
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
制船one-compartment ship
一列one-row hatch
一等first-class cabin
一等旅客salon passenger
一等旅客saloon passenger
一等旅客first-class passenger
一等客甲板saloon deck
一等客甲板salon deck
不沉制three-compartment subdivision
三人three-man module
三列three-row hatch
三层客机three-decker tunnel jumbo
三排横列three-row hatch
三等third-class room
三等cabin class
upper-deck cabin
upper hatch (way)
top gudgeon
上二层upper tweendeck
上层upper-deck hold
上边wing tank
上部油topside tank
下二层lower tween deck
下水柜或下装水的压载hold water ballast
下潜式减压submerged decompression chamber
下潜式工作submerged work
下煤bunker hold
不渗油oil-tight bulkhead
不负责平free trimming
不靠船舷的inside cabin
与海水相通的水free flooding tank
专用压载segregated ballast tank
专用压载保护位置protection location of segregated ballast tank
专用压载水系统segregated ballast water tank system
制船two-compartment ship
进水不沉性two-compartment floodability
两个口之间的空间no man's land
两列two-row hatch
两横列two-row hatch
central hopper
center hopper
中纵central longitudinal bulkhead
中纵center line bulkhead
中间centre tank
中间intermediate bulkhead
中间独立independent tank center
cargo shifting expenses
hatch cargo list
因数factor of subdivision
division bulkhead
系数factor of subdivision
货物明细表hatch list
货物电报hatch list telegram
货船paragraph ship
载重线记载recording of subdivision load lines
分立液货separate cargo tank
分配space allotment
分隔压载水segregate ballast tank
匀货trimming hole
匀货trimming hatch (way)
包装货容量capacity in bales
口报关单declaration of hatches
装卸作业总时间hatch hour
接收系统bird-receiving system
索道cabin ropeway
索道cabin cableway
car suspension cable
同类散货压包装homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose
after bulkhead
after cabin
后座back bench
后座aft cockpit
后甲板quarter hatch
后部after accommodation
后部脱险after refuge compartment
后锅炉after boiler room
圆筒式粮cylindrical granary
圆筒式粮cylindric granary
in hold
out of hold
在开卸货支付collect before breaking bulk
备件spare part compartment
备用煤spare coal bunker
备用煤reserve coal bunker
备用燃料reserve bunker
备用燃料preserve bunker
备用燃油reserve oil bunker
外侧outboard door
多隔油轮parcel tanker
wide open hatch
天文观测navigation dome
天文观测astral dome
太平escape hole
太平escape hatch
失事潜wrecked submarine
sealing up
sealing hold
batten down
压气抽水打捞法salvage by sealing
压气抽水打捞法air-feeding and water-pumping
抽水打捞法salvage by patching and pumping
木板patching plank
hatch wedge
battening wedge
毯子patching blanket
装置battening device
装置battening arrangement
设备hatch battening arrangement
闩条tie beam
闩条hatch bar
封闭enclosed space
封闭closed in space
封闭closed chamber
封闭室吨位enclosed space tonnage
封闭式泥closed hopper
cargo list
口盖scuttle cover
small cabin
trimming tank
peak tank
肋骨peak frame
舱壁forepeak bulkhead
隔堵peak bulkhead
帆缆sail room space
带活鱼的渔船well boat
带豪华客轮passenger ship with deluxe cabin
带销封hatch locking bar
带锁封铁条locking batten bar
open hatch
breaking bulk (卸货)
permit to open hatch
开体泥排泥split hopper discharge
开工口数number of hatches in operation
开敞货clear hold
指挥control room
挖泥船泥dredge hopper
挡水wash bulkhead
搭乘统deck passage
支承supporting bulkhead
支承pillar bulkhead
最低客甲板lowest passenger deck
最深分载重线deepest subdivision loadline
有效available capacity
有效availability space
有效荷载payload capsule
有泥的挖泥船hopper dredger
有泥的挖泥船hopper dredge
有盖口驳covered barge
