
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一段a leg of the journey
一订好船位,我们将告诉你方船名和启日期We will inform you the name and sailing date of the ship as soon as we book the space
中转衔接的上段first line
上述货物已装上XX轮,如天气许可,该轮将于今天下午启The above goods have been forwarded per S/S which sails this afternoon, weather permitting
中转衔接的下段second line
不定线干货船只dry cargo tramp
不定期线an occasional line
不定期the tramp navigation
不能行的船disabled vessel
船泊不适条款an unseaworthy clause
不适于行的健康证书a foul bill of health
不适于行的海岸a foul coast
不适当improper navigation
不通河流a non-navigable river
东方空公司协会an orient airline association
中国空技术进出口公司China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation
中国空材料公司China National Air Material Corporation
中国民用空总局General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC 是前译名 Civil Aviation Administration of China 的缩写,现仍沿用)
临时海洋适证书interim seaworthiness certificate
为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封邮寄上商品目录,供你参考To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference
为添加燃料而绕deviation to take on fuel
习惯线customary route
亚美利加空公司American Airlines
交船a delivery trip
人港引pilotage inwards
他们不得不换乘另一班的飞机,因为他们的票与人定重了They had to change their flight as they were double-booked
以运费最廉的线装运the shipment by cheapest route
估计启时间estimated time of departure
空运suspend air service
船只idle ship
免收附加费的空函件the unsurcharged airmail correspondence
共同海事业common maritime adventure
关于空的保险assurance on aviation
具有适tight staunch and fit
内地水运inland waterway
内河运权inland navigation right
解冻后初次开first open water
北欧空公司Scandinavian Airlines System
北美五大湖Great Lakes shipping
区域内intra-regional shipping
协会空货物保险条款Institute of Air Cargo Clause
南北美North America-South America Route
印度空公司Air India
压舱be in ballast
友好通商和运条约friendship n., commerce and navigation treaty (FCN treaty)
变更change of voyage (航次)
变更程偏离航线the deviation from voyage route
用于租船合同变更线条款deviation clause
变更预订change of schedule voyage
水域navigable waters
可通的水域navigable waters
合理绕the reasonable deviation
date of sailing
船开航日期sailing date
a port of embarkation
departure point
许可证clearance papers
商船船长应该防备程中极有可能发生的一切风险The captain of the merchant vessel should prepare against all risks which are likely to happen during voyage
付现cash by return stream
固定正常线regular shipping lines
国会天法Congressional Space Act
国内空管理局Civil Aeronautics Administration
国内空邮递domestic air mail (或邮件、邮政)
国内线domestic air service
美国国家天标准National Aerospace Standards
国际空运输协会International Air Transportation Association
国际空运输协会会员International Air Transportation Association member
国际空运输协会货运代理International Air Transportation Association cargo agent
国际空运输协会运价International Air Transportation Association rate
国际民机的监管supervision and control over civil aircraft on international service
国际民组织派出的北大西洋气候观测船weather ship
国际船舶行监管supervision and control over vessels engaged in international navigation
线上on course
地球圆周线great circle sailing (最短航线)
地理绕a geographical deviation
备用空站an alternate airport
同盟homeward conference (日)
复杂complex voyage
大西洋线the Atlantic line
工学space technology
美国标准Aerospace Standard
宇宙space navigation
定期海保险单voyage policy
定期线a schedule air line
定期regular service (服务)
定期货运线the scheduled freight line
过失error navigation
展览船floating fair
sailing (的)
sailing factor
通知sailing orders
开办定期start regular air services
开办定期inaugurate regular air services
a pilotage certificate
归国homeward voyage
往国外的outward voyage
往返程租船合同the round charter
快速express liner
惯驶的线usual route
我们刚才获悉,码头工人突然罢工使轮船未能启We have only just heard that a lightning strike of dockers held up the departure of the ship
我们已将样品空邮寄给你们We have already sent you samples via airmail
我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay
扩展线extension of route
承认适条款a seaworthiness admitted clause
拉丁美洲空汽油协商委员会Aviation Petroleum Coordinating Committee, Latin American
按惯常的线行驶,此船将于8月14日到达纽约Following the customary route, the ship will arrive at New York on August 14
损坏是在运中造成的,所以你方应向船方提出索赔The damage was caused on the voyage, so you should lodge the claim against the ship
改变线the change of route
改变线change of route
改变线the alteration of course
放弃abandonment of the voyage
最终final course
4月4日去巴黎的班没有空舱There is no room left in the liner to Paris on April 4
线费用on-line charges
线费用the on-line charge
机器太重,不宜空邮寄The machines are too weighty to go via airmail
此货将由香港The goods are going via Hong Kong
civil aviation
民用空器贸易协议Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
美国民用空局Civil Aeronautics Board
民用空线civil aviation line
沿海行贸易cabotage trade
海上行船只碰撞collision between sea-going vessels
海上行船碰撞collision between sea-going vessels
王牌运公司Ace Line
快速集装箱direct express container
运费direct freight
