
Terms containing 自 然保护区 | all forms | in specified order only
ecol.严格自然保护区strict nature reserve
forestr.严格的自然保护区strict nature reserve
ecol.中华人民共和国自然保护区条例P. R. China Regulation on Nature Reserve
ecol.丰林自然保护区原始红松林及寒温带针叶林生态系统保护区,位于中国黑龙江省伊春市Fenglin Nature Reserve
ecol.佛坪自然保护区大熊猫及森林生态系统保护区,位于中国陕西省佛坪县Foping Nature Reserve
UN保护南太平洋区域自然资源和环境公约Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region
UN公元2000年及其后欧洲经委会成员国环境保护和自然资源合理利用区域战略Regional Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources in ECE Member Countries Covering the Period up to the Year 2000 and Beyond
desert.劣地国家自然保护区Badlands National Monument (美国)
tech.原始自然环境保护区wilderness preser vat ion area
tech.原始自然环境保护区wilderness preservation area
austral., desert.吉普森沙漠自然保护区Gibson Desert Nature Reserve
life.sc.国家自然保护区National Nature Reserve
earth.sc.国家自然资源保护区协会National Association of Conservation District
earth.sc.圣莫尼卡山脉自然资源保护区Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
tech.地区自然环境保护区prefectural nature conservation area
ecol.地方自然保护区local nature reserve
tech.地质自然保护区geological reservation
tech.地质自然保护区geologic reservation
ecol.地质自然保护区geologic al reservation
earth.sc.多伦多市行政区自然资源保护管理局加拿大Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Canada
desert.大沙丘国家自然保护区Great Sand Dune National Monument (美国科罗拉多州)
tech.完整的自然保护区strict nature reserves
desert.怀特沙漠国家自然保护区White Sands National Monument (美国新墨西哥州)
ecol.扎龙自然保护区Zhalong Nature Reserve
ecol.拉什海自然保护区Lashihai Nature Reserve
tech.森林和野生动物型自然保护区管理Administration Measures of Nature Reserves for Forest and Wild Animals
environ.欧洲自然保护区European nature reserve No definition needed (无需定义。)
ecol.洪河自然保护区内陆湿地和生态系统保护区,位于中国黑龙江同江县Honghe Nature Reserve
tech.海上自然保护区marine preserve
tech.海上自然保护区marine sanctuary
tech.海上自然保护区marine nature reserves
ecol.海洋自然保护区marine natural reserve
busin.海洋自然资源保护区marine nature conservation area
ecol.纳帕海自然保护区Napahai Nature Reserve
austral., desert.维多利亚大沙漠自然保护区Great Victoria Desert Nature Reserve
environ.综合自然保护区integral natural reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national parks, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction. Nature reserves also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter (用以维持和保护某些特定的动物、植物或两者兼而有之的地区。国家公园大部分是公众休闲的地方,与国家公园不同,自然保护区是专门用来保护物种的。濒危物种越来越多地被放在自然保护区,以防止其灭绝,自然保护区也成为更多更丰富物种的休息、繁殖或过冬的地方。)
environ.自发性自然保护区voluntary natural reserve Area of national interest which is protected under the responsibility of its owner in order to safeguard wildlife, archeological and geological sites (基于国家利益,由地区的拥有者负责保护的区域,用以保障野生动物、考古和地质遗迹。)
space自然资源保护区natural conservation
agric.自然资源保护区natural conservation
ecol.自然保护禁猎nature sanctuary
tech.自然保护区natural reserves
tech.自然保护区nature protection area
tech.自然保护区wilderness preser vat ion area
forestr.自然保护区managed nature reserve
hydroel.st.自然保护区nature reserve
hydroel.st.自然保护区natural reserve
hydroel.st.自然保护区conservation distract
hydroel.st.自然保护区conservancy area
hydroel.st.自然保护区nature conservation area
eng.geol.自然保护区area of nature reserves
genet.自然保护区nature sanctuary
forestr.自然保护区wildlife sanctuary
forestr.自然保护区nature conservation reserve
wind.自然保护区conservation area
tech.自然保护区protected natural area
environ.自然保护区nature reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national park, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction, particularly in India, Indonesia and some African countries. Natural reserves were used once to preserve the animals that landowners hunted, but, in the 19th century, they became places where animals were kept to prevent them from dying out. Special refuges and sanctuaries are also often designated to protect certain species or groups of wild animals or plants, especially if their numbers and distribution have been significantly reduced. They also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter. Many parts of the world also have marine and aquatic reserves to protect different species of sea or freshwater plant and animal life (被分配的用于维护并且保护某种动植物的地区。它们不同于国家公园,国家公园基本上是公共娱乐的一个地方,而自然保护区是专门提供的物种保护地。濒危物种正越来越被放在自然保护区以防止其灭绝,特别是在印度、印度尼西亚和一些非洲国家。自然保护区曾经被用来防止土地所有人狩猎,但是,在19世纪,变成防止动物消失的地方。特别避难处和庇护所也经常被指定来保护某些物种或者野生动植物群,特别是如果它们的数量和分布已经明显减少时。它们也成为更多的物种休养、繁殖或过冬场所。世界上许多地方也有海洋和水生物保护区来保护不同的海洋或淡水动植物物种。)
anim.husb.自然保护区natural sanctuary
anim.husb.自然保护区nature conservation
tech.自然保护区natural reserve area
tech.自然保护区natural protection area
desert.自然保护区nature preserve
desert.自然保护区park land
desert.自然保护区nature sancturary
desert.自然保护区natural park
sport.自然保护区natural conservation
tech.自然保护区natural conservation zone
tech.自然保护区area of natural reserves
ecol.自然保护区wilderness area
ecol.自然保护区natural reserve region
desert.自然保护区natural area (指不受人为干扰的一片森林、草原或湿地,用以进行科学研究,或作普及教育基地)
ecol.自然保护区nature reserves
ecol.自然保护区natural conservation area
ecol.自然保护区分类classification of natural conservation area
tech.自然保护区或军事禁区unmined of natural area or military area
ecol.自然保护区nature reserve law
ecol.自然保护区Law on Nature Reserve
tech.自然保护区的类型categories of reservations
tech.自然保护区的类型categories of natural conservations
tech.自然保护区管理nature reserve management
tech.自然保护区管理机构office of nature reserves
tech.自然保护区评价标准criterion for reservation assessment
environ.自然区保护natural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained (积极管理自然地区以确保野生动植物被保护及保持其优质环境质量。)
tech.自然环境保护区nature conservation area
tech.自然环境保护区natural environment preservation area
ecol.自然资源保护区natural resource conservation region
tech.自然风景保护区natural protected landscapes area
ecol.自然风景保护区protected landscapes area
earth.sc.艾因盖迪自然保护区以色列Ein Gedi Nature Reserve Israel
China, law草原自然保护区grassland nature reserves
ecol.草地自然保护区natural rangeland-conservation area
ecol.鄂尔多斯自然保护区Erdos Nature Reserve
earth.sc.阿奇胡尔利自然资源保护区美国新墨西哥州arch hurley conservancy district NM
ecol.黄龙自然保护区大熊猫等珍稀动物及森林生态系统和自然景观保护区。位于中国四川松潘县Huanglong Nature Reserve