
Terms containing 自 然环境 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.交互〔性〕自然语言环境interactive natural language environment
ecol.人力资源自然环境natural environment of human resources
tech.保护自然环境preservation of the natural environment
UN保护南太平洋区域自然资源和环境公约Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region
tech.保留自然环境地区wilderness area
UN公元2000年及其后欧洲经委会成员国环境保护和自然资源合理利用区域战略Regional Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources in ECE Member Countries Covering the Period up to the Year 2000 and Beyond
desert.自然环境semi-natural environment
tech.原始自然环境保护区wilderness preser vat ion area
tech.原始自然环境保护区wilderness preservation area
earth.sc.国家水文气象与自然环境控制委员会State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Control of the Natural Environment
med.自然环境in situ
tech.地区自然环境保护区prefectural nature conservation area
earth.sc.委内瑞拉环境和再生自然资源部Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Venezuela)
UN对环境和自然资源的承诺Commitments on the environment and natural resources
UN, ecol.恢复自然环境natural environment rehabilitation
geophys.恶劣环境自然伽马测井hostile natural gamma ray
earth.sc.恶劣环境自然伽马射线测井仪hostile natural gamma ray sonde
geophys.恶劣环境自然伽马探头hostile natural gamma ray sonde
UN指导各国养护和协调利用两国或多国共有自然资源的环境领域行为原则Principles of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States
busin.未破坏自然环境unspoilt nature
UN欧洲共同体委员会关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的收集、协调和确保一致问题试验项目的工作方案Commission Work Programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
tech.法国自然与环境保护部Nature and Environmental Protection Ministry of France
ecol.环境与自然资源environment and natural resources
UN环境与自然资源会计讲习班Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting
earth.sc.环境与自然资源管理environment and natural resource management
UN环境保护和合理利用自然资源长期战略Long-term Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources
UN环境养护和可持续利用自然资源盟约Covenant on Environmental Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
earth.sc.环境、卫生和自然资源局Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
UN环境和自然资源信息网Environment and Natural Resource Information Network
UN环境和自然资源信息网环信网Environment and Natural Resource Information Networks ENRIN Unit
UN, ecol.环境和自然资源发展委员会Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources Development
UN环境和自然资源开发委员会Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Development
org.name.环境和自然资源管理ENRM Program Area
corp.gov.环境和自然资源管理environment and natural resources management
org.name.环境和自然资源管理Environment and Natural Resource Management
UN, ecol.环境和自然资源管理司Environment and Natural Resources Management Division
tech.环境污染物自然容量natural capacity of the environment to pollutant
earth.sc.环境科学与自然资源研究部联合国Environmental Science and Natural Resources Research Department
earth.sc.环境科学与自然资源研究部联合国教科文组织Department of Environmental Science and Natural Resources Research UNESCO
UN环境问题与自然资源管理Environment Issues and Natural Resources Management
earth.sc.科学、技术、能源、环境和自然资源部science, technology, energy, environment & natural resources division
space综合自然环境synthetic natural environment
earth.sc.肯塔基州自然资源与环境保护局Kentucky Department for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
earth.sc.自然人文环境natural human environment
UN, biol., sec.sys.自然保护联盟环境法中心IUCN Environmental Law Centre
tech.自然区域环境natural regional environment
tech.自然地理环境physiographical environment
tech.自然地理环境physiographic environment
desert.自然地理环境physical geographic environment
ecol.自然地理环境physical geography environment
ecol.自然灾害环境卫生natural disaster sanitation
tech.自然环境natural cycle
busin.自然环境physical surround
hydroel.st.自然环境physical environment
hydroel.st.自然环境natural environment
agric.自然环境natural surroundings
expl.自然环境环境总体下的一个层次,指一切可以直接或间接影响到人类生活、生产的自然界中物质和资源的总和natural environment
environ.自然环境natural environment The complex of atmospheric, geological and biological characteristics found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well developed technological, human culture (在没有人类产品和影响地区出现的大气、地质和生物特征的复合物。)
tech.自然环境中的特性behaviour in natural environment
tech.自然环境中的特性behavior in natural environment
space自然环境仿真natural environment simulation
desert.自然环境侵害natural environment infringement
environ.自然环境保护conservation of natural resources
tech.自然环境保护nature conservation
tech.自然环境保护natural conservation
tech.自然环境保护区nature conservation area
tech.自然环境保护区natural environment preservation area
anim.husb.自然环境保护法Natural Environmental Conservation Act
tech.自然环境保护法Natural Environmental Conservation Act (令)
tech.自然环境保护法Natural Environment Conservation Act (令)
water.res., ecol.自然环境保护法令Natural Environmental Conservation Act
tech.自然环境压力natural environment stress
eng.geol.自然环境因素physical environmental factor
UN, ecol.自然环境复原natural environment rehabilitation
tech.自然环境异常natural environmental anomaly
tech.自然环境影响natural environment influence
earth.sc.自然环境恶化natural environment deterioration
anim.husb.自然环境有关的疾病nature environment related disease
desert.自然环境条件natural environmental condition
environ.英国自然环境研究委员会Natural Environment Research Council
avia.自然环境研究委员会Natural Environment Research Council (英国)
UK, space自然环境研究委员会Natural Environment Research Council
avia.自然环境研究委员会natural environments research council
gen.自然环境研究委员会Natural Environmental Research Council
anim.husb.自然环境研究理事会Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain)
earth.sc.自然环境研究理事会Natural Environment Research Council
earth.sc.自然环境研究理事会野外光谱装备部Natural Environment Research Council Equipment Pool for Field Spectroscopy
desert.自然环境管理natural environment management
tech.自然环境结构natural environmental structure
ecol.自然环境背景图map of natural environmental background
tech.自然环境致癌物natural environmental carcinogen
tech.自然环境要素natural environmental element
space自然环境试验natural environment test
tech.自然环境资料physical data
earth.sc.自然空间环境natural space environment
earth.sc.自然资源与环境保护natural resources and environmental protection
earth.sc.自然资源与环境控制局Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
earth.sc.自然资源、农业研究和环境natural resources, agricultural research and environment
org.name.自然资源及环境组Natural Resources and Environment
org.name.自然资源及环境组Natural Resources and Environment Group
earth.sc.自然资源和环境经济学natural resource and environmental economics
org.name.自然资源管理及环境部Natural Resources Management and Environment Department
org.name.自然资源管理及环境部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, NR
wind.自然风环境natural wind environment
earth.sc.菲律宾矿业和地球科学局-环境和自然资源部Philippine Mines and Geosciences Bureau-Department of Environment and Natural Resource
UN西亚区域国家环境和自然资源会计讲习班Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting for Countries in the West Asia Region
UN转型期国家环境与自然资源会计讲习班Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting with Particular reference to Countries in Transition
tech.难驾弩的自然环境unmanaged environment