
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 船体 | all forms | in specified order only
下水前测量船体主尺度、包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深和基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
下水前测量船体主尺度,包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》"The Ship Maintenance System" promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the Peopled Republic of China
《中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》The Ship Maintenance System promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the People's Republic of China
体育运动船sport boat
供游览和体育运动用船ship for sightseeing and sport use
分段箱体浮船坞sectional box floating dock
双体渡船catamaran ferry
双体船two-hull ship
双体船twin-hull ship
双体载驳船catamaran barge carrier
常石集团舟山大型船体有限公司Tsuneishi Group Zhoushan Large Hull Co., Ltd
常规双体船conventional catamaran
常规双体船conventional catamarans
开体耙吸挖泥船split-hopper trailing suction dredger
开体耙吸挖泥船split hopper trailing suction dredger
摆式船体运动测量仪pendulum-type apparatus of ship's motions measuring
《散装运输液化气体船舶构造与设备规范》Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships
整体浮船坞single unit floating dock
整体组合浮船坞integrated floating dock
整体造船法integral shipbuilding method
检查船体inspection of hull
检查船体变形inspection of hull deformation
检查船体型线inspection of hull line
检查船体放样inspection of hull lofting
流体磁力推进船hydro-magnetic propulsion vessel
流体磁力推进船hydromagnetic propulsion vessel
特种液体运输船special liquid carrier
组合整体浮船坞integrated floating dock
船体与轮机hull and machinery
船体人级证书certificate of classification for hull
船体修后检查inspection of hull after repair
船体修后检验survey of hull after repair
船体修理hull repair
船体入级证书certificate of classification for hull
船体刚度hull rigidity
船体变形检验survey of hull deformation
船体和上层建筑涂油漆hull and superstructure painting
船体型线检验survey of hull line
船体完工检查inspection of hull form after completion
船体完工检验survey of hull form after completion
船体建造hull construction
船体建造法hull construction method
船体损伤hull damage
船体放样ship hull lofting
船体放样检验survey of hull lofting
船体构件hull structural member
船体构件展开检查inspection on structural member development
船体构件展开检验survey on structure member development
船体构架hull frame
船体检验hull survey
船体浸水深度depth of submerged hull line length
船体浸没深度depth of submerged hull
船体hull paint
船体线型设计系统hull form design system
船体组装hull assembling
船体结构、上层建筑和舱室箱柜hull structure, superstructure, hold, room and cabinet
船体结构力学hull structural mechanics
船体结构图hull constructional drawing
船体维修hull maintenance
船体维修机器人hull maintenance robot
船体维护hull maintenance
船体维护机器人hull maintenance robot
船体腐蚀corrosion of hull
船体装配工plate erector
船体装配间hull assembly shed
船体说明书hull manual
船体运动摆式测量仪pendulum-type apparatus of ship's motions measuring
船体钢材hull steel
船体钢材加工hull steel fabrication
船体镶板hull batten plate
船体首尾结构hull bow and stern structure
船舶设计流体动力学ship-design liquid dynamics
进口开体耙吸挖泥船import split-hopper trailing suction dredger
进口荷兰造开体耙吸挖泥船import split hopper trailing suction dredger built by Holland