
Terms for subject Exhibitions containing | all forms
dead space
共用位协议vessel sharing agreement
共用位承运人vessel sharing carriers
加固strengthened hold
single hatch ship
口船twin hatch vessel
变更订switch booking
商务business class
固定垫permanent dunnage
passenger compartment
收到单回执acknowledgement of manifest receipt
口散货船open hatch bulk carrier
散装grain or grain capacity
每日订daily bookings
清洗tank cleaning
洽订book space
清洁货clean the holds (to)
滑动sliding hatch cover
滚动rolling hatch cover
满载full and down
满载货full and complete cargo
白天航行客票价day sailing cabin price
自动反恐申报系统Automated Manifest System
号码slot No.
cargo space
位问题space problem
内装箱under deck
container manifest
单信息manifest information
单#单费manifest amendment fee
单改单费manifest amendment fee
单数据不符manifest discrepancy
单更改单通知freight correction notice
底货bottom stow cargo
ship cabin paint
船方不负责装卸、理和平舱费free in and out, stowed and trimmed
行李luggage compartment
space booking
代理booking agent
代理booking agency
space booking note
booking number
模块booking module
要求booking instructions
通知booking advice
包装容积bale or bale capacity
运输under deck shipment
运费freight manifest