo ship
fishery冷藏运输船refrigerated vessel
fishery冷藏运输船refrigerated transport vessel
tech.冷货运输船refrigerated carrier
tech.冷货运输船freezing carrier
tech.冻肉运输船frozen meat ship
shipb.冻鱼运输船frozen fish carrier
tech.净运费租船契约net charter
tech.净运费租船条款net charter terms
shipb.出口成品油运输船export petroleum products tanker
gen.加拿大轮船运输公司Canada Steamship Lines
gen.法语 从前在加拿大水道上为毛皮公司运送货物的包运船户voyageur
shipb.化学产品运输船chemical products carrier
shipb.化学制品运输船chemical products carrier
tech.化学品运输船chemical tanker
tech.化学品运输船chemical carrying ship
shipb.化肥运输船fertilizer carrier
nautic., tech.半潜运输船semi-submersible transport ship
shipb.船运输成本ship's transportation cost
nautic., tech.单元货物运输船unit cargo ship
comp.name.印度船运公司Shipping Corp, of India
tech.危险品运输船barge for hot cargoes
nautic., tech.压缩天然气 CNG 运输船CNG carrier
shipb.原油运输船crude oil tanker
tech.双船道运河two-lane canal
tech.启运地船边交货价free alongside ship
tech.启运港船边交货free on steamer (价格)
tech.船运输法规Merchant shipping act
shipb.《商船航运法》Merchant-ship Shipping Act
tech.商船航运通告merchant shipping notes
shipb.《国内海运船人级规则》Regulation for the Classification Domestic Seagoing Ships
nautic., tech.国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk IBC code (IBC Code)
nautic., tech.IGC Code"国际气体运输船规则 IGC 规则"International Gas Carrier Code
nautic., tech.地效翼 WIG 船营运许可证书permit to operate WIG craft
nautic., tech.垃圾运输船sewage boat
nautic., tech.垃圾运输船garbage boat
nautic., tech.型船舶运动阻截系统Humphree control system-5 HCS-5
tech.多式联运船舶intermodal vessel
nautic., tech.大件运输船heavy equipment vessel
nautic., tech.大件运输船bridge crane and heavy equipment carrier
nautic., tech.大件运输船超压载作业over-ballast operation for bridge crane and equipment carrier
nautic., tech.大件运输船超压载作业super-ballast operation for a bridge crane and heavy equipment carrier
nautic., tech.大件运输船超压载作业extra ballast operation for heavy equipment carrier
nautic., tech.大型汽车运输船large car transport carrier
tech.定期船运scheduled service
shipb.定期货船运cargo liner freight
shipb.定期货船运费率cargo liner rate
shipb.定期远洋船运ocean liner freight
shipb.定期远洋船运费率ocean liner rate
tech.客运渡船passenger ferry
tech.封闭式驳船货运系统closed barge carrier system
tech.船运输费boat man charges
tech.小型沿岸运输船small coastal transport
tech.小车一卡车专用运输船pure car-truck carrier
nautic., tech.小轿车运输船pure car carrier
shipb.尿素运输船urea carrier
nautic.已装载油的运油船wet ship
tech.带抓斗运砂船sand carrier with grab bucket
shipb.干货船运dry-cargo ship freight
tech.底卸式运土船hopper barge
tech.废核料运输船spent nuclear fuel carrier
nautic., tech.废物运输船waste carrier
shipb.录二世界主要船舶运输企业World Major Ship Transport Enterprises
shipb.成品油运输船petroleum products tanker
shipb.成捆木材运输船packaged lumber carrier
nautic., transp.成组运输船unit load vessel
shipb.托盘货物运输船pallet carrier
tech.托盘运输船pallet ship
shipb.托运人包船shipper booking a whole ship-space
shipb.托运人包船shipper booking a whole ship space
shipb.承运的船只carrying vessel
tech.承运船的选择权ship's option
nautic., tech.指定目的港的装运港船上交货free on board-named port of shipment
nautic., tech.指定装运港的船边交货free alongside-named port of shipment
tech.挖泥船运转时间operating time of dredger
tech.挖泥船运转时间running time of dredge
