
Terms containing 船时 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.船时即付pay as you enter
tech.下水时船舶重量launching weight
space临时舰船卫星通信系统interim ship satellite communication system
el.临时舰船卫星通信系统interim ship satellite communications system
interntl.trade.远洋轮临时船员雇用契约running agreement
tech.临时船尾撑住trip shore (下水时)
tech.临时船尾撑住thimble shore (下水时)
tech.临时船级证书provisional classification certificate
interntl.trade.临时船级证书interim certificate of class
tech.临时船级证书provisional certificate of class
tech.临时船闸temporary navigation lock
nautic., tech.主管当局的官员在搜查船舶时所具有的权力powers of a officer of the competent authority when searching a vessel
commer.美国二次大战时大量建造的万吨左右的商船liberty ship
logist.租船合同船时存油bunkers on delivery
logist.船时货舱情况holds on delivery
tech.船时delivery time
econ.他们只用了两天时间把货物装上船They spent only two days on the shipment of the goods
busin.以装船时状况为准condition final at shipment
econ.以装船时状态为准condition final at shipment
econ.估计开船时estimated time of sailing
econ.保证装船时状态condition guaranteed at shipment
nautic., tech.船时stopping time
busin.包括装船时驳运一切险including all risks of crafts while loading
econ.包括装船时驳运的一切风险include all risks of crafts while loading
shipb.发船间隔时间dispatch interval
commer.在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
shipb.在国际海事组织标准吃水时排水量与船长之比displacement length ratio at IMO standard draft
shipb.在国际海事组织标准吃水时排水量与船长比displacement length ratio at IMO standard draft
econ.在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
econ.希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
tech.船时time of departure
econ.我们对能否准时装船相当担心We are rather anxious about the punctuality of the shipment
gen.我们度假时,乘船巡游了百慕大We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation
econ.战时中立国船舶free ship
interntl.trade.担保装船时的驳运风险including all risks of crafts and boats while loading
oil按时计费租船charter by time
tech.挖泥船时间利用率time utility factor of dredger
tech.挖泥船时间利用率time utilization rate of dredger
tech.挖泥船时间利用率time utilization rate of dredge
tech.挖泥船时间利用率time utility factor of dredge
tech.挖泥船运转时间running time of dredger
tech.挖泥船运转时间running time of dredge
tech.挖泥船运转时间operating time of dredger
tech.挖泥船运转时间operating time of dredge
econ.时间期限已过,请直接和轮船公司接洽The time limit has expired, please approach the shipping company directly
textile最佳装船时optimum loading time
interntl.trade.有关装船时的条件conditions as to the time of shipment
interntl.trade.有关装船时的条件conditions as to time of shipment
econ.有装船时限的条件conditions as to time of shipment
tech.标准论时租船契约uniform time charter
stat.每艘船每小时的物质生产力hour physical productivity per vessel
stat.每艘船每小时的物质生产力per vessel hour physic productivity
shipb.比利时安特卫普造船厂Antwerp Shipyard, Belgium
shipb.比利时柯克里尔造船公司Cockerill Shipbuilding Corporation, Belgium
shipb.比利时波依尔造船公司Boelwerf Shipbuilding Corporation, Belgium
shipb.比利时船东Belgium ship-owner
shipb.比利时造船企业波依尔造船公司Boelwerf Shipbuilding Corporation
shipb.浮船坞下沉时间submerged interval of floating dock
shipb.浮船坞浮起时间floating interval of floating dock
China, law船时at the time of one's disembarkation
tech.租船按时计费time charter
tech.租船按时计费charter by time
econ.船时首尾吃水差the initial trim
econ.船时首尾吃水差initial trim
tech.第三类船舶电台工作八小时eight-hour service provided by ship station of the third category
tech.第二类船舶电台工作16小时sixteen hour service provided by ship station of the second category
tech.船上报时铜钟ship bell
commer.船只只载压舱物时的吃水线ballast line
tech.船员临时办公室wharf house
tech.船员临时办公室dock house