有盖小cap scuttle
口盖wooden hatch board
wooden bulkhead
盖端护铁hatch end protection
木或金属板joiner bulkhead
未装满slack hold
未装满油slack tank
栅格式grid hatch cover
标准大气one bar chamber
模拟器座simulator cabin
模拟指令simulated command module
模拟驾驶simulator cockpit
cross bulkhead
壁加强筋transverse bulkhead stiffener
横向燃料cross bunker
横摇稳定roll damping tank
横煤cross bunker
横隔transverse bulkhead
air vessel
air chamber
气压检查法pressure cabin examination
气压沉井pneumatic shaft sinking
气密不透气 air-tight compartment
气密air-tight cabin
气密air-tight bulkhead
气密座pressure cabin
气泡式座bubble canopy
气温调节climatized cabin
氧化剂oxidizer compartment
ship cleaning
washing of tanks
hold washing
cleaning station
系统tank-washing system
系统tank-cleaning system
系统泵tank-cleaning pump
装置tank-cleaning plant
设备tank-cleaning equipment
洗扫cleaning and sweeping holds
clear a hold
hold cleaning (作业)
hold stripping
clean a ship
作业digging out of barge
内油气gas freeing
抓斗trim type bucket
hold cleaning machine
stripper pump
cargo stripping pump
浮定cleaning compartments for wreck to keep afloat positively
装置clean-up device
设备stripping facility
quantity of clean-up
量比重percentage of clean-up
清洁压载clean ballast tank
清洁燃油clean fuel oil tank
清洗油用的轻汽油wash oil
漏斗分隔hopper compartment
球形减压decompression sphere
球形分离spherical capsule
球形分离spheric capsule
生活living chamber
生活living accommodation
真空清系统vacuum stripping system
紧急底污水泵emergency bilge pump
紫红货调和漆red oxide hold paint
缓冲swash plate
耐压pressure chamber
耐压strength bulkhead
耐压holding bulkhead
耐压水pressure tank
耐火fire-resisting bulkhead
耐火fire-proof bulkhead
脱水排污dewatering blow-down tank
脱险escape compartment
脱险escape hatch
舯部midship bulkhead
位互换slots exchange
位利用率space efficiency
位利用率hold space efficiency
位压条hatch battens
位租用space charter
位租约方式space charter system
位经纪人shipping space broker
位订单indent for space
内交货价格free in
内作业underdeck operation
内侧桁hold stringer
内内龙骨hold keelson
内冷却装置pod cooling unit
内凝露sweat in hold
内压力表inside pressure gauge
内压力表inside pressure gage
内及甲板上条款in and over-clause
内器材和用具chamber interior materials and supplies
内地板compartment floor
内塞紧chock off (防止货物松动)
内复板ceiling plate
内惰气加压topping up
内搬货安全索bull rope
内支柱hold pillar
内支柱兼升降梯柱pillar ladder
内机械underdeck machinery
内机械hold machinery
内条款underdeck clause
内模拟潜水chamber diving
内模拟潜水chamber dive
内汗湿sweat in hold
内汗湿condensation in hold
内油气状况检査证书gas certificate (油船卸空后的)
内灯hold lantern
内肋骨hold frame
内衬板hold ceiling
内装卸工hold man (人)
内装卸工hold crew (人)
内装卸班hold gang
内装货underdeck shipment
内装载underdeck stowage
内设备below deck equipment
内货inboard cargo (物)
内货underdeck cargo (物)
内货hold cargo (物)
内货物的通风道vent gutter in hold
内通风筒hold ventilator
内防汗湿木板sweat board
hatch list
cargo manifest
外压力表outside pressure gauge
外压力表outside pressure gage
外排气面罩air over board dump mask
外电缆external cable
尾壁吊杆after screen derrick
水泵bilge pump
底交货free on board stowed
底交货的到岸价格freight (1立方英尺≈0.028立方米)
底吸水管bilge line
底喷射器bilge injector
底喷射器bilge ejector
底垫块bilge block
底废物bilge waste
底接角tank knee
底木板ceiling plank
底木板质铺板bottom ceiling
底板floor board
底板ceiling board
底板垫梁ceiling beam
底水位bilge level
底水总管bilge main pipe
底水打到货物上blow by the bilge
底水排水系统bilge arrangement
底水滤盒strainer box
底水滤盒strum box
底水滤盒rose box
