
Terms for subject Nautical containing 船体 | all forms | in specified order only
船体小水线面双体船upper hull SWATH
双体气垫船hovering craft twin hull
双体水翼船hydrofoil catamaran
双体船catamaran (twin-hull ship)
双体调查船catamaran research ship
双体高速船catamaran HSC
可调面积小水线面双体船area-adjustable small water-plane area twin hull
固体散货船solid bulk cargo carrier
固定式联结顶推船驳船组合体一顶推船rigid connection PB combination-pusher
固定式联结顶推船驳船组合体一驳船rigid connection PB combination-barge
固定式顶推船一驳船组合体rigidly connected pusher tug-barge combination
IGC Code"国际气体运输船规则 IGC 规则"International Gas Carrier Code
小水线面双体船small water-plane area twin-hull ship
小水线面双体船的型深Dmdepth SWATH
小水线面双体高速船swath-high speed craft
控制船体受损程度方法control method for hull damage
推船-驳船组合体articulated tug-barge combination
支撑船体结构supporting hull structure
整体式浮船坞single unit floating dock
整体式浮船坞caisson type floating dock
整体液货舱的石油沥青船独立液货舱/整体液货舱asphalt carrier independent tank/integral tank
新概念高速三体客滚船new concept high speed ro/ro passenger ship with three hulls
普通强度船体结构钢normal strength hull structural steel
普通强度船体结构钢hull structural steel
有毒液体物质 NLS 液货船NLS tanker
液体化学品船liquid chemical tanker
液体散货船liquid bulk cargo carrier
液化易燃气体运输船liquefied inflammable gas carrier
液化气体船1G/ 2G / 2PG / 3G 型liquefied gas carrier type 1G / Type 2G / Type 2PG / Type 3G
穿浪双体船wave pierce craft
纵向船体梁剪切结构构件longitudinal hull girder shear structural members
纵向船体梁结构构件longitudinal hull girder structural members
经修正的"国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则"IGC code
自基线至船体横剖面水平中和轴的垂直距离Nvertical distance from the base line to the horizontal neutral axis of the hull transverse section N (m)
自基线至船体横剖面水平中和轴的垂直距离N (m)
船上有毒液体物质污染海洋应急计划shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances
船体保险hull insurance shipping
船体分段吊装assembly of hull sections
船体hull number
船体型线ship's form
船体寿命hull life
船体建造监控计划hull construction monitoring plan
船体建造监控计划control monitoring plan
船体强度标准strength criterion of ship
船体循环检验continuous hull survey
船体循环检验系统continuous system for hull survey
船体技术寿命technical life of hull
船体振动ship hull vibration
船体排水航行模式地效翼船hull-borne operation mode
船体支撑结构hull braced structure
船体极限弯矩ultimate bending moment of ship hull
船体梁极限弯矩hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity
船体梁载荷hull girder loads
船体监控系统hull monitoring system
船体空缺面积area under cut-up
船体经济寿命economic life of hull
船体结构噪声hull structural noise
船体结构结露structural sweat
船体自然寿命natural life of hull
船体船级证书hull classification certificate
船体舾装设备shipboard fittings
船体设备hull auxiliaries
船体车间shipbuilding shop
船海浮体载荷计算软件wave loads calculation system
船舶保安体系ship security system
船舶安全管理体系ship safety management system
船舶总体电磁兼容electromagnetic compatibility of ship's overall
船舶维修保养体系ship's maintenance system
船舶维修保养体系ship repair and maintenance system (CWBT, CWET)
船体排水重量weight displacement of naked hull
船体阻力bare-hull resistance
软体排铺设船mat-base laying ship
铰接式联结顶推船驳船组合体-驳船articulated connection PB combination-barge
铰接联结顶推船驳船组合体-推船articulated connection PB combination-pusher
防止和制止从事国际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic
非高速小水线面双体船small water-plane area twin hull
顶推船-驳船组合体pusher tug-barge combination
高强度船体结构钢higher strength hull structural steel
高温设备的护层隔热和绝缘材料,特别是全船其他设备管线和高温管道、排烟管、服务处所蒸汽管、高温燃油/水/液体管的护层隔热、垫片、压盖thermal laggings and insulation for high temperature applications, special pipes and high temperature conduits uptakes, exhausts, service spaces steam pipes, high temp fuel /oil / water /other fluid laggings, gaskets, glands
高速双体船double hull craft (catamaran)
高速小水线面双体船small waterplane area twin hull HSC