tech.挖泥船运转时间running time of dredger
tech.挖泥船运转时间operating time of dredge
nautic., tech.排灌运输船irrigating carrying vessel
shipb.摆式船体运动测量仪pendulum-type apparatus of ship's motions measuring
nautic., tech.散糖运输船sugar carrier
nautic., tech.散装危险化学品运输船dangerous chemical in bulk carrier
shipb.散装水泥运输船bulk cement carrier
nautic., tech.散装水泥运输船cement carrier
tech.散装燃油运输船bulk fuel oil carrier
nautic., tech.散装谷物运输船bulk grain carrier
shipb.散装货船运bulk carrier freight
shipb.《散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships
nautic., tech.散装运输国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC Code, IBC 规则)
shipb.《散装运输液化气体船舶构造与设备规范》Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships
tech.散装运输船bulk carrier
tech.散货/汽车运输船buk/car ship
tech.散货运输船bulk carrier
tech.最低船运通知final shipping instruction
tech.有船闸的运河canal with locks
nautic., tech.木材制品运输船forest product carrier
shipb.木材运输船timber carrier
shipb.木材运输船wood-cargo vessel
tech.木板运输船deals ship
shipb.木板运输船deals carrier
tech.机动车辆专运船drive in/drive off ship
tech.机动车辆专运船roll on/roll off ship
tech.机动车辆专运船ro/ro ship
gen.机动车辆专运船drive-on drive off ship
gen.机械化运输船只mechanical transport ship
shipb.机械运输船machine transport ship
shipb.松木板运输船deals carrier
shipb.核矿砂运输船nuclear-ore carrier
shipb.棉花运输船cotton transportation ship
nautic., tech.植物油运输船vegetable oil tanker
shipb.橡胶浆运输船latex carrier
tech.欧洲驳船运输方式European barge carrier system
tech.欧洲驳船货运系统European barge carrier system
tech.气体运输船gas carrier
tech.氯气运输船chlorine tanker
tech.水下矿石运输船submarine ore carrier
nautic., tech.水产品运输船fish carrier
nautic., tech.水产品运输船aquatic product carrier
shipb.水果和蔬菜运输船fruit and vegetable carrier
tech.水果运输船fruit ship
tech.水果运输船maritime fruit carrier
tech.水果运输船fruit carrier
tech.水泥运输船cement carrier
tech.污泥船运至海sludge barged to sea (排放)
tech.汽油运输船gasolene tanker
tech.汽油运输船gasoline tanker
shipb.汽油运输船petrol carrier
tech.汽车专用运输船pure car carrier
nautic., tech.汽车运输船vehicle carrier
nautic., tech.汽车运输船automobile carrier
comp.name.沙特阿拉伯国家船运公司National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia
tech.沥青运载船bitumen ship
tech.沥青运载船asphalt carrier
tech.沥青运输船bitumen ship
tech.沥青运输船asphalt carrier
tech.油槽船运tanker transportation
nautic., tech.活鱼运输船live fish carrier
nautic., tech.活鲜鱼运输船carrier for fresh fish
tech.海上拖运辅助船ocean tug auxiliary
tech.海运船队sea transport fleet
shipb.润滑油运输船lubricating oil tanker
tech.液化丙烷运输船LPG tanker
tech.液化丙烷运输船liquefied propane gas tanker
nautic., tech.液化天然气 LNG 运输船LNG carrier
shipb.液化天然气运输船liquified natural gas carrier
nautic., tech.液化易燃气体运输船liquefied inflammable gas carrier
tech.液化甲烷运输船LMG tanker
tech.液化甲烷运输船liquefied methane gas tanker
shipb.液化石油气运输船LPG tanker
shipb.液化石油气运输船liquefied petroleum gas carrier
shipb.液化石油气运输船liquified petroleum gas carrier
tech.液态石油气运输船liquid petroleum gas ship
shipb.清洁已装船海运提单clean on board ocean B/L
tech.渡船营运ferry-boat service
tech.港内运送长期系泊设备的小船chain boat
tech.港内运送长期系泊设备的小船mooring lighter
tech.港内运送长期系泊设备的小船anchor hoy
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船chain boat
