
Terms for subject Technology containing 航程 | all forms | in specified order only
上水航程upbound journey
下水航程downbound journey
业载航程payload range
航程控制midcourse control
中程导航系统medium range system
中间过程导航midcourse navigation
航程指示器master distance indicator
主机每分转数航程distance by engine revolutions per minute
主机转数航程distance by engines revolution
航程amount of drift
偏离航程deviation from voyage route
全程导航all-way navigation
全程导航all-way guidance
全程航行历时advance time
内河航运工程inland navigation projects
压舱货航程ballast passage
双程台卡导航系统two-range Decca
双程航路two-way route
周日航程day's run
回程航次homeward voyage
回程航次homebound voyage
国际航程foreign voyage
增大的巡航航程increased cruising range
大型曳航式远程旁测声呐测量GLORIA survey
天波同步远程导航skywave synchronized long range navigation
实际航程actual distance
实际对地航程distance over the ground
小型航道整治工程small-scale channel regulation project
往复航程out and home
往返航程round trip
往返航程船租合同round-trip charter party
往返航程船租合同return trip C/P
恒向线航程rhumb distance
战术航程tactical range
拟掘建航道里程draft channel kilometerage
方位航程航向指示器bearing distance heading indicator
无备份油量的航程no-reserves range
无风航程still air range
最大航程ultimate run
最大航程maximum range
最大航程巡航range cruise
最大载油量航程range with maximum tankage
最大速度航程range of maximum speed
最经济航程most economical range
朗伯航程Lamberts course
某航向上的航程miles on course
深水通航工程deep-draft project
港口短程助航仪器radar and television aid to navigation
直达航程through voyage
直达航程non-stop voyage
真实航程指示true range indication
航程平均价格short run average cost
航程short legged
航程试验measured mile trial
短程助航设备short-range aids
短程国际航行short international voyage
短程导航short-range navigation
短程导航图short-range navigational chart
短程导航图short-range navigation chart
短程导航图short-range chart
短程导航图shoran chart
短程导航设备short-range aids
短程护航队short-haul convoy
短程无线电导航系统short-range navigational system
短程无线电导航系统short-range navigation system
短程无线电导航设备short-range navigational aids
短程无线电导航设备short-range navigation aids
短程航行short-distance navigation
短程航运shorter haul
积算航程dead-reckoning distance
程序航迹procedure track
精确近程导航系统short-range navigation system
精确近程导航系统short-range navigator
精确近程导航系统short-range navigational system
精确近程导航系统precise radar navigation system
航向一航程指示器course and distance indicator
航标巡检里程trip mileage of inspection on aids-to-navigation
航标现场课程on-site course of aids-to-navigation
航标自动控制课程automated aids course
航标课程aids-to-navigation course
航程nautical distance
航程flying range (航空器)
航程中断broken voyage
航程保险voyage insurance
航程分阶段voyage in stages
航程历时duration of voyage
航程延长条款marine extension clause
航程引导midcourse guidance
航程指示仪mileage indicator
航程指示器yardage indicator
航程指示器mileage indicator
航程指示器log-face gauge
航程指示器log-face gage
航程损失loss of voyage
航程控制range control
航程显示器distance receiver
航程检查图range control chart
航程海图mileage chart
航程线rhumb line
航程终了end of passage
航程终点point of destination
航程航时图time-distance graph
航程mile table
航程distance table
航程计算器distance recorder
航程记录仪distance recorder
航程记录仪course recording machine
航程记录器distance recorder
航程记录器course recording machine
航程起讫点terminal of voyage
航程较短的shorter haul
航空和航天工程aerospace engineering
航空测量工程师aerial engineer
航空站工程学airport engineering
航空里程计air log
航线程序装置course programmer
航线里程mileage of shipping line
航运开发工程shipping development project
航运开发工程marine development project
航运水工工程hydraulic structure for water borne traffic
航道工程waterway project
航道工程navigation channel project
航道工程勘测waterway engineering survey
航道工程师waterway engineer
航道工程总体设计master design of waterway project
航道工程设计标准design standard of waterway project
航道底高程channel bed level
航道底高程channel bed elevation
航道浮标工程船fairway buoy engineering vessel
航道维护里程maintained mileage of waterway
航道里程waterway milestone
航道里程waterway mileage
航道里程标waterway milepost
航道里程标kilometer post of waterway
装定的航程set run
计程仪航程distance by log
计程仪航程指示器log register
计程仪航程计数器log clock
设计航道高程design channel elevation
货物航程cargo passage
超远程导航接收机super-long range navigation receiver
近程导航short-range guidance
近程导航设备short-range navigation aids
近程导航设备short-range navigational aids
近程导航设备short-distance navigation aid
近程航标系统short-range aids-to-navigation system
近程高精度无线电导航设备high precision short range equipment in electronic navigation
返航航程inward voyage
航程平均价格long run average cost
远洋航程deep-water voyage
远程助航设备long-range aids
远程导航long-range loran
远程导航区long-range navigation zone
远程导航图long-range air-navigation chart
远程导航系统long-range navigation system
远程导航设备long-range navigation aids
远程无线电导航制navaglobe system
远程无线电导航系统航标站navaglobe beacon station
远程航图long-range chart
远程航行long-range loran
远程航行long-range navigation
逆风航程upwind range
逆风航程upwind course
通航里程mileage open to traffic
通航里程air route in use
速度航程发送器speed distance transmitter (电磁计程仪)
航程long-range ship
航程限界价格long run marginal cost
飞行航程指示器air mileage indicator