底水滤盒bilge strum box
底水系统bilge system
底水阀箱bilge chest
底污水bilge wastewater
底污水bilge waste
底污水主管main bilge line (pipe)
底污水和压载水管系bilge and ballast water pipes
底污水道盖板limber's plate
底污水道盖板limber board
底污水阱bilge hat
底油渣和水bilge sludge and water
底泵burr pump
底泵压盖bilge pump gland
底泵吸水管bilge pump suction pipe
底泵塞门bilge pump cock
底泵小塞门bilge pump petcock
底泵挺杆bilge pump rod
底泵气膛bilge pump air vessel
底泵阀bilge pump valve
底泵附件bilge pump accessories
底泵颈衬bilge pump neck bush
底漏水bilge water
底独立吸管direct bilge suction
底管滤水器bilge strum box
底货上面的垫板relieving board
底货物bottom cargo
底进水警报系统bilge alarm system
式运输机cabin transport
hold beam
梁栓beam bolt
underdeck cargo
deck house
面交货on deck delivery
面人员deck gang
面人员deck hand
面人员deck crew
面作业on deck operation
面值日员mate of the watch
面值班deck watch
面值班watch on deck
面值班deck duty
面值班员officer of the deck
面器械deck gear
面器械deck appliance
面属具hull fitting
面属具deck fitting
面巨浪积水green sea
面建筑deck structure
面拉货短索bull line
面提单on deck bill of lading
面摘要日记deck abstract logbook
面条款on deck clause
面条款deck clause
面构筑物deck erection
面水手deck hand
面水柜deck tank
面泵deck pump
面物料储藏室boatswain's store
面电机操纵室resistor house
面移动起重机deck rolling crane
面管系deck piping
面管路控制台deck piping control panel (油船上)
面绞辘deck tackle
面装卸工人deck man
面覆盖层deck covering
面设备deck appliance
面设备deck outfit
面设备above deck equipment
面货on deck cargo (物)
面货goods carried on deck (物)
面货deck cargo (物)
面货物保险deck cargo insurance
面货物由货主担风险deck cargo shipper's account
面货物证明书deck cargo certificate
面货运费率deck rate
面长椅deck seat
面长椅deck bench
顶天花板top ceiling
顶灯ceiling light
顶灯roof light
顶灯ceiling lamp
顶装载topping off
调整水compensation tank
调整水adjusting tank
cargo tank
单层衬垫single dunnage
cargo hatch (way)
cargo compartment hatchway
垫料ship dunnage
壁护条hold batten
壁护条spar ceiling
壁护条cargo sparring
壁护条cargo batten
容积hold space
容积hatch capacity
容积cargo capacity
底开口ceiling hatch
底部tank top
灭火系统gas smothering system in cargo hold
手提灯hold lantern
扫舱检验survey of cleaning hold
检查报告hatch survey report
检査hatch survey
检验hatch survey
深度depth of hold
hold paint
cargo light
移动丛灯yardarm group
移动丛灯cluster lamp
移动丛灯cargo reflector
移动丛灯cargo cluster light
管理员cargo conservator
舱壁cargo hold bulkhead
舱容hold space
舱容hold capacity
舷侧垫衬side dunnage
舷侧护条side sparring
舷侧护条side ceiling
装卸工hold man
装卸组长hatch foreman
装卸领班hatch foreman
通风筒air funnel
除湿装置dehumidification system for cargo hold
货油oil cargo tank
货油cargo oil tank
货油位遥测装置remote measuring device for cargo tank
货油洗舱器butterworth cleaner
货油测量管sounding pipe for cargo tank
货油液面指示器cargo tank gauge
货油液面指示器cargo tank gage
货油cargo tank valve
货油泵cargo pump room
货物全部卸完前装载重或压物许可证stiffening order
货运位申请书shipping application
货运位申请书application for space
货运位申请书application slip
货运位申请书application for shipment
逃生escape compartment
选择性被动反射器吊optional passive reflector pods
透明transparency cabin
透明transparency canopy
透气non-pressurized interior
通机油散热器的口盖oil cooler access cover
通风ventilated cabin
通风air hatch
速开逃脱quick-opening escape hatch
速潜水quick-diving tank
锅炉fire room
锅炉boiler space
锅炉boiler compartment
锅炉stokehold bulkhead
吊桥的锚碇anchoring chamber
吊桥的锚碇anchorage chamber
锚链chain bin
锚链chain lockage
锚链cable locker
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