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船mooring lighter
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船anchor hoy
tech.湖运船队lake fleet
tech.湿运升船机wet ship lift
tech.溶剂运输船solvents carrier
shipb.滚装船运roll-on/roll-off ship freight
tech.火车与货船联运的港口rail port
nautic., tech.烟灰运输船fly ash carrier
tech.熨斗式运煤船flat iron collier
shipb.燃料油运输船fuel oil tanker
shipb.燃油运输船fuel oil tanker
shipb.物料运输船store carrier
tech.牲畜装运船cattle carrier
tech.牲畜运输船cattle-carrying ship
shipb.牲畜运输船livestock carrier
nautic., tech.牲畜运输船cattle carrier
shipb.特种液体运输船special liquid carrier
nautic., transp.船运费率liner rates
tech.船运ship off to
tech.用船装运by boat
tech.用驳船运液体污泥barging liquid sludge
refrig.甲烷运输船methane tanker
refrig.甲烷运输船methane carrier
gen.登陆工具运输驳船landing craft barge
shipb.登陆艇运输船landing-boat carrier
shipb.登陆艇运输船landing boat carrier
shipb.盐酸运输船hydrochloric acid carrier
gen.直运或转船direct or with transhipment
shipb.石油和散装货运输船oil and bulk-cargo carrier
shipb.石油、散货和矿砂运输船oil, bulk and ore carrier
shipb.石油矿砂运输船oil-ore carrier
shipb.石膏运输船gypsum carrier
shipb.石蜡运输船paraffin wax carrier
shipb.矿砂运输船ore carrier
tech.码头到船舶的装卸搬运quay-to-ship stevedoring
shipb.硝酸运输船nitric acid carrier
shipb.硫酸运输船sulphuric acid carrier
nautic., tech.硫酸运输船BulV sulphuric acid carrier
shipb.硫黄运输船sulphur carrier
shipb.碎木运输船chips carrier
nautic., tech.碎木运输船wood chip carrier
shipb.磷酸矿石运输船phosphate-ore carrier
comp.name.科威特船运公司Kuwait Shipping Company
nautic., tech.船运chartering shipping
nautic., transp.船运charter shipment
avia.空中补给运输船air stores issuing ship
tech.穿梭运输油船shuttle tanker
nautic., tech.符合船舶载运危险货物特别要求的文件document of compliance with the special requirements
gen.第一原子船运输公司First Atomic Ship Transport, Inc.
tech.第二船运on-board carriers freight
tech.第二船运second carriers freight
tech.第二船运local freight
shipb.粮食运输船cereal carrier
shipb.粮食运输船grain carrier
shipb.纸浆运输船pulp carrier
nautic., tech.经修正的"国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则"IGC code
tech.联运转船货条款through cargo clause
tech.肉类装运船meat ship
tech.肉类装运船meat carrier
tech.船体运动ship motion
shipb.船体运动摆式测量仪pendulum-type apparatus of ship's motions measuring
tech.船只运垃圾transportation of refuse on ship board
tech.船坞营运dock operation
nautic., tech.船舶摇荡运动ship motions in waves
shipb.船舶文件是证明船舶所有权、性能、技术状况和营运必备条件的各种文件的总称Ship document is a general call of various files that proves ship's ownership, performance, technical status and operating necessary condition
nautic., tech.船舶的主要运动ship's primary movement
nautic., tech.船舶相对运动ship relative motions
shipb.船舶繁忙运输期ship's heavy traffic period
shipb.船舶繁忙运输线ship's heavy traffic route
tech.船舶经纪人运货单broker's order
tech.船舶航运污染shipping pollution
tech.船舶营运吨天费用ship's expenses per operational ton-day
tech.船舶营运吨天费用ship's expenses per operation ton-day
tech.船舶营运年限earning life of vessel
shipb.船舶营运必备条件文件ship operating necessary condition file
tech.船舶营运成本vessel operating cost
tech.船舶营运方式type of ship's employment
tech.船舶营运者vessel operator
tech.船舶营运者ship operator
tech.船舶营运费用vessel operating expenditures
tech.船舶营运费用ship operating expenses
