
Terms for subject International trade containing 船时 | all forms | in specified order only
远洋轮临时船员雇用契约running agreement
临时船级证书interim certificate of class
担保装船时的驳运风险including all risks of crafts and boats while loading
有关装船时的条件conditions as to the time of shipment
有关装船时的条件conditions as to time of shipment
X 船抵达 Y 港口时付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
船舶临时证书provisional certificate
船舶免费使用港口设施的时间free time of vessels
船舶在港口和自港开航时at and from
船时付运费freight paid on shipment
船时的货物状态condition final at shipment
论时佣船time chart
车船装卸免收延期费时间free time
过时的船只obsolete vessel