
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
公共海范围public maritime domain eas or ocean areas owned by the state as opposed to individuals or corporations (属于国家的海洋范围,而不是个人或公司的。)
内河inland navigation The navigation of inland waterways, i.e. navigable rivers, canals, sounds, lakes, inlets, etc. (内陆水道的航行,水道包括:可通航的江河、运河、峡湾、湖泊、港口等。)
navigation The science or art of conducting ships or aircraft from one place to another, esp. the method of determining position, course, and distance travelled over the surface of the earth by the principles of geometry and astronomy and by reference to devices (as radar beacons or instruments) designed as aids (引导船只或飞机从一个地方到另一地方的科学或技术,尤其指依靠几何、天文原理和辅助设计的设备(如雷达信标或仪器)进行的地球表面的定位、线路和长途旅行方法。)
cruising Travelling by sea in a liner for pleasure, usually calling at a number of ports (为娱乐乘坐轮班在海上旅行,通常在许多港口有此项服务的报名处。)
快乐巡pleasure cruising The activity of rowing, sailing or using a boat over a particular region of water, for amusement or enjoyment (划船、帆船或在一个特定的区域的水中使用船,用来娱乐和享受。)
民用空交通civil air traffic Air traffic pertaining to or serving the general public, as distinguished from military air traffic (适用于或者服务于大众的航空交通,和军用航空交通有区别。)
海上maritime navigation Travelling on the sea by means of boats, ships, etc. (通过舰艇、船舶等方式在海上行进。)
天学astronautics The science of space flight (研究太空飞行的科学。)
摄照片aerial photograph An image of the ground surface made on a light-sensitive material and taken at a high altitude from an aircraft, spacecraft or rocket (用光敏材料从飞机、宇宙飞船或火箭等高海拔处拍摄的地面图像。)
摄照片aerial photography No definition needed (无需定义。)
海图chart A map for navigation that delineates a portion of the sea, indicating the outline of the coasts and the position of rocks, sandbanks and other parts of a sea; nautical (航海用的地图,勾画海的一部分,标示沿海轮廓和岩石,沙丘和其它地方的位置。)
空交通air traffic Aircraft moving in flight or on airport runways (航空器在飞行中或机场跑道上的移动)
空器aircraft Any structure, machine, or contrivance, especially a vehicle, designed to be supported by the air, either by the dynamic action of the air upon the surfaces of the structure or object or by its own buoyancy (任何由空气支撑的结构、机器或装置,特指交通工具;可以由装置和物体表面的空气运动支撑,也可以由自身浮力支撑。)
空器噪声aircraft noise Effective sound output of the various sources of noise associated with aircraft operation, such as propeller and engine exhaust, jet noise, and sonic boom (航空器运转所产生的各种噪音输出,噪音来源包括螺旋桨、引擎排气、喷射噪音和超声波音爆等)
空器引擎排放aircraft engine emission The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment, especially the stratosphere, chiefly from airplanes, helicopters and other high-altitude aircrafts (形成气状与粒状污染物并将其排放至环境中,尤其是平流层中;主要来自飞机、直升飞机和其他高空航空器。)
空条例air traffic regulation
空法air traffic law International rules and conventions relating to air transportation (空中运输相关的国际准则和惯例)
空照片注释器aerial photo interpreter
空照片翻译员aerial photo interpreter
空运输air transportation The use of aircraft, predominantly airplanes, to move passengers and cargo (使用飞机等航空器来运送乘客和货物)
行障碍物navigational hazard Any obstacle encountered by a vessel in route posing risk or danger to the vessel, its contents or the environment (船舶航行中遇到的可造成危险或者危害的任何障碍物,包括其容纳的东西或者环境。)
pilotage The service provided by a pilot, one who controls the movements of a ship or aircraft by visual or electronic means (由领航员提供的服务,通过视觉或电子手段控制船或航空器的运动。)