
Terms for subject Technology containing 自 来水 | all forms | in specified order only
专用自来水private waterworks
井水自来水waterworks supplied from well
公助自来水public-assisted water supply
城市自来水municipal water supply system
城市自来水municipal tap water
城市自来水供应municipal water supply
城市自来水供应city water supply
氩除气的自来水tap water degassed with argon
法定自来水公司statutory water company
环状自来水干管ring water main
美国自来水协会American Water Works Association
自来水city water supply
自来水供应服务人water undertaker
自来水公司water supply company
自来水公司water undertaking
自来水公司water company
自来水water supply plant
自来水water plant
自来水public water works
自来水厂建设waterworks construction
自来水厂设计waterworks design
自来水厂运作waterworks operation
自来水厂进水口intake of water works
自来水工程public water works
自来水工程师water engineer
自来水工程师学会Institution of Water Engineers
自来水工程系统public water works system
自来水救火龙头water hydrant
自来水水质标准water quality standard for water supply
自来水消毒disinfection of water supply
自来水消费者water consumer
自来水消防栓water hydrant
自来水用户water user
自来水用户water consumer
自来水fountain pen
自来水city water tank
自来水cold water meter
自来水water rate
自来水charges for water
自来水配水管网distribution system of water supply
自来水闸阀water gate valve