附加费the direct additional
直达a non-stop flight
直达空协定interchange agreement
直达线direct line
直达线through route
直达线direct air route
吃水light draught
dead freight
空中货运线a cargo air line
空运货物空运费air freight
第一first voyage
第三国业公司third country shipping line
船只idle ship
经济economic speed
和改变航线条款deviation and changing of route
deviation surcharge
绝对的船舶适保证absolute warranty of seaworthiness
continuous voyage
能力flying power
距离flying range
美国空通商局Bureau of Air Commerce
美国空通商法案Air Commerce Act
美国民用空局Civil Aeronautics Board
自由、商业和空条约Freedom, Commerce and Navigation Treaty
业巨子shipping entrepreneur
务局shipping administration bureau
务部shipping department
the navigating zone
the navigating area
vector (指示)
太空space station
天业部长Minister of Astronautics Industry
sailing schedule
条例Civil Air Regulation
the voyage number
sequence voyages
次保险voyage policy
次租赁the trip charter
次结算a trip account
次结账单a trip account
sailing (的)
日志摘要abstract log
海事故maritime perils
海人员a navigating officer
海保险单voyage policy
海图a nautical chart
海摘要abstract log
海日志deck log voyage
海日志a log book
海条例navigation clause
英国海条例navigation acts
海法规navigation law
海的测标dead reckoning
海自由the freedom of navigation
海运河navigation canal
海长a navigating officer
班时刻表sailing schedule
passage voyage
journey by ship
flying range
程保险voyage policy
程及其货物未定的租船契约open chart
程受阻frustration of the insured voyage
程受阻the frustration of the voyage
程回运阶段homeward leg
程条款a voyage clause
程的合法性the legality of the adventure
via airmail (邮寄)
寄发par avion
意外 事故an aircraft accident
空信件air mail
空公司airway carrier
空公司an airline company
空公司air transport company
空公司代理商an airline agent
空公司总提单master airway bill
空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire
空分运单house airway bill
空和旅行保险aviation and travel
空商务法案Air Commerce Act
空地图a flight chart
空工业airline industry
空工业部长Minister of Aviation Industry
空工程the aeronautical engineering
空快件air express
空托单house air bill
空托运单house air waybill
空托运单air waybill
空提单air waybill of lading
空提单air-mail bill of lading
空支线a feeder airline
空收据airmail receipt
空条例navigation acts
空条款an aviation clause
空枢纽站airport hub
空港air harbour
空线路air lane
空终点站airline terminal
空联运through air transport
空航天计算机an aero space computer
空货运through air transport
空货运费率airfreight rates
空货运费率the air tariff
空运输air transportation
空运输业air-transport industry
空运输保险aviation insurance
运输行签发的空运送单house air waybill
空邮件air mail
空邮寄via airmail
空邮寄单an airmail delivery bill
空铁路联运air and rail
空预期利益保险the aviation contingency insurance
线air carrier
线airline industry
线aerial line
线 通风道airway
线更动change of sailing course
线范围the scope of the voyage
线范围条款the scope of the voyage clause
sailing (的)
行保证the sailing warranty
行压载the ballast for cruising
行延迟delay of voyage
行条例navigation acts
行特款the sailing warranty
行特款sailing warranty (保证)
行范围保证the trading warranty
行路线调派ship routing
行过失error navigation
行错误improper navigation
路变动change of sailing course
运业the shipping business
运公会集装箱规则container rules of freight conference
运公司shipping agency
运公司shipping house
运公司conference lines
运公司证明shipping company's certificate
运利润shipping interests
运商会chamber of shipping
运基价basic freight rate per for sailing
运情报shipping intelligence
运期间the voyage period
运港shipping port
运界shipping circles
运证书a navigation certificate
speed of a ship
邮提单airmail bill of lading
船只开往拆毁场的break up voyage
船舶在港口和自港口开at and from a port
船舶的适seaworthiness of ship
船舶管理及行中的错误faults in management and navigation
船舶管理及行中错误faults in the navigation management
荷兰空公司Royal Dutch Airline
该船将于下星期五启This steamer is scheduled to sail on next Friday
该董事持有那个空公司50%的股份The director owns 50% of the shares in that airline company
请将这些包裹邮寄来Please send the parcels airmail
货已装好,该轮明日启The cargo has been loaded and the vessel should sail tomorrow
a proper return port
homebound vessel
这艘货轮要行两周才能到达目的地The cargo ship will take two weeks to reach its destination
远洋线ocean lane
远洋the ocean shipping
drift off course
平舱条款a seaworthy trim clause
平舱条款a seaworthy trip clause
航证warranty of seaworthiness
证书the seaworthiness certificate
飞机证书certificate of airworthiness
速度convenient speed
适于有关fitted for the service
the navigable period
公海自由freedom of passage
通商通条约treaty of commerce and navigation
时间laden sailing time
laden sailing factor
铁路和rail and air
长期在always afloat (包括停泊期在内,租船用语)
运公会的承运人a non-conference carrier
非同盟运公司货船non-conference line vessel
非直达线indirect route
非自驳船dumb barge (没有帆或动力的驳船)
顺利a smooth sailing
预计开时间estimated time of sailing
预计开时间estimated time en route
驾驶员a pilot-navigator
飞机适证书a certificate of airworthiness
first open water (日)
香港国泰空公司Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.