econ.船抵港时向海关申报enter inward
interntl.trade.X 船抵达 Y 港口时付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
econ.X船抵达Y港口时付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
tech.船时ship time
busin.船时ship hour
oil船时ship's time
tech.船时ship hours
textile船时ship hour rate
tech.船时tons per ship-hour
textile船时ship hour rate
tech.船时ship-hour rate
shipb.船用平均时ship's mean time
tech.船用时ship's time
tech.船用时钟ship's clock
industr.船用精确时计marine chronometer
interntl.trade.船舶临时证书provisional certificate
tech.船舶作业时间、ship's days
shipb.船舶停泊时间ship's lay-time
tech.船舶停港时间ship's port time
econ.船舶免费使用港口设施时间free time of vessel
interntl.trade.船舶免费使用港口设施的时间free time of vessels
shipb.船舶到港时间time of ship's arrival
busin.船舶到达时付款payable on arrival of steamer
tech.船舶卸货所需时间turn about
exhib.船舶周转时间turn round time
logist.船舶周转时间turn round around, turnaround time
manag.船舶回航时间turnaround time
interntl.trade.船舶在港口和自港开航时at and from
tech.船舶在港时间ship's time in port
tech.船舶在港时间turnaround of a ship
tech.船舶在港时间ship's port time
shipb.船舶在港装卸时间ship's handling-time in port
tech.船舶平均在港时间average port time of ship
shipb.船舶开航时吃水sailing draft
shipb.船舶总时间ship's total time
tech.船舶所在地时间ship's mean time
tech.船舶抵港时间time of ship's arrival
tech.船舶抵港时间time of arrival
tech.船舶排队时间ship queuing time
tech.船舶滞延时间demurrage of ship
manag.船舶留港时间turn-round time
textile船舶留港时间turn around time
textile船舶留港时间turnround time
commer.船舶留港时间turnaround time
tech.船舶离港时间ship's departure time
shipb.船舶离港时间time of ship's departure
shipb.船舶离港时间time of ship's department
shipb.船舶航行时刻表ship's navigation schedule
shipb.船舶航行时间ship's sailing time
shipb.船舶航行时防止碰撞、冲撞和搁浅prevent collisions, rammings and groundings during ship navigation
tech.船舶装卸作业时间ship's loading and unloading time
busin.船舶装卸全过程时间turn round time
shipb.船舶运营时间ship's operational time
tech.船舶防油污染临时检验marpol oil interim
shipb.船舶非运营时间ship's nonoperational time
shipb.船舶非运营时间ship's non-operational time
shipb.船舶预计到港时间expected time of ship's arrival
tech.船舶预计抵港时间estimated time of arrival
tech.船舶预计离港时间estimated time of departure
tech.船视时ship apparent time
tech.船闸充水时间lock filling time
tech.船闸充水时间lock equalization time
tech.船闸泄水时间lock equalization time
tech.船闸输水时间lock equalization time
tech.船闸过船时的流量损失loss by lockage
tech.船闸过船时locking time
tech.船闸通航时间保证率guaranteed rate of lock's navigable time
tech.船队运行时间表fleet movement schedule
tech.船首穿越时间bow crossing time
China, law船时at the time of shipment
econ.船时交付运费freight paid on shipment
interntl.trade.船时付运费freight paid on shipment
econ.船时凭单付款cash against documents at place and time of shipment
textile船时支付paid on shipment
interntl.trade.船时的货物状态condition final at shipment
fin.船时电汇付款pay by T/T at time of shipment
econ.船时time of shipment
tech.船时time of delivery
shipb.计时租船charter by time
gen.记录船航行的时间time a ship
interntl.trade.论时佣船time chart
econ.该公司希望接到你方信用证后能有足够的时间赶上这艘船The company hopes to receive your L/C in ample time to ca tch this steamer
interntl.trade.车船装卸免收延期费时间free time
interntl.trade.过时的船只obsolete vessel
logist.租船合同船时存油bunkers on redelivery
logist.船时货舱情况holds on redelivery
gen.这班船什么时候发?暴风雨就要来了When does this ship leave? There, going to be a storm
tech.退潮时船搁浅sewed up
commer.造船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
dril.钻井时船的吃水drilling draft
dril.钻井时船的排水量drilling displacement
astronaut.长时登月飞船lunar extended stay spacecraft
textile预计装船时estimated shipping date