
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
不透水a watertight compartment
不透水water tight compartment
乘头等旅行travel first class
轮船的二等tourist class
the broken stowage
rate of broken storage
运费the shortfall freight
交付空dead freight charter
他们乘飞机的经济旅行They travelled economy class
以能订到位为准的报盘offer subject to shipping space available
你得以略高一点的保险费投保面险You have to cover deck insurance at a bit higher premium
你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空费由你方承担You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you
refrigerated space
冷气通风cool compartment
冷藏insulated hold
冷藏refrigerating hold
冷藏货the reefer space
出口the manifest export
因素factor of subdivision
价格free into bunkers
价格free into/in bunkers
价格free into bunker
到岸底交货cost, insurance, and freight ex-ship's hold
到岸底交货CIF ex-ship's hold
fore hatch
剔除亏率后的利用率broken stowage allowance
包括平费在内的船上交货价free on board, trimmed
水申报单a ballast declaration
航行be in ballast
the ballast cargo
bottom cargo
water ballast
只装着压be in ballast
可载available space
可载the space available
固定内货物避免发生移动blocking off
在发生空、滞期或罚款的情况下,该公司承担由此引起的损失The company bears the losses thus incurred in the case of dead freight, demurrage or fines
在开卸货前支付before breaking bulk
物料dunnage materials
dunnage charges
头等first-class cabins
in store
安排arrange shipping space
完整隔intact bulkhead
容许货载运量allowable cabin loads
飞机a wide-bodied aircraft
密封a sealed cabin
干货清洁检验inspection on cleanliness of dry-cargo hold
the cargo trimming
散装货费在内运费free trimming
开关open and close hatch charges
成本、保险费、运费至轮船底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
我们会替贵公司提前定好足够的We will book sufficient shipping space for you in advance
hold cleaning
承运人保留carrier's allowance
投弃面货物jettison of cargo
报关单海关customs manifest
损失broken stowage
损失broken space
提驳并incorporation of cargo from different barges
散装货船上交货加平费价格free on board and trimmed
散装货船上交货加理费价格free on board and stowed
暂定订provisional booking
暂订the tentative booking
4月4日去巴黎的航班没有空There is no room left in the liner to Paris on April 4
位才有效subject to shipping space available
有客的汽艇cabin cruiser
日志engine room book
机腹货a belly hold
检査船及货物inspection on hatch and cargo
每平方米面负载deck load per square meter
每日每个适合工作的口装货量tons per workable hatch per day
水密water tight compartment
水密watertight compartment
水密a watertight bulkhead
deep tank
clean tank charges
cleaning holds
fumigation expenses
燃料交货free into/in bunkers (价格)
燃料交货价free into bunkers
燃料交货价free into bunker
危险品特别reserve storage
班轮liner space
stowage (费)
及平舱费用stowage and trimming
费和平舱费在内的离岸价格free on board stowed and trimmed
理仓及平费用the stowage and trimming
由卖方代为租、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
甲板及机日志摘要deck and engine abstract logs
申请船鉴定ask for ship's hold survey
hatch supervising
离岸价船上交货包括理费和平舱费free on board stowed and trimmed (FOB stowed & trimmed)
dead freight
空余位货berth cargo
空余位货the berth cargo
空余位货运费berth cargo freight
空隙broken space
经济旅客economy passenger
经济综合症economy-class syndrome
绝缘insulated hold
自动平条款a self-trimming clause
floor space
位的运载率productivity of shipping space
under deck (cargoes, shipment, 货、装货)
内吨位under deck tonnage
内和甲板条款an in and over clause
内条款under deck clause
内装卸工人hold men
内装卸工人hatch man
内货物under-deck cargoes
内货物cargo in hold
出入口hatch way
shipping bills
hatch square (区)
口封锁hatch sealing
公证处口检验报告hatch survey report
口逾量excess of hatchway
口鉴定inspection on hatch
海轮容图a capacity plan
或货鉴定证书certificate on hatch or cargo
时费hatch hour rate
hatch board
on deck (bill of lading, cargoes, goods, 提单、货)
面提单on deck bills of lading
面最大负荷maximum unit deck load
面货提单on deck bill of lading
面运输carriage of cargo on deck
面险on deck risk
容积the hold capacity
总货量gross shipping weight
水损the bilge water damage
船上底交货ex ship's hold (价)
船只装着沙石等压be in ballast
船头存水a forepeak tank
船尾尖aft peak tank
船尾平trim by the stern
船方不负担装卸及理free in and out and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及理费用free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸、平free-in-and-out trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理和平舱费free in and out stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理free in and out and stowed
船舶a vessel's manifest
及分隔要求requirement of stowage and separation
及平舱stowed & trimmed
货物hold cargo
装填空余位货filler cargo
装填空余位货运费filler cargo rate
装货入load cargo into the hold
装载于shipped in the hold
装载压货的许可证a stiffening order
book shipping space
a booking memo
a berth note
集装箱汇总清单booking container summary
的人员booking clerk
认可consular manifest
作业班shift of freight-house operation
容积the hold capacity
检査inspection of holds
货物the space for cargo
货物分情况hatch distribution of cargo
货载cargo accomodation
货运订中心freight booking center
适航平条款a seaworthy trim clause
适航平条款a seaworthy trip clause
通风a ventilated compartment
mail steamer
重货heavy fit cargo ship
防撞隔collision bulkhead
防火隔fire bulkhead
a shifting board