shipb.船舶装运报告report of ship's shipment
shipb.船舶设计营运航速ship-design service speed
shipb.船舶货运吨ship's freight ton
shipb.船舶货运吨shipping ton
tech.船舶货运员ship's clerk
tech.船舶货运员cargo sheet clerk
tech.船舶运动ship movement
avia.船舶运动ship motion
tech.船舶运动传感器ship motion sensor
tech.船舶运动分析计算系统ship motion analyzing computer system
nautic., tech.船舶运动加速度引起的动载荷和液舱晃动压力dynamic loads and dynamic tank pressures due to ship accelerations
tech.船舶运动图maneuvering board
tech.船舶运动图手册Maneuvering Board Manual
shipb.船舶运动模拟器ship motion simulator
nautic., tech.船舶运动相角phase angle in ship motions
nautic., tech.船舶运动确定式处理法deterministic method of ship motions
nautic., tech.船舶运动统计分析法statistical analytic method of ship motions
shipb.船舶运营ship's operation
shipb.船舶运营吨天费用ship's expenses per operation ton-day
shipb.船舶运营和指标ship's operation and operating target
shipb.船舶运营指标ship's operation-target
shipb.船舶运营时间ship's operational time
shipb.船舶运营艘天费用ship's expenses per operation day
shipb.船舶运营费每吨天千米ship's expenses per operation ton-day-kilometer
shipb.船舶运营费每天ship's expenses per operation day
shipb.船舶运营资料ship's operational data
tech.船舶运行组织craft system
shipb.船舶运费freightage of ship
shipb.船舶运载汽车的能力car-carrying capacity of ship
shipb.船舶运载汽车能力car-carrying capacity of ship
tech.船舶运输marine transportation
tech.船舶运输marine transport
tech.船舶运输业务shipborne service
shipb.18 船舶运输业务shipping
tech.船舶运输代理人shipping agent
tech.船舶运输代理行shipping, forwarding agent
shipb.船舶运输周期ship's haul cycle
shipb.船舶运输潜力potential shipping capacity
shipb.船舶运输监视系统vessel traffic surveillance system
tech.船舶运输组织transport organization of ships
shipb.船舶非运营时间ship's nonoperational time
shipb.船舶非运营时间ship's non-operational time
tech.船货搬运装置cargo-handling gear
gen.船运运输事务所shipping office
nautic., transp.船运代理shipping services
tech.船运数据shipping data
nautic., transp.船运服务shipping services
tech.船运材制材厂cargo sawmill
tech.船运河道ship canal
tech.船运cargo oil (料)
tech.船运shipping fever
tech.船运管理shipping control
tech.船运终点shipping terminal
tech.船运编号shipping number
tech.船闸运河lock canal
tech.船闸运行lock operation
tech.船队运行时间表fleet movement schedule
tech.船队运行计划fleet movement schedule
nautic., tech.苛性钠运输船caustic carrier
tech.营运商船队active trading fleet
shipb.营运船舶ships in operation
shipb.蔬菜运输船vegetable carrier
tech.补给运输船support ship
tech.装货驳船用的运河canal for goods-carrying barges
shipb.订购汽车运输船place an order for car carrier
shipb.订购活鱼运输船place an order for live fish carrier
shipb.订购液化石油气运输船place an order for liquified petroleum gas carrier
shipb.订购牲畜运输船place an order for livestock carrier
shipb.订购纸浆运输船place an order for pulp carrier
tech.记有船名的海运保单named policy
tech.谷物运输船grain carrier
tech.谷物运输船grain laden ship
shipb.谷物运输船corn carrier
avia.货物运输船cargo transport
shipb.购买原油运输船purchase crude oil tanker
shipb.购买成品油运输船purchase petroleum products tanker
shipb.购买散装水泥运输船purchase bulk cement carrier
tech.起运码头船上交货价free on board quay
tech.车船间货物驳运码头lighterage pier
shipb.车辆货物运输船vehicle cargo ship
tech.车辆运输船vehicle cargo ship
shipb.车辆运输船car transport vessel
nautic., tech.车辆运输船car carrier
tech.车辆运输驳船vehicle pontoon
shipb.船运transshipment freight
shipb.船运transship transportation
avia.轻型吊架运输船crutching light duty
shipb.轻油运输船light oil tanker
nautic., tech.载运危险货物船舶特殊要求的符合证明document of compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods
shipb.载驳船运barge carrier transport
nautic., tech.轿车/卡车运输船pure car/truck carrier
shipb.轿车运输船sedan carrier
port.facil.过船货运transhipment traffic
shipb.运到船边car to shipside
shipb.运木船运timber carrier freight
tech.运木船timber ship
tech.运木船wood carrier
tech.运木船wooden ship
tech.运木船timber carrier
tech.运木船lumber carrier
tech.运木船干舷lumber freeboard
shipb.运核矿砂船nuclear-ore carrier
nautic., tech.运水果船fruit carrier
tech.运水泥专用船cement barge
tech.运水船water carrier
nautic., tech.运水船water tanker
tech.运水驳船water barge
nautic., transp.运油船petrol carrier
shipb.运油船transport oiler
nautic., transp.运油船oil tanker
shipb.运油船transport tanker
nautic., transp.运油船tanker
tech.运活渔船live fish carrier
shipb.运烧结矿船pellet carrier
brit., busin.运煤平底船keel
nautic., tech.运畜船livestock carrier
shipb.运矿砂船ore carrier
tech.运砂船sand carrier
shipb.运磷酸矿石船phosphate-ore carrier
nautic., tech.运管船管承,管架,管座pipe carrier
nautic., tech.运管驳船pipe barge
shipb.运肥料船manure boat
tech.运船小车cradle and roller
shipb.运营船舶ships in operation
tech.运货船freight ship
tech.运货船freight boat
shipb.运输用驳船barge using for transportation
fishery运输船transport vessel
nautic., tech.LPG 运输船LPG carrier
gen.运输船transport (机,工具,装置)
shipb.运输驳船transport lighter
shipb.运输驳船transport barge
shipb.运酒船wine tanker
tech.运锚船anchor hoy
fishery运鱼船fish carrier
gen.通用轮船航运公司General Steamer Navigation Co.
tech.酒精运输船spirit tanker
shipb.酒精运输船alcohol carrier
tech.重件运输船heavy cargo carrier
shipb.重油运输船heavy oil tanker
shipb.重货物运输船heavy cargo carrier
shipb.重货运输船heavy cargo carrier
tech.钢丝网水泥运输船ferro-cement transport ship
shipb.铁钒土运输船bauxite carrier
nautic., tech.防止和制止从事国际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic
comp.name.阿拉伯联合船运公司United Arab Shipping Company
tech.集装箱船运container shipping
shipb.集装箱和散货运输船container bulk cargo carrier
shipb.集装箱散货运输船container bulk cargo carrier
shipb.集装箱散货运输船container bulk-cargo carrier
tech.集装箱船营运费用shipping expenses of container ship
tech.集装箱货运船container ship
tech.集装箱运货船container ship
tech.非船东普通承运人non-vessel owning common carrier
shipb.非营运船舶ships not in operation
avia.飞机运载船cargo ship and aircraft ferry
shipb.食物运输船food carrier
shipb.食盐运输船salt carrier
shipb.食糖运输船sugar carrier
tech.香蕉运输船banana carrier
tech.船运barge canal
tech.船运barge transport
tech.船运lighter service
tech.船运lighter traffic
tech.船运transport by lighter
tech.船运barge conveyance
tech.船运输船方式barge on board ship system
shipb.驳船装料皮带运输机barge-loading belt conveyor
tech.驳船装货皮带运输机barge loading belt conveyor
tech.驳船装货皮带运输机barge loading belt conveyer
tech.驳船货运站lighter freight station
tech.驳船货运站货lighter freight station cargo
nautic., tech.高速船营运许可证书permit to operate high-speed craft
tech.鱼类运输船fisher carrier
nautic., tech.鲜活鱼运输船fresh and live fish vessel
shipb.鲜鱼运输船fresh fish carrier
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